
 2022-02-13 05:02


摘 要





The Mechanism of Improving Concrete Performance by using Electrokinetic Nanoparticles


Chloride ion corrosion in reinforced concrete is a common problem in the field of Civil engineering,with the time goes by,it is necessary to repair the concrete.At the same time,we should also take how to prevent it happen again into consideration.

This paper is based on the research of traditional electrichemical method to remove chloride ion,change the alkaline electrolyte solution to electrokinetic nano colloidal particles-Silica gel which nature is changed by alumina,and we import it to realize the repairment of concrete.At first,prepare the particles controllablely,and the factors are as follows:Positively charged particles,PH between 3-4,conductivity between 2-4 and the particle size is less than 24nm.Furthermore,we analyze the particles using electrophoresis,infrared spectrum and so on to ensure the import.

Made plain concrete and import devices to import particles for some time,and carry on microscopic characterization analysis to the concrete which has already repaired by MIP,XRD,bending and compressvive strength and chloride ion content.And the experiments show:the porosity of concrete decreases for a certain extent after EN treatment,formate with Ca(OH)2 to C-S-H and C-A-H,these are enhancement items which can improve the strength of concrete.Meanwhile,through a period of time of eroding by creating chloride environment ,we find that the chloride content is lower 20% compared to those were not treated,it proves deeply that the ability of resist eroding acquires enhancement.

KEY WORDS:Electrokinetic Nanoparticles,prepare controllablely,chloride ion corrosion,repairment of performance,structure of pore


摘要 I

Abstract II

目录 III

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景与意义 1

1.1.1 氯离子腐蚀带来的损失 1

1.1.2 氯离子腐蚀钢筋混凝土机理 2

1.1.3 防止氯离子腐蚀的一般方法 3

1.1.4 传统电化学除氯方式及特点 4

1.2 国内外研究现状 5

1.3 课题研究思路与基本方法 6

1.4 课题关键点与难点分析 6

第二章 原材料、实验设备及实验内容 8

2.1 原材料及其性能 8

2.1.1 聚合氯化铝 8

2.1.2 硅溶胶 8

2.2 动电纳米粒子性能指标 8

2.2.1 pH值 8

2.2.2 粒径 9

2.2.3 带电性 9

2.2.4 电导率 9

2.3 技术路线及实验设备 9

2.3.1 切向流超滤实验 9

2.3.2 粒度测试 10

2.3.3 扫描电子显微镜观察(SEM) 11

2.3.4 透射电子显微镜观察(TEM) 12

2.3.5 傅里叶红外光谱分析(FTIR) 12

2.3.6 压汞测试 13

2.3.7 X射线衍射仪测试(XRD) 13

2.4 实验方案 14

第三章 胶体制备及其表征 16

3.1 动电纳米粒子的制备 16

3.2 动电纳米粒子的表征 16

3.2.1 铝硅比对动电纳米粒子的影响 16

3.2.2 反应温度对动电纳米粒子的影响 17

3.2.3 胶体粒子的带电性表征 18

3.2.4 电导率与pH的表征 19

3.2.5 胶体粒径的表征 29

3.2.6 动电纳米粒子的傅里叶红外光谱表征 20

3.2.7 透射显微表征 21

3.3 本章小结 22

第四章 混凝土的制备及其修复 23

4.1 混凝土的制备 23

4.1.1 配合比 23

4.1.2 混凝土制备过程 23

4.2 混凝土的修复 23

4.2.1 测强度部分的混凝土修复 23

4.2.2 其他表征的混凝土修复 24

第五章 修复混凝土的性能表征及机理分析 25

5.1混凝土孔分布、孔隙率表征及分析 25

5.1.1 吸水-脱水实验 25

5.1.2 压汞实验 26

5.1.3 孔分布及孔隙率改善机理分析 28

5.2 X射线衍射测试 28

5.3 混凝土强度测试 29

5.2.1 混凝土抗折强度测试 30

5.2.2 混凝土抗压强度测试 30

5.2.3 混凝土强度性能提升机理分析 30

5.4 氯离子含量分析 30

5.5 本章小结 31

  1. 结论及展望 32

6.1 结论 32

6.2 展望 32

致谢 33

参考文献 34

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景与意义


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