
 2022-03-12 03:03


摘 要






Table of Contents

Acknowledgements 4

Abstract 5

摘要 6

Introduction 8

Chapter One

The Contradictory Identity of Free-Mason 11

1.1 The Belief of Free-Mason 11

1.2 General Misunderstand of Free-Mason 12

1.3 Robert Langdon’s Query 13

Chapter Two

The Analysis to Katherine and Peter 16

2.1 The Multiple Identities of Peter Solomon 16

2.2 The Talk in Family Library 17

2.3 Noetic Science 19

Chapter Three

What Mal'akh is Chasing: Faith Fading and Losing between Contradiction and

Independence 21

3.1 The Change of Mal'akh 21

3.2 Ancient Mysteries Rebuilds Faith 23

Conclusion 25

Works Cited 26


Dan Brown, one of the most bestselling writers of America, was born in 1964. His novel The Da Vinci Code has been in the top of best-seller list of New York Times since it came out. His father is a famous mathematics professor and his mother is a religious musician. Growing up with this unique background, Dan Brown always chooses science and religion as the theme of his works. Generally his works reflect the world view that science and religion are contradictory and coexisting. It took him around six years to finish The Lost Symbol. In his works, high technology and ancient mysterious knowledge are in conflict and fusion. This is not only the Dan Brown’s writing features, but also the real reflection of the living condition of modern human being. The works of Dan Brown masterly mix cryptology, mathematics, religion, art, culture, oceanography, geology, astrophysics, paleo biology, and glaciology etc. The ups and downs plot satisfies different reading taste of people.

The Lost Symbol describes that Robert Langdon, the semiologist of Harvard University was invited unexpectedly to the Capital Building for a speech. After he arrived there, things became weird. A hand which the thumb and index finger were fully extended of pointed toward the soaring dome and was put into the Capital Building. Every finger had a strange tattoo with special semiologic meaning. Landon recognized that this hand belonged to his beloved teacher Peter Solomon and the gesture with tattoo stood for an ancient invitation leading to a mysterious and wise world. He realizes that his teacher was kidnapped brutally. If he wanted to save his teacher, he must receive this invitation. However, time was limited and he had to solve the mystery about human civilization step by step.

There exist large number of general researches on the relationship between religion and science in the academia abroad, for instance, Faith and Modernity written by Philip Sampson, “Experiencing Science and Religion Alone and in Conflict” written by D Rioux, J Barresi and “Are Science and Religion in Conflict?” written by F Watts. At home, Xie Aihua, Ye Shuxian and Zhang Zixia have dedicated to the researches. Also, the study about Dan Brown and about the rest of his works can be easily found, like some works written by Bart D. Ehrman,Lisa Rogak and Zhu Zhenwu. However, most of these studies focus on The Da Vinci Code, the writing style and narration methods of Dan Brown. It is difficult to find out books, papers or journals about The Lost Symbol. However, Wang Jierong made contribution to this field. Furthermore, these few researches pay attention to the symbol elements, narration skills, postmodern ethics identity, the art of translation etc. Therefore, there are quite small numbers of researches on The Lost Symbol from the aspect of religion and science.

This thesis aims at increasing the variety of researches about The Lost Symbol from the angle of relationship between science and religion. Firstly, this paper will comb out articles that focus on research about Dan Brown and The Lost Symbol. Next, combining with proofs in the text, it will expound from the aspect of the conflict between science and religion. Then, evidences which reveal modern science derived from religion and enlightened by religion and how science promotes the development of religion will be found from the angle of the interdependence, interaction and coexistence between science and religion. Finally, through these analysis, mind anxiety and belief defect of modern people are easily exposed. Furthermore it will be helpful to figure out how to rebuild their belief and faith.

This article will adopt the means of intensive reading of the text and mixing different disciplines to study the mutual conflicting but interdependent relationship between science and religion in The Lost Symbol. Via understanding this relationship, this paper will analyze the phenomenon of people belief defect in modern society and give suggestions for rebuilding faith.

In the late twentieth century, the conversation between religion and science stepped into a new stage, which was contributed by famous scholars, like the theologian T. F. Torrance and the scientists Raymond Davis. On the one hand, there are few researches on The Lost Symbol home and abroad. So it is the first innovation of this thesis. On the other hand, studying The Lost Symbol from the aspect of the relationship between religion and science is another innovation.

Chapter one

The Contradictory Identity of Free-Mason: The Contradiction between Religion and Science

1.1 The Belief of Free-Mason

Looking back into the past, under the rule of the Holy See, Giordano Bruno and Galileo disobeyed the commandments resulting in unmerciful persecution, which seems to reveal irreconcilable contradiction between science and religion.

The plot of this novel focuses on exploring the secret of the Masonic Pyramid. For centuries, the Free-Mason has been mysterious for most people. Therefore, they have been insisting revealing the Free-Mason. “…masonic philosophy celebrate the potentiality of God within each of us” (194; ch.49). Although the Free-Mason is not the exact form of religion, it does have specific faith which is worshiping the God in people’s mind and worshiping the power of humankind. “Freemasonry, like Noetic Science and the Ancient Mysteries, revered the untapped potential of the human mind, and many of Masonry’s symbols related to human physiology.”(429;ch116). This sentence in the novel explains all above well. Besides, the belief of Free-Mason is full of scientific significance. Because of this complex and contradictory identity, the development of the Free-Mason is limited and members need to keep secret.

“For America’s Masonic forefathers, the Word had been the Bible.”(487;ch130). We all know that how vital the Bible is for Christian. Free-Mason regards it as a highest standard for daily behavior. However, later the rule had developed into a weird ceremony. Even worse, some people call it “superstition”. From the aspect of science, the belief of Free-Mason is untenable and was not admitted. It is well known that the terminal point of science is nature, while the terminal point of religion is morality. The religion is the product of imagination and gives the mysteries answers to the world. And this mystery is artificial and makes no sense. Therefore, the irreconcilable contradiction makes the Free-Mason special and full of dispute.

1.2 General Misunderstand of Free-Mason

Coming back to modern society, John Worrall put forward the idea, “science makes religion lose credibility” and had following arguments: First, religious knowledge must possess effectiveness of common knowledge. Second, there is only one criteria to judge the effectiveness of knowledge. Third, so far, scientific knowledge is the most effective knowledge of human society. Fourth, the effective of knowledge should be judged by science. Fifth, the religious knowledge is dogmatic while the scientific knowledge is open-minded. Sixth, religion admits the existence of natural entity while science is naturalism. Seventh, religious knowledge does not conform to scientific standard. Eighth, through the first and seventh idea, religious knowledge does not possess effectiveness. Ninth, from the view of proofs doctrine, science knowledge is supported by independent evidence and therefore is reasonable. Tenth, as for religion, there is no independent evidence to prove the existence of supernatural entity. Eleventh, so religion is unreasonable. Twelfth, human beings should believe in effective knowledge. Thirteenth, the faith should obtain effectiveness. Fourteenth, concerning the eighth and eleventh idea, religion does not meet the standard of the twelfth and thirteenth. As a result, people should not believe in religion. It is obvious that science gives religion a strong strike. Therefore, educated people would choose science instead of religion and choose rationality to explain the world instead of creationism. It is not strange that Free-Mason is generally misunderstood as heresy.

There are numbers of evidences in the context presenting that Free-Mason is universally regarded as heresy. “Misinformation about the Masons was so commonplace that even educated Harvard students seemed to have surprisingly warped conceptions about the brotherhood”(26;ch6). With booming development of science and education, more and more young people believe in atheism and their thinking mode is more reasonable. The same as the freshman in the novel, he rushed into Landon’s classroom talking about something like “satanic pentacles, a Masonic compass and square, the head of Baphomet”(26;ch6) which he thought can prove apparently that the Masons were involved in some kind of dark, mystical conspiracy. From this point, we can easily find the deep prejudice aroused by the influence of science. More interesting is what Langdon answered “in the time of religious oppression, knowledge that was counterdoctrinal had to be kept hidden or ‘occult’, and because the church felt threatened by this, they redefined anything ‘occult’ as evil, and the prejudice survived.” (27;ch6). Langdon explained the source of prejudice. On the other hand, the prejudice is the strong evidence to show us the restriction to scientific research in the early years. When Langdon gave the lesson in Harvard’s Sanders Theatre, students’ query, curiosity and even fear illustrates the general misperception “the kid said, standing up. ‘I heard what they do inside those secret buildings! Weird candlelight rituals with coffins, and nooses, and drinking wine out of skull. Now that’s freaky!’”(31;ch6). Those students who have been receiving higher education and taking science class since primary school cannot acknowledge supernatural phenomenon and insist that is a kind of superstition. Also, their epistemology is a combination of experience and reason and they always focus on suspect and logic against to religious faith. So, it is not strange to see the normal misunderstanding of Free-Mason.

1.3 Robert Langdon’s Query

Robert Landon always reminded his student “Most modern religions included stories that did not hold up to scientific scrutiny.”(79;ch19) Because of the identification of Langdon------a person receiving higher education and a university professor, he get used to thinking in logical and rational pattern. Therefore, it is hard for him to admit the effect and scientificity of religion.

As an academic, Landon could not deny the historical record of these traditions------troves of documents, artifacts, and artwork that, indeed, clearly suggested the ancients had a powerful wisdom that they shared only through allegory, myths, and symbols, ensuring that only those properly initiated could access its power. Nonetheless, as a realist and a skeptic, Langdon remained unconvinced.(79;ch19)

From the contradiction on Langdon, we find the conflict between science and religion. Actually, in the long history of humankind, the contradiction between religion and science was mixed in their complicated connection. In ancient society, the bud of scientific knowledge was included in ancient religions. On typical condition, the religious organizations and clerical personnel made contribution to science. The contribution is related to the opinion that God creates the world according to highest reason. And this opinion push theologian to explore the law of cosmic movement. However, the result of scientific research always appears as the denial of theological world view. During specific historical time, the places holding religious activities and the religious organizations always are the places holding scientific activities and the organizers. When the study of science threats the foundation of theism------the conception of God creating the universe, the church and the authority would kill the spread of science and even scientists.

In Chapter 30, “despite a career studying mystical symbols and history, Langdon has always struggled intellectually with the idea of the Ancient mysteries and their potent promise of apotheosis.”(127;ch30) Science states the fact, while religion expresses the faith. Science studies the outside and objective world, while religion focuses on the inner and subjective world. Science explores the relationship of substance, while religion concerns more about the relationship between human beings and God. Science is a knowledge system basing itself on logic and reason for knowing things objectively. The core of religion is faith which is the spiritual pillar for people to move on with courage when they confront difficulties, disasters or hopeless situations. This is the power of religion. By believing in God, people get rid of annoyance, pain and fear finding the mental harmony and freedom. Science is the conclusion of social experience and practices and develops during social experience. The power of science lies in analysis and summary and turn this into objective rules conducting people to change the objective world. That is the distinctions of rationality and non-rationality. Langdon’s query reflects the complex and irreconcilable relationship between science and religion.

Chapter Two

The Analysis to Katherine and Peter

2.1 The Multiple Identities of Peter Solomon

Although science and religion are two totally different domains and they operate diversely and even have tense conflict, generally speaking, essentially connecting with the existence of human being, science and religion enjoy peaceful coexistence during most of the time. In many cases, they promote each other and develop together. From analyzing the multiple identity of Peter Solomon, it will be easy to understand the interdependence between religion and science. On the one hand, Peter is a member of Free Mason. Like other members, he is keeping the one secret and has a kind of faith which is a belief in a higher power. On the other hand, he is the secretary of the Smithsonian, an academic association aiming for advance scientific knowledge.

As for Peter, two different identities get along with each other harmoniously in the individual. From the perspective of religion, first some religious ideas have certain scientificity. Second, religious faith is inspiring for scientific research. Peter, a scientist with religious faith, studies without concerning about practical fame and fortune. Besides, religious faith can prolong the enthusiasm of research, keep the scientific faith and possess the spirit of persistence and courage. From the perspective of science, some scientific theory is helpful to elucidate religious doctrine. For instance, in the history of Christianism, numbers of theologian used the development of modern science to explain theological theory. With the fast development of science, many skills and equipment are made use of promoting the effectiveness and consequence of religious activities in order to spread and develop religion.

In Chapter 82 of The Lost Symbol, Colin Galloway, dean of the cathedral, said to Langdon “I realize that you, like many educated people, lived trapped between worlds-----one foot in spiritual, one foot in the physical. Your heart yearns to believe…but your intellect refuses to permit it. As an academic, you would be wise to learn from the great minds of history”(308;ch82). He also mentioned words from Albert Einstein “That which is impenetrable to us really exists. Behind the secrets of nature remains something subtle, intangible, and inexplicable. Veneration for this force beyond anything that we can comprehend is my religion.”(308;ch82) Even Einstein cannot avoid admitting the significance of combination between religion and science to the cultivation of human beings. The old man’s overt passion for mystical forces reminded Katherine of her bother. There are some similar virtue and opinions between her bother and the old man. In chapter 84, Katherine said “If there’s one thing I’ve learned from Peter, it’s this: Science and mysticism are very closely related, distinguishable only by their approaches. They have identity goal…but different methods.”(313;ch84) We can laterally see Peter’s thinking pattern is affected deeply by both science and religion. Peter Solomon believe in general causality and insist that naturally the world is orderly and recognizable. From the distant past to the future, every detail is necessary and certain. The religious emotion of Peter is the most powerful motivation of scientific research in Smithsonian. Only by making great effort and being full of energy can scientists understand strength of religious emotion and avoid the annoying things like fame and fortune brought from realistic life. In his eyes, God is the symbol of natural order, which is the objective law of nature. It is the join of religion and science that makes the Peter Solomon.

2.2 The Talk in Family Library

“The key to our scientific future is hidden in our past.”(57;ch15) In the family’s book-filled library, Katherine and her brother were having an interesting even enlightening discussion. What they first mentioned is entanglement theory.

Entanglement was at the core of primeval beliefs. Its name are as old as history itself…Dharmakaya, Tao, Brahman. In fact, man’s oldest spiritual quest was to perceive his own entanglement, to sense his own interconnection with all things. He has always wanted to become ‘one’ with the universe…to achieve the state of ‘at-one-ment’. To this day, Jews and Christians still strive for ‘atonement’…although most of us have forgotten it is actually ‘at-one-ment’ we are seeking.(58;ch15)

Peter explained the entanglement theory derived from ancient wit. “Subatomic research had now proven categorically that all matter was interconnected…entangle in a single unified mesh… a kind of universal oneness.”(58;ch15) Entanglement theory is worked out by science research and will be applied in scientific study and reasonable life. It is difficult to figure out which one is the helper and promoter in the religion and science. Just like the theory, they interconnect with and depend on each other.

Next, they referred to polarity, the positive/negative balance of the subatomic realm. Katherine thought the ancients could not understand this. However, again Peter picked up some argument easily “Modern polarity is nothing but the ‘dual world’ described by Krishna here in the Bhagavad Gita over two thousand years ago. A dozen other books in here, including the Kybalion talk about binary systems and the opposing forces in nature.” (59;ch15) Katherine was still not convinced and talked about the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, modern discoveries in subatomic. “The sacred Hindu Vendantic scriptures known as the Upanishads. Heisenberg and Schrödinger studied this text and credited it with helping them formulate some of their theories.” (59;ch15) Peter answered with great confidence. Most religious books are not only the consolation for human souls but only the original source of reason.

Finally, there came a significant book, The Complete Zohar, the fundamental text of early Jewish mysticism. To Katherine’s amazement, “the text and drawings clearly outlined the exact same universe heralded by modern superstring theory------a ten-dimensional universe of resonating strings.”(59;ch15) Besides, it even describes how six of the dimensions are entangled and act as one. Peter’s conclusion is quite insightful

Katherine, we have been born into wonderful times. A change is coming. Human beings are poised on the threshold of a new age when they will begin turning their eyes back to nature and to the old ways…back to the idea in books like the Zohar and other ancient texts from around the world. Powerful truth has its own gravity and eventually pulls people back to it. There will come a day when modern science begins in earnest to study the wisdom of the ancients… that will be the day that mankind begins to find answers to the big questions that sill elude him. (60;ch15)

He had figured out the subtle relationship between religion and science. Quite so, he can become the member of Free Mason and Smithsonian at the same time. Once people can handle the relationship well, they can easily get access to success and obtain a benefit from the both sides.

2.3 Noetic Science

The noetic science has strongly proved “our thoughts actually interacted with the physical world, whether or not we knew it, effecting change all the way down to the subatomic realm.”(56;ch15) “The overall thesis was simple: We have barely scratched the surface of our mental and spiritual capabilities.”(55;ch15) The text gave us an example about American 911 on noetic science. Four scientists found that when the whole American got addicted in sad atmosphere together, the data of the thirty-seven Random Event Generator spread all over the world was changing correspondently. This research is very similar to an ancient spiritual belief in a “cosmic consciousness”. Katherine’s research is based on above theories, “proving that ‘focused thought’ could affect literally anything------the growth rate of plants, the direction that fish swam in a bowl, the manner in which cells divided in a petri dish, the synchronization of separately automated system, and the chemical reactions in one’s own body.”(56;ch15)

In the history, the religion had been keeping to answer and explain questions which should have been involved in science field. Most religions offered an explanation to the origin of universe, origin of life even order of society. Although the answer of religion depends on surmise and experience, in religious myth and classical works, some natural knowledge always is contained, which become significant research resources later. For instance, in western world, the development of science connects tightly with monks and priests’ activities. The early astronomy is linked with astrology through studying star image for divination to study sky image for scientific research. Large numbers of astronomical phenomenon resources was recorded and reserved via religious divination. The sprout of modern science derived from satisfying people’s vital desire like alchemy and astrology. Since primitive society, all kinds of religions have been seeking for natural secrets and forming different understanding based on religious myth. However, despite the misunderstanding and mysticism color, it also contains correct element in modern science. Quantity of religious books recorded ancient scientific knowledge, which is the intelligent conclusion of ancient people and provides necessary foundation for later scientific research.

The mind’s ability to affect the physical world could be augmented through practice. Intention was a learned skill. Like meditation harnessing the true power of ‘thought’ required practice. More important…some people were born more skilled at it than others. And throughout history, there had been those few who had become true masters. This is the missing link between modern science and ancient mysticism.(57;ch15)

The original motivation of science always is related to religious belief. It might be because of proving the object of religious belief, or demonstrating the denying of religious faith. Religion offered people with subjective explanations to nature. Nevertheless, during this process, finally we need scientific skills to testify its rationality. The end of the novel

The great irony is that all the religions of the world, for centuries, have been urging their followers to embrace the concepts of faith and belief. Now science, which for centuries has derided religion as superstition, must admit that its next big frontier is quite literally the science of faith and belief…the power of focused conviction and intention. The same science that eroded our faith in the miraculous is now building a bridge back across the chasm it created.(57;ch15)

revealed that science needs to be attached to religion too. Generally speaking, the basic essence of religion dose not absolutize the non-rationality and object to science with belief. Instead, religion uses belief to enslave science and makes the rationality serve the non-rationality. In other words, the religion becomes the involuntary impetus of scientific development.

Chapter Three

What Mal'akh is Chasing: Faith Fading and Losing between Contradiction and Independence

3.1 The Change of Mal'akh

At the beginning of the novel, the prologue shows us a weird person, Mal’akh. He was receiving an initiation ceremony and would be in the most secretive rank of brotherhood. At the end of the prologue, the writer left a sentence “Soon you will lose everything you hold most dear”. Who is Mal’akh? Why does the writer leave such a sentence here? In the chapter 51, there come the answers. The original name of Mal’akh is Zachary, son of Peter Solomon.

Zachary had been a late bloomer, frail and awkward, a rebellious and angry teenager. Despite his deeply loving and privileged upbringing, the boy seemed determined to detach himself from the Solomon ‘establishment’. He was kicked out of prep school partied hard with the ‘celebrati’ and shunned his parents’ exhaustive attempts to provide him firm and loving guidance.(203;ch51)

As family tradition, every Solomon could get great fortune at his or her eighteen birthday. Katherine’s mother did not agree Peter to do that. But he insisted in giving Zachary money and believing this can change Zachary and make him a better person. However, Peter is totally wrong. Zachary took the money and “TRUST FUND PLAYBOY LIVING EUROPEAN HIGH LIFE”(204;ch51). Later, he was caught carrying cocaine to cross a border in Eastern Europe and was put in to prison. Peter tried to save him but failed.

In Chapter 57, we can see the physical and mental change of Mal’akh. “Forgetting the legal ramifications of your suggestion, I refuse to teach my son that money solves all problems or that there is no accountability in life, especially in a serious matter like this.”(222;ch57) Zachary heard all of their conversation with a breaking heart. The seed of hatred was buried. Zachary colluded the administrator and saved himself out of prison. Zachary Solomon was “dead”. He was reborn. In Greek island, he “shaved off his shaggy hair and shunned the drug world entirely”(223;ch57) and get addicted in body building. There is a new Zachary, Mal’akh. When he was watching a TV program, he “found himself intrigued by the plethora of conspiracy theories surrounding the brotherhood”(224;ch57). He wanted to get the lost wisdom and unfathomable power. However, when he went home, things developed beyond his plan. He got shorted by his father. Then, everything became a mess. “He had been transformed forever. The gunshots had echoed only for an instant, and yet its effects had reverberated across decades. His body, once tanned and perfect, was now marred by scars from that night…scars he kept hidden beneath the tattooed symbols of his new identity.”(227;ch57) Also, in chapter 2,

His massive body was shaved and smooth. He lowered his gaze first to his feet, which were tattooed with the scales and talons of a hawk. Above that, his muscular legs were tattooed as carved pillars------his left leg spiraled and his right vertically striated. Boaz and Jachin. His groin and abdomen formed a decorated archway, above which his powerful chest was emblazoned with the double-headed phoenix…each head in profile with its visible eye formed by one of Mal’akh’s nipples. His shoulders, neck, face and shaved head were completely covered with an intricate tapestry of ancient symbols and sigils.(11;ch2)

Apart from the above, people may wonder why he chose the name “Mal’akh”. In chapter 77, there lied the answer.

“It was not until Andros read John Milton’s Paradise Lost that he saw his destiny materialize before him. He read of the great fallen angel…the warrior demon who fought against the light…the valiant one…the angel called Moloch. Moloch walked the earth as a god. The angel’s name, Andros later learned, when translated to the ancient tongue, became Mal’akh.”(289;ch77)

The change of Mal’akh revealed the belief crisis in modern society. Before all these messes, he just wants to live hedonistic life and does not take responsibility. After suffering pains physically and mentally, he wants to figure out the secret of Free Mason. This can be regarded as a kind of belief, despite this belief leading him a wrong way. Traditionally, the belief is a religious event. Therefore, the belief crisis in western world appears in the form of belief fading and losing. However, Dan Brown has his own opinion. Religious belief and scientific belief are essentially the process of chasing truth. Once, he received an interview and said “every day we argue with each other for whose God is real.” Instead of being triggered by belief losing, the belief crisis is result from too much mixed truth and faith.

3.2 Ancient Mysteries Rebuilds Faith

In the novel, the ancient mysteries has been referred to for uncountable times. The ancient mysteries “refer to a body of secret knowledge is that it allegedly enables its practitioners to access powerful abilities that lie dormant in the human mind. The enlightened Adepts who possessed this knowledge vowed to keep it veiled from the masses because it was considered far too potent and dangerous for the uninitiated.”(79;ch19) Historical data had recorded that secret wisdom were hand down from age to age in early Egyptian mystery school. Its inheritance was limited in brilliant scientists group including Isaac Newton, Francis Bacon, Robert Boyle, Benjamin Franklin, Einstein, Hawking, Bohr and Celsius. It is obvious to find all these elite people had made great contribution to the world from every aspect. In my opinion, it cannot be a coincidence that so many famous people held the same faith, which demonstrates the ancient mysteries promotes the development of human beings and scientific research. I bet, without the intense belief, they would be the unknown during their life. “Both the Ancient Mysteries and Masonic Philosophy celebrate the potentiality of God within each of us.”(194;ch49) The potentiality of God represents not only the power of belief but also the power of individual. This is a combination of science and religion, a combination of rationality and non-rationality, a combination of nature and super-nature.

One of the pillars of the ancient mysteries is “Know ye not that that ye are gods?”. This emphasizes the subjective initiate of human beings. If you want to figure out the ancient mysteries, you should believe in and develop your potential first. If you want to develop your potential, you should know you are the God of yourself. In Chapter 111, Peter Solomon gave students an unforgettable speech and mentioned the mystery wisdom. “This prophecy of a coming enlightenment is echoed in virtually every faith and philosophical tradition on earth, Hindus call it the Krita Age, astrologers call it the Age of Aquarius, the Jews describe the coming of the Messiah, theosophists call it the New Age, cosmologists call it Harmonic Convergence and predict the actual date.”(408;ch111) The ancient wisdom was accepted by different religions and was melted into their creed. Besides, it enlightened the modern science. It is hard to draw a line between religion and science deriving from the ancient mysteries. In conclusion, Peter told students that “After millennia of darkness, we will see our sciences, our minds, and even our religions unveil the truth.”(409;ch111) Truth is faith and the faith is beyond the boundary of religion. It can be scientific faith or the potential of mind.


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