
 2022-08-10 08:08


摘 要






In recent years, display technology has developed rapidly, and large screen display matured. Liquid crystal display and projection display technology can support large-screen display. Currently, projection display is the best implementation of large-screen display considering its cost and technology. The light source is a key component of the projection display, which directly determines the quality and the effect of the projection display device. There are many types of the light source of projection display, such as ultra high performance, light emitting diode, laser and laser—led hybrid light source. Laser has great potential in the application of the projection light source because it has many advantages such as single wavelength, directivity and high brightness, and laser projection display has played a more and more important role in the production and life of human beings.

Although laser projection display has a lot of significant advantages, when people use a home laser projection devices to watch programs, they will be prolonged low-intensity optical radiation in screen reflected light; they may also enter projection outgoing light path and be exposed to high intensity light radiation in a short time. Prolonged low-intensity optical radiation and high-intensity optical radiation in a short time can do harm to human body. This paper does research on optical safety properties of home laser display products and develops safety standards by studying the outgoing light and screen reflected light of home laser projection display system. This paper focuses on several key issues such as the parameters of optical safety characterization in two scenes, evaluation requirements, evaluation methods and the effects of screen structure on reflection characteristics.

KEY WORDS: home laser projection display; parameters of optical safety characterization; optical radiation

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.2 光辐射安全国内外研究概况 2

1.3 本课题主要研究内容 4

第二章 家用激光投影显示光辐射安全的表征参数与曝辐限值 5

2.1 光辐射安全的特性表征参数 5

2.1.1 辐照度 5

2.1.2 辐亮度 5

2.2 光辐射危害的曝辐限值 5

2.2.1 眼睛与皮肤的光化学紫外危害 5

2.2.2 眼睛的近紫外危害 6

2.2.3 视网膜蓝光危害 6

2.2.4 视网膜热危害 7

2.2.5 眼睛的红外辐射危害 8

2.3 本章小结 8

第三章 投影机出射光路的光辐射安全研究 10

3.1 测量条件 10

3.2 图案模式 10

3.3 辐照度测量 10

3.3.1 测量装置 10

3.3.2 测量步骤 11

3.4 辐亮度测量 11

3.4.1 测量装置 11

3.4.2 测量步骤 13

3.5 本章小结 13

第四章 屏幕反射光路的光辐射安全研究 14

4.1 测量条件 14

4.2 图案模式 14

4.3 辐照度测量 16

4.3.1 测量装置 16

4.3.2 测量步骤 16

4.4 辐亮度测量 16

4.4.1 测量装置 16

4.4.2 测量步骤 17

4.5 屏幕反射光路的光学仿真 17

4.5.1 仿真软件简介 17

4.5.2 仿真方案 17

4.5.3 仿真结果及分析 21

4.6 本章小结 22

第五章 投影机的危害等级分类与危险等级评价 23

5.1 投影机危害等级分类 23

5.1.1 连续辐射投影显示系统 23

5.1.2 脉冲辐射投影显示系统 25

5.2 危险等级评价 26

5.2.1 投影出射光 26

5.2.2 屏幕反射光 26

5.3 本章小结 27

第六章 测量设备规范 28

6.1 光谱测量设备 28

6.2 辐照度测量设备 28

6.3 辐亮度测量设备 28

6.4 校准辐射源 28

第七章 总结与展望 30

7.1 总结 30

7.2 展望 30

致谢 32

参考文献 33

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景及意义




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