
 2022-05-12 09:05


摘 要

学生姓名:傅 雯 指导老师:赵 力、余 华





Student Name: Fu Wen Tutor: Zhao Li, Yu Hua

Recently, deep learning has received extensive attention in many fields. As an important application field, facial expression recognition has been deeply studied and studied. In the vast majority of cases, the research direction mainly focuses on algorithm identification based on the laboratory environment, and lacks the ability to apply real-world scenarios. Therefore, this thesis selects the expression recognition in the wild as the focus of work.

In this thesis, I mainly complete three tasks: the image based facial expression recognition method using deep convolution network on SFEW dataset; the video based facial expression recognition method using deep convolution network on AFEW dataset; deception detection based on blink detection. For the first task, I report a convolutional neural network structure, improving the recognition ability through image processing including face recognition, image preprocessing etc.; increasing the robustness of method through data enhancement; and improving the recognition performance by pre-training and weight migration based on FER-2013 database. Finally, a recognition rate of 52.11% was achieved on the SFEW dataset, 16.78% higher than the baseline result (35.33%). For the second one, based on the network structure and image processing above, the sampling of the video frame is introduced, the faces are aligned based on the face feature points, and the peak frame as the train image sent to the neural network is searched using HOG feature and the chi-square distance. This method achieved a 49.21% recognition rate on the AFEW dataset, exceeding the baseline result (26.30%) by 22.91%. For the deception detection, I selected eye movement as the deception clue, established the blink detection and designed experiments. By testing the experimental objects' blink delay and response delay of the stimulus, the threshold of two data is proposed by statistical analysis: 9.95 % and 3.85%. When the two data of the subjects exceed their normal levels, it is possible to guess that he(she) has fraudulent behavior.

KEY WORDS: Facial Expression Recognition; Deep Learning; Convolutional Neural Network; Deception Detection

目 录



第一章 绪论 1

1.1 概览 1

1.2 相关工作 2

1.3 本文工作 3

第二章 基于图像的深度CNN网络 5

2.1 预处理 5

2.1.1 人脸检测 5

2.1.2 人脸预处理 8

2.2 数据增强 9

2.3 基本网络结构 11

2.4 在FER2013上的预训练 14

2.5 SFEW上微调的网络 14

2.6 本章小结 15

第三章 基于视频的深度CNN网络 16

3.1 基于视频的人脸检测 16

3.2 人脸特征点定位 16

3.3 人脸对齐 18

3.4 识别峰值帧 19

3.4.1 HOG特征提取 19

3.4.2 峰值帧检测 21

3.5 AFEW上的CNN网络 21

3.6 本章小结 22

第四章 实验内容 23

4.1 数据集的选取 23

4.2 人脸检测的实验结果 23

4.3 基于图片的实验结果 24

4.3.1 预训练结果 24

4.3.2 训练曲线 25

4.3.3 归一化混淆矩阵 27

4.3.4 相关研究结果对比 28

4.4 基于视频的测试结果 28

4.4.1 检测率 28

4.4.2 归一化混淆矩阵 29

4.4.3 相关研究结果对比 30

4.5 本章小结 30

第五章 测谎的应用 31

5.1 现有的研究 31

5.2 可行性 32

5.3 实验 34

5.4 结果 34

5.4.1 周期内眨眼时间分布 34

5.4.2 被测者反应时间 35

5.4.3 被测者眨眼延迟 35

5.4.4 结论 35

5.5 本章小结 36

第六章 总结与展望 37

6.1 对实验的总结 37

6.2 改进方向 37

参考文献 39

致 谢 43




表情作为人类的重要视觉情绪线索,广泛认为是面部器官及肌肉行程的状态,如惊讶、伤心等,同时也包括身体整体表达出的身体语言。可用作情感识别的有效输入源包括多种类型的信号,例如视觉信号(图像/视频),音频,文本输入和生物信号。其中,对于基于视觉的情感识别,例如人的动作、姿势等许多视觉元素都可提供有效的信息。而人的面部表情则是基于视觉信号来分析人类情感中最重要的线索。表情分类技术是在基于人脸检测技术提取到的人脸面部信号的基础上,对其进行情感识别并归类为某一或某几种具体的情绪类别的技术。作为表情识别技术的关键内容及核心部分,表情分类技术已经有了非常深入及广泛的研究,涉及通常是基于特征提取和分类器的传统机器学习(Machine Learning)方法,以及新兴的基于神经网络的深度学习(Deep Learning)的方法。


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