
 2021-12-15 09:12


摘 要

论文作者签名: 导师签名: 日期:




关键词:杆塔模型 多波阻抗 接地电阻 PDCAD/EMTDC


Abstract:Tower grounding resistance of the transmission line is closely related to the qualification of mine-resistant line, which has a significant impact on the safety of the entire power system. Therefore, whether the measurement of grounding resistance is accurate is an important way to confirm whether the grounding requirement is qualified. In order to protect the security and stability of the power system, it is necessary to make sure that to measure the tower grounding resistance accurately in the line of construction inspection and routine maintenance. The common methods are three-pole and clamp method, whether it is three-pole or clamp method, it is needed to break down the connection between the tower and the ground rod before measuring. There is no doubt that it makes the measuring process more tedious. During the measurement, if someone forgets to break down the connection between the tower and the ground rod, there will be terrible error in the results. Thus, one method during which there is no need to break down the connection between the tower and the ground rod before measuring is needed.

This paper summarizes the current centralized model inductance, impedance model of single and multi-wave impedance model, and the methods of grounding resistance measurement such as three-pole and Clamp method, on which basis we will study the differences of the two measurement on both situations that the tower is connected to the ground or not. In order to make all the things mentioned above, PSCAD / EMTDC will be necessary for simulation.

Key words: Tower modeling; Multi-surge vertical model; Grounding resistance; PSCAD/EMTDC

目 录

1 绪论 1

1.1 课题研究的背景 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.3 本文主要研究内容 4

2 线路杆塔模型 6

2.1 引言 6

2.2 集中电感模型 6

2.3 单一的波阻抗模型 8

2.4 多波阻抗模型 9

3 接地电阻的测量与建模 12

3.1 接地电阻测量方法原理 12

3.2 三级法 13

3.3 钳表法 14

3.4 杆塔接地电阻模型 15

4 杆塔接地电阻测量的仿真 18

4.1 引言 18

4.2 波阻抗的Bergeron模型 18

4.3 六杆塔输电系统 19

4.4 杆塔的多波阻抗模型 20

4.5 钳表法测接地电阻 25

4.6 仿真结果与分析 26

5 总结与展望 31

5.1 工作总结 31

5.2 工作展望 31

致 谢 32

参考文献 33

  1. 绪论
    1. 课题研究的背景

第二次科技革命以来,社会存在和发展就离不开电力,作为国民经济的重要职能部门之一,电力行业在互联网时代,仍旧在为现代工业、农业、科技、国防源源不断 的输送血液,还与人们的日常生活有着密不可分的联系。电力系统的主体结构由各类发电厂站、升压变电所、输电线路、负荷中心变电所、配电线路以及用电设备组成。输电线 路由导线、避雷线、杆塔等主要电气元件组成。导线用于输送电能;为了防止线路被雷 击而跳闸或被损坏,引入了避雷线;为了解决长距离输电中导线和避雷线的布置,人们建立了杆塔并采用架空方式布置线路,同时杆塔的存在还解决了导线避雷线相互之间布线时存在的距离问题。在电力系统中,输电线路就是用于输送电能,联 系发电厂变电所,实现电力系统并网的重要组 成部分。输电线路分布广、线路长,纵横交错绵延千里,沿途遇到各种各样极为复杂 的地理环境和气象条件。如果输电线路的保护措施无法确保安全可靠,会给国民经济和人民群众生产生活带来极大的安全隐患。



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