
 2023-11-20 10:11


摘 要



Abstract: Career adaptability is the individual able to adapt to changing professional environment to solve practical problems in the professional development needed to have a series of special abilities, including " interpersonal skills ", " learning and development capabilities" , "emotion regulation " , "organization integration capabilities " and " occupation transformation capabilities " of five capabilities, but also related to development of enterprises, so regardless of the individual or organization has a very important practical significance. Given the localization measurement tool has not yet suitable for China"s situation , even if widely recognized and professional suitability scale international version adopted by the Chinese version of the measure and test indexes in mainland China , there are significant problems, so this study qualitative research methods, " the main problem of individual career development process faces " and the " solve these problems need to have the ability to " two issues , based on the subjects of employees through structured interviews and open-ended questionnaire , were the subject of the original statement of inductive generalization and classification , and then combined with expert discussions to determine the dimensions measuring career adaptability , thereby preparing a corporate employee career adaptability localization measurement tools , and construct validity of the scale was tested .

Keywords:Career adaptability, Interpersonal communication, Learning and development, Organization integration, Career transformation

目 录

1 前言 4

2 初试量表的编制 6

2.1测量模型的维度建构与界定 6

2.2 项目编写与测量形式的确定 8

2.3 量表试测与预测 9

2.4 初测量表数据分析 11

2.4.1项目分析 11

3正式量表的确定及测量学指标检验 17

3.1正式施测样本构成 17

3.2 信度检验 18

3.3 效度检验 18

4 讨论 21

5 结 论 22

参 考 文 献 23

致 谢 24

1 前言


职业适应能力”在英文中的直译对应词是occupational Adaptability或Professional Adaptability。而在英文文献中还有Career Adaptability 一词,直译成汉语是“生涯适应能力”或“生涯适应力”(见赵小云, 郭成,2010;于海波,郑晓明,2013)。“生涯适应能力”被广泛引用的经典定义是由Super与Knzsel于1997年提出来的。他们认为生涯适应能力是“应对现在或将来工作角色可以预测的任务,以及调适难以预测的工作或工作环境变化所需要的一种准备状态”,是“一种没有多大困难就能做出改变,以符合变化的新环境的一种品质”(Savickas,1997)。后来Savickas对该概念做出了更为简洁的界定与补充:“应对当前和预期职业发展任务时所需要的准备状态及资源”(Savickas,2002,引自Maureen E. Kenny, Meredith Bledsoe, 2004),“是个体用来使其与适合他们的工作进行匹配所需要的态度、能力和行为”,“是管理职业转换、发展性任务和工作创伤的心理资源”(Savickas, 2005, 引自Rossier, et al., 2012)。

当然还有其他学者给出的界定。例如Rottinghaus,Day和 Borgen(2005)将生涯适应能力界定为“一种规划和调节能力的趋向(Tendency),这种趋向影响个体对自我规划能力的看法,使个体适应不断变化的职业规划和工作责任,特别是在面临突发事件时”;Guzman和 Choi(2013)认为,职业适应能力应该被视为一种能够进行自我引导和管理的心理社会能力,它能形成适应能力策略并采取行动以达到适应目标。


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