
 2023-03-16 09:32:57


摘 要




Research on the Present Situation and Optimization Strategy of Logistics Distribution in Jingdong


In recent years, consumption patterns as a result of the development of e-commerce has changed, people"s consumption patterns from the traditional consumption into a physical store consumption and network consumption combined, which also makes the business model has changed. More frequent online consumption Today, this e-commerce business is a rare opportunity, it can quickly organize information and convey information, changing the situation of the goods layer by layer, creating a new point-to-point logistics model, making the goods distribution Time reduction, logistics cost reduction, customer satisfaction is improved. E-commerce enterprises in order to better development, suitable for their own logistics model is particularly important, so e-commerce business is now the key issue is to find suitable for their own logistics and distribution model.

Jingdong Mall is currently the largest B2C integrated shopping site and a typical representative of the domestic e-commerce enterprises, from its inception more than 10 years of development. The development of an electric business is good and bad, and it is closely related to the logistics and distribution model. In this paper, Jingdong Mall for the study of cases, the use of literature analysis and case analysis method, sorted out now Jingdong Mall used in the logistics and distribution model - self-logistics and third-party logistics node, in order to find the distribution model is relatively easy part of the problem , For the problem of links to improve the program, making the Jingdong Mall more perfect logistics, logistics and distribution companies to reduce some unnecessary expenses, so that business costs, profits increased, the core competitiveness has been improved. With the help of Jingdong Mall distribution model analysis, combined with other information and survey results, you can find the entire e-commerce industry on the logistics and distribution of the inadequacies of the domestic e-commerce enterprises to support the future development of theoretical guidance.

Keywords: Jingdong Mall;Logistics and distribution model; Self-logistics; Third-party logistics

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.2 研究思路及方法 1

1.3 论文框架 1

第二章 文献综述 3

第三章 京东商城物流配送模式现状 5

3.1京东商城简介 5

3.2京东商城物流配送模式分析 5

3.2.1 自建物流模式 5

3.2.2 第三方物流配送模式 6

3.2.3灵活的其它物流配送模式 6

3.3京东商城物流配送模式利弊分析 7

第四章 京东商城物流配送模式存在的问题 9

4.1自营物流模式存在的问题 9

4.1.1模式单一,灵活性差 9

4.1.2顾客进行有效的申诉困难 9

4.1.3员工队伍管理困难 9

4.1.4配送压力大 10

4.2第三方物流模式存在的问题 10

4.2.1不能有效地控制合作的第三方物流 10

4.2.2服务质量不能得到保证 10

第五章 京东商城物流配送模式的优化 12

5.1自建物流配送模式的优化 12

5.1.1合理规划企业资金 12

5.1.2优化申诉流程,加强客户信息的反馈 12

5.1.3开发具有增值性业务 12

5.2第三方物流配送模式的优化 13

5.2.1与第三方物流企业建立友好的合作关系 13

5.2.2提高服务水平 13

结 论 14

致 谢 15

参考文献(References) 16

第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景及意义


1.2 研究思路及方法



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