
 2022-05-06 09:05


摘 要

学生姓名:刘子群 指导老师:罗琳






Student's name: Ziqun Liu Tutor: Lin Luo

Face images contain rich information, from which people can easily extract many useful information, such as identity, gender, racial characteristics, age, emotional expression and so on. At present, the research of face detection and recognition has made great progress, and has been widely used in intelligent cameras and access control systems. However, after face detection and recognition by the machine, the interpretation of the information contained in the face is far from mature. One of the extended applications of face image is gender recognition based on face image, which can be applied in many cases such as business analysis, human-computer interaction of intelligent hardware, large-scale government statistics, and so on. It has become a research hotspot in the field of computer vision and pattern recognition.

This paper contains the key steps of gender recognition: face detection, image preprocessing, face feature extraction and classification methods of introduction, introduces the basic principle and implementation method.

In this paper, the CAS-PEAL face database was used to extract LBP feature, Gabor feature and HOG feature as gender features. SVM was used for classification and recognition. The algorithm was executed many times for experiments. Comparing the results of three different features, come to the conclusion that the highest recognition accuracy is HOG.

KEY WORDS: gender recognition, LBP Feature, Gabor Feature, HOG Feature, SVM

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1. 研究背景和意义 1

1.2. 人脸性别识别研究现状 1

1.2.1. 基于特征分析的方法 2

1.2.2. 基于整体图像的方法 2

1.2.3. 分类方法之间的比较 2

1.3. 人脸图像数据库 3

1.4. 论文主要的研究工作 4

1.5. 论文结构 4

第二章 人脸检测和图像预处理 5

2.1. 基于Harr特征和Adaboost算法的人脸检测 5

2.1.1. 提取Harr特征 5

2.1.2. Adaboost算法 7

2.2. 图像预处理 8

2.2.1. 图像灰度化 8

2.2.2. 直方图均衡化 9

2.3. 本章小结 10

第三章 人脸性别特征提取 11

3.1. LBP特征 11

3.1.1. 原始LBP算子 11

3.1.2. 圆形LBP算子 12

3.1.3. 均匀模式LBP 13

3.1.4. LBP直方图特征提取 14

3.2. Gabor特征 14

3.2.1. Gabor小波变换简介 14

3.2.2. 二维Gabor小波变换 15

3.2.3. Gabor特征提取 15

3.3. HOG特征 16

3.3.1. HOG算子 16

3.3.2. HOG特征提取 18

3.4. 本章小结 18

第四章 支持向量机 20

4.1. 支持向量机概述 20

4.2. 支持向量机的分类介绍 20

4.2.1. 两类线性可分的支持向量机 20

4.2.2. 两类非线性可分的支持向量机 22

4.2.3. 近似可分情况下的支持向量机 23

4.3. 支持向量机的训练算法 24

4.3.1. 块算法 24

4.3.2. 固定工作样本集算法 25

4.3.3. 块算法和固定工作样本集算法的比较 25

4.3.4. 几种典型的SVM应用算法 25

4.4. 本章小结 28

第五章 性别识别实验 29

5.1. 实验内容 29

5.2. 实验结果 30

5.3. 结果分析 30

5.4. 本章小结 31

第六章 总结与展望 32

6.1. 本文工作总结 32

6.2. 本文的不足与展望 32

参考文献(References)837and baseline evaluations[J]. 34

致 谢 36

绪 论

    1. 研究背景和意义



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