
 2022-08-06 10:08


摘 要



Modeling and Simulation of Communication System

based on Neural Network

04014444 Runing Xu

Advisor Wei Xu


Neural network(NN) is built according to human’s brain. It could have the ability to learn as human when fundamental things are abstracted from the network in our brain. Ordinarily, neural network is made of many layers, which are called hidden layers. These layers can not only reduce the parameters that the NN has, but also reinforce the non-linear feature of the network. The default loss function is the cross entropy of the distribution that the model output and that of the dataset. Maximum likelihood criterion offers a nice choice in spite of different models. Backpropagation algorithm can help gradient to update more hardware-efficiently, thus reviving the development of NN. Recently, in addition to image processing, speech recognition, face recognition and natural language processing, BP algorithm has been received great attention in the area of digital communication. It is a fundamental question in Communication that our task is to reconstruct the transmitted signal after it is received. Due to the complex situation, researches usually divide the whole system into several modules, including channel estimation, channel recognition, channel equation, signal classification, signal detection, coding and decoding, quantization, spectrum spread and non-linear filter, which can be optimized individually. Therefore, most modern applications of NN in digital communication are designed for modules, not the whole system. End-to-end communication system based on NNs requires designers to view the system as a whole, no matter whether the data is transmitted forward to calculate loss or backward to update gradients. Autoencoder is one of the NNs which needs to reconstruct the input at the receiver. Its operation and function is highly relative to the fundamental question of Communication. So it can be used to solve it. But when the size of input increases, it confronts the problem of tremendous parameters. This paper proposes an architecture based on autoencoder to accomplish the task of communication of single user and multiple users. In this architecture, reconstruction, the goal of traditional autoencoders, is transformed into classification since one-hot vector is used. Loss calculation can be easily achieved by cross entropy. In multiple users case, a new hyperparameter is introduced to decide the rate of loss that each user contributes and it is adaptive to achieve the best performance. Noise, which is annoying in Communication, is actually a method to reinforce the dataset to prevent the NN from overfitting. Finally, for the problem of high-dimension input, a novel convolutional autoencoder which has the advantage of sparse interaction and share parameters, is proposed to reduce the parameters of NN.

KEY WORDS: nerual network, autoencoder, communication system, end-to-end

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract 1

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 本文研究背景 1

1.1.1 神经网络的发展及研究现状 1

1.1.2 神经网络在数字通信中的应用 2

1.1.3 基于神经网络的端到端通信系统研究现状 9

1.2 本文研究内容 11

第二章 神经网络基础 13

2.1 引言 13

2.2 机器学习基础 13

2.2.1 概述 13

2.2.2 容量、过拟合和欠拟合 14

2.2.3 最大似然估计 16

2.2.4 梯度下降 16

2.3 深度前馈网络 17

2.3.1 线性模型 18

2.3.2 非线性模型 19

2.3.3 隐藏单元 19

2.3.4 输出单元 21

2.3.5 梯度下降及反向传播 22

2.3.6 万能近似定理和深度 23

2.4 卷积神经网络 23

2.4.1 稀疏交互 23

2.4.2 参数共享 24

2.4.3 池化 24

2.4.4 架构 25

2.5 学习和优化策略 26

2.5.1 正则化 26

2.5.2 数据集增强 26

2.5.3 提前终止 27

第三章 基于自编码器的端到端通信系统 28

3.1 引言 28

3.2 自编码器 28

3.3 端到端单用户通信 29

3.3.1 问题描述 29

3.3.2 架构搭建 30

3.3.3 仿真结果与分析 31

3.4 端到端多用户通信 42

3.4.1 问题描述 42

3.4.2 架构搭建 43

3.4.3 仿真结果与分析 43

第四章 基于卷积自编码器的端到端通信系统 45

4.1 引言 45

4.2 卷积自编码器 45

4.3 端到端单用户通信 46

4.3.1 问题描述 46

4.3.2 架构搭建 46

第五章 总结 48

5.1 论文主要贡献 48

5.2 进一步研究的方向 49

致谢 50


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