
 2022-08-26 04:08


摘 要






Depression is a common mental disease with high morbidity and great harm. Since its neuropathological mechanism has not yet been determined, the current diagnosis and treatment selection of depression is mainly based on clinical symptoms and psychiatrist’s experience, and lacks objective criteria that can provide reliable information for treatment selection and prediction of treatment outcomes.

In this paper, the algorithm of machine learning is used to extract features of the resting-state brain network functional connectivity data and related gene locus data, and to construct a classification model to achieve the prediction of treatment outcomes of SSRIs pharmacotherapy at the level of the individual patient.

Firstly, resting-state functional connectivity data of the whole brain is used as initial features to construct the classification model to obtain a baseline result. Secondly, the functional connectivity vectors of the whole brain regions and the priori brain regions associated with the prediction of treatment outcomes were respectively used to construct the model, confirming the important discriminative role of the priori brain regions. Finally, the functional connectivity data and related gene locus data were considered together. The genetic features are used by two input modes, serial and parallel input respectively. The optimization effect of the genetic features is confirmed. Results demonstrated that clustering by genetic features can effectively improve the discrimination of some brain network features in the model.

KEY WORDS: depression, prediction, treatment, functional connectivity, gene, machine learning

目 录

摘要 1


第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景和研究意义 1

1.1.1 抑郁症及疗效预测概述 1

1.1.2 抑郁症疗效预测的静息态脑网络连接研究 1

1.1.3 抑郁症疗效预测的基因研究 2

1.1.4 机器学习在抑郁症疗效预测中的应用 2

1.2 本文的研究内容和创新点 3

第二章 研究对象和数据采集 4

2.1 研究对象 4

2.2 功能磁共振数据采集和预处理 5

2.3 基因数据采集 6

第三章 静息态脑网络连接特征的机器学习建模 8

3.1 建模思路与方法 8

3.2 全脑功能连接特征建模 9

3.2.1 特征选取 9

3.2.2 结果与讨论 9

3.3 全脑脑区对外功能连接特征建模 11

3.3.1 一级分类器特征选取 12

3.3.2 二级分类器特征选取 14

3.3.3 结果与讨论 14

3.4 先验脑区对外功能连接特征建模 16

3.4.1 一级分类器特征选取 17

3.4.2 二级分类器特征选取 17

3.4.3 结果与讨论 17

3.5 本章讨论与总结 20

第四章 静息态脑网络连接特征与基因特征联合的机器学习建模 21

4.1 建模思路与方法 21

4.2 基因特征并行输入联合建模 23

4.2.1 分类器特征选取 23

4.2.2 结果与讨论 23

4.3 基因特征串行输入联合建模 26

4.3.1 基因特征聚类 26

4.3.2 各分类器特征选取 26

4.3.3 结果与讨论 27

4.4 本章总结与讨论 29

第五章 总结与展望 31

致谢 33

参考文献 34




抑郁症是一种发病率高、危害性大的性感障碍性精神疾病,其主要表征为持续的情绪低落、心理焦虑、行为异常和睡眠失调[1]。重度抑郁症(Major Depression Disorder, MDD)患者的终生患病率估计约为17%,患病对其生活质量、患并发症和自杀风险均有显著影响[2]。世界卫生组织近期的一项报告显示,抑郁症将在2020年成为对人类致死和致残的第二大类疾病。



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