
 2022-01-18 12:01


目 录

1.绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究目的及意义 1

1.3国内外现状 1

1.3.1火灾预警现状 1

1.3.2支持向量机研究现状 2

1.3.3简要评述 3

1.4研究内容及研究思路 3

1.4.1研究内容 3

1.4.2研究思路 3

2.物流园区火灾风险评估指标体系的建立 4

2.1人机环管理论(MMEM)确定风险因素 4

2.2评估指标确立 4

2.3层次分析法模型 5

2.4安全等级区间设置 7

3.支持向量机介绍 8

4.基于SVM的物流园区火灾风险预警 10

4.1 SVM模型 10

4.2结果分析与讨论 11

4.2.1结果分析 11

4.2.2讨论 14

5.结论与对策 15

5.1结论 15

5.2对策 15

参考文献 16

致谢 24

附录 25



, China

Abstract: China has entered the stage of the development of the centralized power of logistics network, how to effectively guarantee the stability of fire safety in the logistics park and it is of great practical significance to realize the advance warning of fire risk in the logistics park. To explore in view of the logistics park fire safety plan, in this paper, using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and support vector machine (SVM) two methods respectively to park fire condition are analyzed and predicted, for logistics park provides the theoretical support, researches on the fire risk and early warning research of logistics industry in other areas to provide the reference basis.

At the same time, through the man-machine-environment-management theory (MMEM) to find the influencing factors, the AHP was used to establish the fire warning risk indicator system and set up the safety rating system. On this basis, this paper puts forward the classification prediction of fire risk early warning model based on SVM, and the accurate prediction results are obtained. he analysis results showed that the two factors, machine and environment, had the greatest influence on the fire risk of the logistics park in the four influencing factors of man-machine-environment-management theory (MMEM). Among them, the construction structure and the cargo maintenance in the third level indexes have the greatest impact on the fire in the logistics park.

Finally, the following countermeasures are proposed for the 11 indicators in the secondary indexes: to improve the quality of fire safety of employees; Regular inspection of electrical circuit insulation; Set up indoor and outdoor fire hydrant system; To set the height and position of the exhaust vents strictly in accordance with the regulations; Timely adjust the storage environment according to the change rules of stock goods; According to functional zoning and reduce the vacancy rate of the park; The steel structure and concrete structure materials are used to construct the buildings in the park. Control the building area strictly according to the regulations; Reasonably set evacuation exit, evacuation distance and safety sign; Perfect emergency plan and conduct regular exercise; Standardization management and fire control safety responsibility system.

Keywords: fire forewarning; SVM; logistics park; AHP





仅在2002年一年时间内在全国范围内发生的同类火灾数量多达34457起,造成的直接经济损失高达18580.3万元。根据统计发现,物流园区仓储环节发生火灾案例的数量逐年增加,如:在2008年12月8日,上海施耐德电气公司的物流园区仓库内发生过火面积达50000平方米的火灾,所有货物毁之一炬;在2008年12月22日,南宁市南广物流区金城物流公司29号仓库燃起大火,300多包铝粉突然爆燃;2009年5月14日,柳州市一物流公司突发过火面积达2600平方米的火灾,存放空调、冰箱等家用电器以及白糖等大部分货物被烧毁;在2009年8月26日,武汉一物流园区仓库内发生火灾,大量胶制品和编织袋被烧毁;在2009年9月2日,临沂市兰山区金兰物流城F3区,卸车过程中突发燃爆事故,造成18人死亡,这类突发火灾对企业、国家造成巨大的负担 [[1]]。








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