
 2022-01-17 11:01


目 录

一、绪论 4

1.引言 4

1.1研究背景 4

1.2研究问题 5

1.3研究思路与主要框架 6

1.4研究方法 6

1.5文献综述 7

二、相关概念的阐述 7

2.1会计自觉的定义与内涵 7

2.2会计自信的定义与内涵 8

2.3会计责任的定义与内涵 8

2.4三者的形成 8

2.5三者的发展 9

三、会计自觉的范畴 9

3.1会计自觉的必要性 9

3.2会计人员必须遵守会计法律法规 10

3.3会计人员必须遵守会计职业道德 10

3.4其他需要体现会计自觉的方面 11

四、会计责任的体系与基本构成 11

4.1会计责任的体系 11

4.1.1单位负责人的会计责任 12

4.1.2会计工作者的会计责任 12

4.1.3审计单位的职责(审计责任) 13

4.2会计责任的基本构成 13

4.2.1经济责任 13

4.2.2社会责任 13

4.2.3法律责任 14

4.2.4道德与文化责任 14

五、会计自信的内容 14

5.1会计自信的范围 14

5.2加强会计自信的途径 15

5.2.1内在途径(主动 15

5.2.2外在途径(被动) 15

5.3管理层过于自信 15

六、实现会计自觉的措施 16

6.1会计人员把握个人定位,严于律己 16

6.2企业管理当局建立健全内部安全机制 16

6.3政府加大对企业的监管,并积极、规律地组织会计方面的培训 16

6.4制法部门完善法律法规 17

6.5国家加强道德建设,形成良好的大风气 17

七、强化会计责任的方法 17

7.1加强会计工作者和单位负责人培训教育 17

7.2制法部门根据社会情况完善法律法规,并加大惩罚力度 17

7.3增强信息披露的透明度,让社会大众与利益相关者充分知晓所呈现的会计信息 18

八、会计自觉、自信与责任三者的关系 18

8.1会计自信与自觉的相互关系 18

8.2会计自信与责任的相互关系 19

8.3会计自觉和责任的相互关系 19

九、总结 20

参考文献: 20




ABSTRACT:With the development of each other's development, accounting has become more and more prominent in the trend of global economic development. But then, as a result of the Internet in the 21st century after 10 years of the second large-scale penetration of all walks of life, the improvement of technology and matters of the cumbersome and refining makes the possibility of accounting fraud and the incidence is increasing sharply. At the same time, the emergence of the modern enterprise system makes the information asymmetry between investors and operators, operators and other insiders have mastered more about enterprise financial situation and sustainable development of information, in order to meet the demand of their own interests, the situation of the accounting personnel to participate in fraud. Under this phenomenon strongly influenced, violates the accounting personnel is not just your own career, to the development of national accounting must be able to shrug off, not to mention to adapt to the change of accounting environment, promote our country accountant to work on the culture and so on a higher level. Accounting as an important branch of economic management, for the role of the national economy is self-evident, accounting this link a big loophole is bound to affect the economy running smoothly.

In this environment, external supervision of accounting behavior of the role is crucial, but practitioners (including units), head of the professional ethics is one of the cult's best approaches to fundamentally solve the fraud. Consciously promote the development of accounting career than passively adapt to effective, so accounting consciously, confidence and responsibility are three nots allow to ignore the subject, this article from different angles on the concept and the three current domestic problems and reasons of the problem, and combining with the understanding of the relevant literature to clarify their own point of view, finally proposes the corresponding solution measures. Because the previous prose thought is to the three are listed separately, so this paper combines three concepts and explain the relationship between the three, is a little innovation.

Key word: accounting consciously;accounting confidence;accounting responsibility;professional ethics









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