
 2023-11-06 08:35:35


摘 要



Abstract:Education in primary school is the cornerstone of the future. With the reform of education system, we pay more attention to basic education and comprehensive ability, and the teaching of children"s composition came into being. Based on three aspects of teachers, students and teaching materials, The problem of children"s composition in grade four is mainly reflected in these three aspects: (1) The content is single and the language is dry; (2) the students" writing innovation is not enough and the writing technique is single. The aesthetic feeling is also poor; (3) the overall quality of the composition is not very good, and the students" attention and interest are lower. This paper is mainly about the cultivation of aesthetic feeling for the composition of the grade four students.Through observation training, interest cultivation, literature assistance and other means, this paper explores the feasibility of improving the aesthetic sense of composition.The innovation of this paper is shown in the following aspects: The theoretical basis of children"s composition is analyzed systematically; This paper explores the factors that influence the quality of children"s composition;In view of the problems and their influencing factors, some feasible implementation strategies are put forward and some new ideas are put forward.

Keywords:children"s composition, aesthetic feeling, language, teaching composition

目 录

1 引言 4

2 调查方案设计 4

2.1 研究目的 4

2.2 调查研究对象 4

2.3 调查方法 4

2.4 问卷调查发放和回收情况 4

3 童漫作文美感缺失表现 5

3.1 错字较多,语句不通 5

3.2 语言粗浅白话 5

3.3 缺乏真情实感 6

3.4 想象不丰富 6

4 童漫作文美感缺失原因 7

4.1 漫画细节描写不具体 7

4.2 童漫题材简单 7

4.3 评估方式单一 8

5 童漫作文美感培养策略探究 9

5.1 教学模式创新 9

5.2 学生多层面引导培养 10

结 论 14

参考文献 15

致谢 16

附录 17

1 引言


2 调查方案设计


2.1 调查研究目的


2.2 调查研究对象


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