
 2021-12-11 07:12


摘 要






Heart rate generally refers to the number of heart beats per minute. It is one of the physiological indexes in clinical routine examination. The heart rate monitoring system has been widely used in our daily life. In medicine, it can preliminarily determine the health status by measuring heart rate. Nurse hospital wants to give in hospital every day the patient takes the pulse to record the patient each minute pulse number, the method is with the hand according to on the patient wrist's department artery, carries on the counting according to pulse's beat. For the saving of time,will not make 1 minute survey generally, usually will be surveys in 10 seconds time palpitation's number, will be multiplied by again the result 6 namely obtains each minute palpitation number,even if will do this is quite time-consuming, moreover the precision will not be high.

In this paper, a device for measuring the heart rate measuring device with single chip microcomputer is designed..The sensors detect heart beating and the single-chip microcomputer gets the frequency by accumulating the times of heart beating.Considering need for heart-rate measuring device with low-cost and high-precision,the micro photoelectronic measuring instrument with digital display is designed. This heart-rate meter dependent diode emits infrared light,and the change of its transmittance can reflect the cyclical change of blood volume inside finger,then reception diode receives the modulated optical signal. The time is obtained by the inner timer of the single-chip microcomputer. The test result shows that the system works well with high sensitivity and short delay. It has realized the functions of design.

In the study of design,we can learn a lot of new knowledge. Such as the principle and use of single-chip microcomputer, or the knowledge of digital tube display circuit .In particular, the contrast study of the sensor can compare the advantages and disadvantages of various sensors, and get the reasons for the selection of photoelectric sensor.These have had a detailed analysis in the article, and have drawn the conclusion of the science

Keywords:heart-rate; single-chip microcomputer; Photoelectric sensor; AT89S52


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1.1 心率测量的基本背景 1

1.1.2 心率测量的基本发展 1

1.2利用血氧饱和度仪进行测量的相关知识 2

1.2.1 血氧饱和仪的定义知识 2

1.2.2 血氧饱和度仪应用的基本实现定律 2

1.2.3 目前血氧饱和度仪检测存在的问题 3

1.3心率血氧饱和度的误差可能影响来源 3

1.3.1 内在影响因素 3

1.3.2 外界影响因素 4

1.3.3 总结 4

1.4 本文的主要工作与结构 4

第二章 基本设计理论 6

2.1 光电容积法的测量原理 6

2.1.1 背景 6

2.1.2 皮肤与血液光学性质的研究 6

2.1.3 容积脉搏血流的模型研究 7

2.1.4 血流参数的检测装置对比 7

2.2 工作原理与可行性分析 8

2.2.1 血氧环境对检测结果的影响 8

2.3 系统整体方案与对比论证 9

2.3.1 心率检测传感器的选择 10

2.3.2 单片机的选择 11

2.3.3 显示部分的选择 11

2.4 本章小结 11

第三章 硬件电路设计 12

3.1 控制器 12

3.1.1 AT89S52单片机 12

3.1.2 AT89S52的特点 12

3.1.3 AT89S52的结构 12

3.2 心率信号采集 14

3.2.1 光电传感器的结构及原理 14

3.2.2 信号采集电路 15

3.3 信号放大电路 15

3.4波形整形电路 16

3.5单片机处理电路 17

3.6 显示电路 18

3.7 本章小结 19

第四章 软件程序流程图 20

4.1主程序流程 20

4.2定时器中断程序流程 21

4.3 INT中断程序流程 22

4.4显示程序流程 22

4.5本章小结 23

第五章 设计结果讨论与展望 24

5.1 设计结果 24

5.2可行性与扩展性 24

5.3未来的展望 25

致谢 26

参考文献 27

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景与意义

1.1.1 心率测量的基本背景

心率定义是心跳周期的表现,表明了心脏的搏动在一分钟里的数目。 心率作为一种生理指标,所反映的不仅是心脏的功能是强还是弱,同时也在一定程度上反应了人体运动强度。



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