
 2022-01-17 11:01


目 录

1 绪论 6

1.1研究背景 6

1.2研究目的与意义 6

1.3研究的方法 6

1.3.1文献研究法 6

1.3.2案例分析法 6

1.3.3文本分析法 6

1.4创新与不足之处 7

2 文献综述 7

2.1家装O2O电子商务发展现状的调研 7

2.2家装O2O电子商务遇到的困境及对策 7

2.3针对家装O2O电子商务模式的探索研究 8

3 我国互联网背景下家装O2O电子商务发展现状调查 8

3.1调查目的 8

3.2调查结果分析 8

3.2.1现状 8

3.2.2优缺点 9

4 互联网背景下家装O2O电子商务发展困境 10

4.1家装行业与O2O电子商务存在融合障碍 10

4.2家装行业O2O电子商务发展模式单一 10

4.3家装行业发展O2O电子商务的技术力量不足 11

4.4家装行业发展O2O电子商务发展资本不足 11

5 实例分析部分 13

5.1案例一——“齐家网” 13

5.1.1案例简介 14

5.1.2案例分析 15

5.1.3案例总结 16

5.2案例二——“美乐乐” 17

5.2.1案例简介 17

5.2.2案例分析 17

5.2.3案例总结 18

6 互联网背景下家装O2O电子商务发展困境应对策略 19

6.1.融入互联网思维,拥抱电子商务发展模式 19

6.2 优化家装信息平台,注重微信和客户端营销 19

6.3 引进先进技术,培育优质人才 20

6.4 树立正确资本运营理念,寻找适宜的发展路径 20

7 结论 20

参考文献 21

致谢 23




Abstract:With the Internet fully infiltrating the business field, e-commerce has become a new business development model. The O2O model is one of the more rapid development models.In this context, the home improvement industry has also taken the initiative to keep up with the development trend of the Internet. Many home decoration companies have adopted the 020 e-commerce model, hoping to obtain new development opportunities. In this paper, through literature research, case analysis, found that domestic outfit O2O e-commerce development dilemma, combined with domestic outfit enterprise case illustrates, and puts forward relevant Suggestions, including thinking into Internet, embracing e-commerce development model; Optimize the home decoration information platform and pay attention to WeChat and client marketing; Introducing advanced technology to cultivate quality; Set up the correct capital operation idea, find the suitable development path. In short, the 020 e-commerce model is the current development direction of home domestic outfit companies. Only by adopting and adapting to this model as soon as possible can they take the initiative in the market and win development advantages.

Key words:Online to offline;electronic commerce;domestic decoration

1 绪论





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