
 2022-05-30 09:05


摘 要







Titanium alloy has a good comprehensive mechanical properties, and shows good biocompatibility, so its application in biomedical applications is very extensive. In recent years, the search for titanium alloys with similar or even lower bone elastic modulus has become the focus of material research. This article will start with the Ti-Nb binary alloy series in the AFlow material gene bank, and calculate the low elastic modulus Ti-Nb binary alloy with an elastic modulus around 40 GPa through the first-principles based on density functional theory. . In this paper, by comparing the elastic moduli of different symmetry structures, the relationship between the elastic modulus and the atomic structure is studied based on the total density maps and the partial wave state density maps of each element.

By writing scripts to mine the database, according to the atomic formation energy and the spatial group information, the extracted structure is divided into monoclinic, rhombohedral, cubic, hexagonal, tetragonal and orthogonal six crystal systems, each of which has three structures. The truncation energy of all crystal systems and the convergence of Brillouin region k point are tested. To meet axk=bxk=cxk in the crystal system, such as the lattice constants in the crystal system which are different from those of other structures, the convergence test of k points is needed. The results of convergence test show that most of the truncation energies of the crystal system are different at the convergence points of 450eV or so, but they are also around 10 ~ 11, which is the preparation for the following calculation.

The calculation of elastic modulus shows that the higher the symmetry the lower the elastic modulus and the more stable the calculated elastic constant matrix is. In the same crystal system, the elastic modulus of the structure increases with the increase of Nb content. The elastic modulus of hexagonal crystal system is negative, which indicates that it can not exist stably.Analysis results of integrated atomic formation energy and DOS,This may be due to the excessive formation energy of atoms and the low energy of Fermi surface.

The calculation results of TDOS and DOS show that the right side of the Fermi surface is mainly contributed by the 3d orbit of Ti. Ti and Nb's DOS indicate that they have a "resonance" phenomenon, which is a sign of bonding. The Fermi surface energy of all structures is not 0, indicating that the structure has covalent bonds and metal bonds simultaneously. With the increase of Nb content, the peak of the right side of Fermi surface gradually moves to the left. The energy of the Fermi surface increases and the binding force of the atom becomes larger, which eventually leads to the increase of the modulus of elasticity.

KEY WORDS: big data, Ti alloy, first principle, modulus of elasticity


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.2 低弹性模量钛合金的研究进展 1

1.2.1 钛与钛合金 1

1.2.2 生物医用材料的发展 2

1.2.3 生物医用钛合金的发展 2

1.2.4 第一性原理研究低弹性模量钛合金的进展 3

1.3 低弹性模量钛合金研究存在的问题 3

1.4 本文主要研究内容 3

第二章 计算方法 4

2.1 第一性原理简介 4

2.2 密度泛函理论 4

2.2.1 Hohenberg-Kohn定理 5

2.2.2 Kohn-Sham方程 5

2.2.3 交换-关联泛函 5

2.2.4 电子-原子核作用势 6

2.3 计算软件 7

第三章 Ti-Nb二元合金数据提取及收敛性测试 8

3.1 引言 8

3.2 Ti-Nb二元合金数据库 8

3.3 Ti-Nb二元合金的数据提取 9

3.4 收敛性测试 13

3.4.1 收敛性测试意义及方法 13

3.4.2 收敛性测试结果 13

3.5 结构优化 14

3.6 本章小结 15

第四章 Ti-Nb二元合金弹性模量的计算 16

4.1 理论与计算方法 16

4.1.1 立方晶系弹性常数计算公式 17

4.1.2 六方晶系弹性常数计算公式 17

4.1.3 四方晶系弹性常数计算公式 18

4.1.4 菱方晶系弹性常数计算公式 19

4.1.5 正交晶系弹性常数计算公式 20

4.1.6 单斜晶系弹性常数计算公式 20

4.2 Ti-Nb二元合金的弹性模量 21

4.3 本章小结 22

第五章 Ti-Nb二元合金电子结构计算 24

5.1 理论与计算方法 24

5.1.1 电子结构及态密度 24

5.1.2 态密度的计算方法 24

5.2 Ti-Nb二元合金态密度与分波态密度的计算 24

5.2.1 总态密度 24

5.2.2 各元素的分波态密度 27

5.3 本章小结 30

第六章 总结与展望 31

6.1 总结 31

6.2 展望 31

致谢 32

参考文献 33




钛合金运用于生物医用方面的情况较多。经过几十年的发展,生物医用钛合金经历了三代的变化。其组织由第一代的α钛过度到第二代的α β钛,最终发展到了现在第三代的β钛。由于β钛的力学性能与耐腐蚀性等更为复合人体要求,第三代生物医用钛合金成为当前生物医用钛合金研究的重要方向。


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