
 2021-12-19 06:12


摘 要

容性设备的介质损耗因数()是一个反映高电压电气设备绝缘的重要参数,的测量可让我们发现电力设备绝缘系统的较大的集中性局部缺陷以及整体性缺陷,而及时有效的发现这些缺陷对于保障电网安全稳定的运行有着重要的意义。它可通过对电流电压信号进行相应处理来获得,但是,由于介质损耗角通常很小,而且在线监测系统的精度受很多因素的影响,从而加大其测量难度。所以一直以来,国内外对于的测量研究一直非常重视。随着数字信号处理技术的不断发展,介质损耗的算法也在不断的改进,本文主要围绕的测量精度对算法进行研究,在保证测量精度的同时也尽量保障在线监测数据处理的实时性。本文主要工作为:利用软件对电压电流信号进行模拟,得到相应的信号,然后利用相对比较法与过零比较法两种算法对其进行处理,并对结果进行比较分析,结合滤波,消除高次谐波以及外界环境等影响,提高计算精度。利用simulink 对信号进行仿真采样,得到电流与电压信号,其包括基本的基波信号,以及各次谐波信号。相对比较法利用互相关函数的相关知识,通过傅里叶变换与反傅里叶变换对信号进行处理,测量精度高。过零比较法以双极性过零比较法为基础,利用数字滤波器进行滤波处理,同时比较正负相的过零时间差,从而得到介质损耗角,精度相对较高。



Dielectric loss factor() of capacitive devices is one of the principal parameters which reflect the insulation of high-voltage electrical equipment, measurements of allow us to find the large centralized local defects and the overall defects of the electrical equipment insulation system, and timely and effective discovery of these defects is very important for the safe and stable operation of electric network. It can be obtained by processing the current and voltage signals, however, since the dielectric loss angle is usually small, and the accuracy of on-line monitoring system is affected by many factors, the difficulty of the measurement increased. so, at home and abroad the measurement of the has been attached great importance. With the development of digital signal processing technology, algorithm of dielectric loss are constantly improved, this paper mainly focuses the measurement accuracy of the algorithm study on ,to ensure measurement accuracy and also try to ensure the real-time online monitoring data processing. The main work: using software to simulate voltage and current signals to obtain the corresponding signal, and then use the relative comparison method and zero cross point comparing method to process it, and the results were compared, combined with the filtering, eliminate the impact of higher harmonics and the external environment, to improve the calculation accuracy. Use the simulink to simulate the signal, and the current and voltage signal are obtained, which includes the basic fundamental signal and the harmonic signal. Relative comparison method using the knowledge of cross-correlation function, by Fourier transform and inverse Fourier transform to signal processing, the accuracy of measurement is high. Zero cross point comparing method is on the base of double polarity crossing zero comparison method, using a digital filter for filtering, compare positive and negative phase of zero cross time to get the dielectric loss angle, accuracy is relatively high.

Keywords: dielectric loss; relative comparison method; zero cross point comparing method.


摘要 I


目录 III

第一章 绪论 1

1.1选题背景与研究意义 1

1.2研究现状综述 1

1.2.1国内外研究综述 1

1.2.2 介质损耗因数的数字化测量方法 2

第二章 介质损耗在线监测系统简介 3

2.1 介质损耗的测量原理 3

2.2 影响介质损耗因数在线测量的因素 6

2.2.1 谐波、噪声 6

2.2.2 传感器误差 6

2.2.3 PT角差 7

2.2.4 相间干扰 7

2.2.5 环境温度、湿度 7

2.2.6 电网频率波动 7

2.3 介质损耗算法介绍 8

2.3.1 谐波分析法 8

2.3.2 相对比较法 8

2.3.3 过零比较法 8

第三章 在线监测系统设计与仿真 9

3.1 原理简介 9

3.2 信号仿真 10

第四章 在线监测系统相关算法的研究 14

4.1 相对比较法 14

4.1.1 相关分析 14

4.1.2 相对比较法原理 16

4.1.3 相对比较法调试及结果分析 18

4.1.4 总结 22

4.2 过零比较法 22

4.2.1过零比较法原理 22

4.2.2过零比较法调试及结果分析 24

4.2.3总结 27

第五章 结论与展望 29

致谢 30

参考文献 31

第一章 绪论








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