
 2022-09-07 08:09


摘 要

个体情绪可以唤醒有机体的自主神经系统(Autonomic nervous system, ANS), 随之伴随着一系列的生理变化。自主神经系统的活动在情绪的识别、产生和体验中起到了关键作用。多年来心理学家一直在探索是所有的情绪都伴随着相同的自主神经反应,还是每一种情绪都有着自己独特的状态。相当多的研究证实刺激的效价和唤醒度等因素会影响个体的情绪加工,消极的或唤醒程度高的刺激更易引起较强的情绪反应,并引起被试的皮肤电活动增强。本实验探讨了三种不同情绪(积极、消极和中性)对大学生心率变异性和皮肤电的影响。实验过程中25名大学生被试被要求观看相关影片短片片段,以此来诱发他们情绪的变化。通过Biopac MP150多导生理记录仪记录相关数据,考察静息状态下大学生个体的心率变异性和皮肤电导水平与情绪调节量表的结果之间的关系,探究不同情绪调节能力的个体在情绪诱发状态下,其心率变异性和皮肤电导反应的时间变化特征是否存在差异。实验分为三个阶段:基线期---试验期---恢复期。最后,通过对22份有效数据进行处理分析,结果表明:诱发视频的确会对个体的情绪造成刺激影响,并且不同类型的情绪诱导会使得个体产生不同的生理变化。当个体对不同刺激做出反应时,个体的心率以及皮肤电均会有一定程度的改变。一般来说,悲伤情绪更加容易引起个体的心率增加,而中性情绪则几乎不影响个体的心率,并且不同的电生理指标和问卷量表均存在显著相关,这与之前的大量研究所得出的结论是一致的。


The research on college student’s emotion regulation based on heart rate variability and skin conductance


Individual emotions can wake organism autonomic nervous system (Autonomic nervous system, ANS), along with a series of physiological changes. Autonomic nervous system activity in emotion recognition, produce and experience played a key role. Over the years psychologists have been exploring all the emotions are accompanied by the same autonomic nervous reaction, or every emotion has its own unique state. A considerable number of studies have confirmed the potency and stimulate arousal and other factors will affect the individual's emotional processing, high degree of negative or wake stimulate more likely to cause a strong emotional response, and cause the subject's skin electrical activity enhancement. This study investigated three different emotions (positive, negative and neutral) on heart rate variability and skin Students electricity. Students experiment 25 subjects were asked to watch videos related to movie clips, in order to induce changes in their mood. Recorded by Biopac MP150 multi polygraph data to investigate the relationship between resting heart rate under the state Student Individual variability and skin conductance levels and Emotion Regulation Scale between the results, the ability to regulate emotions to explore different individuals induced emotional state By the time changes in their heart rate variability and skin conductance response characteristic of whether there are differences. Experiment was divided into three phases: baseline period --- --- Test of recovery. Finally, 22 parts of the effective data processing and analysis, the results showed that: indeed evoked video will cause irritation individual emotional impact, and different types of emotions induced by such individuals will produce different physiological changes. When individuals respond to different stimuli, heart rate and skin conductance were individuals have some degree of change. In general, the sadness is more likely to cause an individual's heart rate increased, while neutral sentiment is hardly affects the individual's heart rate and the different electrophysiological indicators and Questionnaire were significantly associated with a large number of which come before the Institute of the conclusion is the same.

Key words: Heart rate variability, Skin conductance, Emotion, Electrophysiological measurements, Irritation category


摘要 ··································································2

Abstract ······························································3

第一章 绪论 ···························································6

1.1 什么是情绪 ···················································6

1.2 情绪的内涵 ···················································6

1.3 什么是自主情绪活动·············································7

1.4 心率与心率变异性···············································10

1.5 心率变异性的测量··············································11

1.6 皮肤电························································17

  1. 问题的提出和先前的研究 ········································20


2.2 过去的研究····················································21

  1. 研究设备和研究方法··············································23

3.1 被试··························································23

3.2 实验材料······················································23

3.3 实验程序······················································24

3.4 数据的整理和分析··············································24

  1. 结果分析和讨论 ·················································25

4.1 情绪诱导的心率变异性分析·······································25

4.2 心率变异性与情绪调查量表的相关性研究···················27

4.3 心率变异性的配对样本T检验·································29

4.4 心率变异性中低频和高频的分析·······························30

4.5 讨论···························································30



第一章 绪 论


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