
 2022-09-13 02:09


摘 要




Leader-follower interaction is well recognized as a social process pervading through social species, but varied as a function of social bond strength. While cognitive and behavioral alignment between leader and follower have been documented as the cognitive mechanism underpinning their interaction, the underlying neural mechanism remains poorly understood. Here we examine whether and how the leader-follower brain coupling constrains and shapes their interaction in a social group engage (or not) in social bonding in 480 individuals organized as 160 three-person groups during leader election. Using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) simultaneously recording brain coupling of 3 interactive persons, we provided direct evidence that inter-brain neural coupling shaped the leader-follower relationship, predicted leader election and intergroup interaction. Specifically, increased leader-follower’s inter-brain coupling in TPJ predicted leadership even before its emergence. Moreover, social bonding induced alignment altered leader-follower neural coupling in dlPFC by driving leaders to dynamically modify dlPFC activities to align with followers. Interestingly, the neural alternation in dlPFC accounted for a follow-up escalated intergroup discrimination. Our findings decipher how social bonding and interpersonal neural coupling impact leader election and shape leader-follower interaction.

Keyword:Leader emergence, Leader-follower interaction, social bonding, Inter-brain neural coupling, fNIRS hyper-scanning


摘要 I


目录 III

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 领导与群体的关系 1

1.1.1 领导广泛存在各个群体中 1

1.1.2 群体中领导可自发产生 2

1.1.3 领导有助于协调群体行为 2

1.2 群体中领导与跟随者的关系 3

1.2.1 领导与跟随者的交互行为 3

1.2.2 不同类型领导与跟随者的关系 3

1.3 群体凝聚与领导的关系 4

1.4 群体互动的神经机制研究 5

1.4.1 单脑研究 5

1.4.2 双脑研究 5

1.4.3 多脑研究 6

1.5 问题提出与研究预期 6

1.5.1 问题提出 6

1.5.2 研究预期 7

第二章 基于fNIRS的群体交互的同步机制研究 8

2.1 被试 8

2.2 实验设计 8

2.2.1 实验流程 8

2.2.2 群体条件操作 9

2.3 数据收集 10

2.4 数据分析 11

2.4.1 行为数据分析 11

2.4.2 近红外成像数据分析 11

(1)小波相干转换分析 11

(2)脑间同步性计算 12

(3)任务相关频段选择 13

(4)方差分析 14

(5)逻辑回归分析 14

(6)动态时序分析 16

(7)时序延滞分析 16

2.4.3 领导-跟随者脑间同步性内部差异检验 17

第三章 结果与分析 18

3.1 群体凝聚对社会行为的影响 18

3.2 领导与跟随者社会行为的比较 18

3.3 颞顶联合区脑间同步性检验 20

3.3.1 领导产生过程中领导-跟随者脑间同步性特异性提升 20

3.3.2 颞顶联合区脑间同步性预测领导产生 21

3.3.3 领导产生过程动态时序分析 22

3.4 背外侧前额叶脑间同步性检验 23

3.5 时序延滞分析 25

3.6 本章小结 27

第四章 讨论 28

4.1 领导具有更高的内群体偏好 28

4.2 领导产生的脑间同步机制 29

4.3 群体凝聚通过影响脑间同步性从而改变群体行为 29

参考文献 30

附录一 35


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