
 2023-04-16 09:00:26


摘 要



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Personnel Management has now become a very important part of business management and the proportion is still growing. It is worth mentioning that, along with advances in computer technology, the whole society for the business"s management efficiency put forward higher requirements, personnel management system for enterprise management is already integral, which is also in line with the modern enterprise management requirements, but also to promote the enterprise management to scientific and standardized way. Due to the increasing popularity of computer management, more and more companies began to use computer management personnel system, which is the trend, but also the general trend. In this article we will explore the use of MFC technical feasibility of the model and database structures a simple personnel management system, the personnel file of information based on computer technology, above, in order to hold data acquisition and analysis may have set an era of science and technology in line with the level of the standard , record changes, archiving and contrast in one of the data processing platform, enabling enterprise personnel file management standardization and institutionalization. Whether to adopt reasonable means of scientific archives management, as assess enterprise management level and competitiveness of important reference and yardstick. Business progress and history, will be completely true record, and to develop an important basis for the development of a good direction.

Keywords: personnel records management; MFC; database technology


摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 引言 1

1.1社会背景 1

1.2背景 1

第二章 可行性研究 2

2.1技术可行性研究 2

2.2经济可行性研究 2

2.3操作可行性研究 3

第三章 系统需求分析 4

3.1针对客户的需求分析 4

3.1.1 系统的工作流程介绍 4

3.1.2系统的功能要求方面介绍 4

3.2系统运行环境需求 5

第四章 系统概要设计 7

4.1 基本设计方案 7

4.1.1 数据库的设计概要 7

4.1.2 表数据分析 8

4.2详细设计 11

4.2.1 系统主体设计概要 11

4.2.2 框架设计 11

4.3 模块设计 12

4.4 基本数据设置模块简介 18

第五章 系统软件介绍及设计 19

5.1 设计原则 19

5.2 业务流程分析 19

5.3数据字典 19

第六章Visual Studio与SQL Server功能简介 21

第七章 结论 23

致 谢 24

参考文献 25

第一章 引言


在处于知识大爆炸的大背景下,在计算机互联网技术飞速发展的今天,人类逐渐在各个方面对计算机形成越来越大的依赖。工作、娱乐、学习、生活,它无孔不入,每个方面都有它的影子,当我们恍然惊觉,却再也离不开它。 计算机技术的突破,使人类社会进入了井喷式发展的时期,它所创造的辉煌无可比拟。在日常生活的各个方面,例如信息处理、信息整合、影音处理、资源整合、教育娱乐等,每每都能看到它的美丽且高傲的身影。各个行业的人们无需耗费太大的精力去学习如何操作就能运用自如。值得一提的是,人类是永远无法满足的,及时今天世界上已然拥有了那么多的种类和款式的软件,我们却依然不得不继续开发,以期能拥有更多。

以下我们通过调查研究,应对企业的现实需要,开发除了这款人事管理系统。在此过程中,由于水平的限制,我们采用了MFC为主体的开发软件,以Windows为平台,制作了图形界面,交互界面简洁明了,一目了然,方便快捷。同时我们采用了微软开发的SQL Server作为数据库,加强了稳定性。代码经过优化,对系统负载较小,且如果出了故障容易排除。


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