
 2022-03-25 07:03


摘 要







The project for my graduation is the structure design of comprehensive education building in Suining. comprehensive education building in Suining is located in Xuzhou city of Jiangsu Province. Its main function is education. The total height of this building is 22.800m (measures from outdoor ground to the top). The indoor and outdoor height difference is 0.300 meters. The preliminary structure of the structure is defined as a framework structure system, and the basic form is the foundation of makeup.

The main purpose of the project is to do the structure design of the concrete frame of dormitory calculations include: layout of the structure, calculation of the load, designing and reinforcing of the floors and roof, the analysis of stress, the combination of internal forces of the frame, stairs design and foundation design.

First, we should give a reasonable structure layout according to the architectural. Based on this work, we can design the floor, roof and the secondary beam. Then we choose one representative frame to design. During the design of this frame, we need to analysis the internal force of framework, and then calculate the combination of internal force. Among various kinds of combination, we should choose the most adverse one as the design value of the internal force. Based on this, we can then do the design of sections of the structure members. In addition, we need to design the slabs of stairs and the pile function.

It can be calculated first by means of PKPM. By checking whether the initial arrangement is reasonable or not, it is possible to find out the problem, adjust the steel bar level, and adjust the beam width of the side span. After the end of the hand calculation, the result of the hand calculation is compared with the PKPM calculation result, and the hand calculation error is found and the reason is analyzed. Finally, part of the construction drawing of the structure is drawn by combining the results of the calculation and the hand calculation.

KEY WORDS: structure design, reinforced concrete, frame construction.

目 录



第一章 设计条件 1

1.1工程名称 1

1.2建筑设计资料 1

第二章 结构布置及构件尺寸估计 2

2.1确定结构体系 2

2.2结构布置 2

2.3主要构件截面尺寸估计 [5] 3

2.3.1板厚估计 3

2.3.2梁截面尺寸估计 3

2.3.3框架柱截面尺寸估计 4

3.1重力荷载代表值计算 6

3.2针对电算结果的调整 10

3.3水平地震作用下的位移角计算 10

3.3.1框架柱抗侧刚度计算 11

3.3.2结构基本自振周期计算 15

3.3.3横向水平地震作用计算 15

第三章 荷载计算 17

4.1恒荷载计算 17

4.1.1屋面荷载 17

4.1.2楼面荷载 17

4.1.3墙自重 17

4.1.4梁自重 18

4.1.5柱自重 20

4.2活荷载计算 20

4.2.1屋面及楼面活荷载标准值[5] 20

4.2.2屋面雪荷载标准值 21

4.2.3风荷载[3] 21

第四章 屋盖及楼盖设计 22

5.1屋盖设计 22

5.1.1屋面板设计 22

5.1.2双向板设计 22

5.1.3屋面次梁设计 26

5.2标准层设计 30

5.2.1楼面板设计 30

5.2.2双向板设计 31

5.2.3楼面次梁设计 34

第五章 竖向荷载下框架内力计算 39

6.1计算简图 39

6.2框架永久荷载计算 40

6.2.1屋面恒载计算 40

6.2.2 4-6层楼面恒载计算 42

6.2.3 2-3层楼面恒载计算 43

6.2.4 底层框架柱自重 44

6.3 永久荷载下的内力计算 45

6.3.1永久荷载下弯矩计算 45

6.3.2永久荷载下剪力和柱轴力计算 59

6 .4框架可变荷载计算 61

6.4.1屋面活载计算 61

6.4.2 2-5层楼面活载计算 62

6 .5可变荷载作用下框架内力计算计算 63

6.5.1可变荷载Ⅰ下弯矩计算 65

6.5.2可变荷载Ⅰ下剪力和柱轴力计算 79

6.5.3变荷载Ⅱ下弯矩计算 81

6.5.4可变荷载Ⅱ下剪力和柱轴力计算 95

第六章 风荷载作用下框架内力和位移计算 97

7.1风荷载作用下内力计算 97

7.2风荷载作用下结构侧移计算 102

第七章 水平地震下框架内力计算 103

8.1重力荷载代表值计算 103

8.2水平地震作用下的位移角计算 107

8.2.1框架柱抗侧刚度计算 107

8.2.2结构基本自振周期计算 112

8.2.3横向水平地震作用计算 112

8.3横向水平地震作用下内力计算 113

第八章 内力组合 116

9.1框架梁内力组合 116

9.2框架柱内力组合 125

第九章 梁柱截面设计 138

10.1框架梁截面设计 138

10.1.1设计条件 138

10.1.2构造要求 138

10.1.3正截面受弯承载力计算 138

10.1.5斜截面受剪承载力计算 142

10.2框架柱截面设计 145

10.2.1设计条件 145

10.2.2正截面承载力计算 145

10.2.3斜截面承载力计算 149

第十章 楼梯设计 153

11.1平面尺寸 153

11.2梯段板设计 153

10.3平台板设计 154

10.4平台梁设计 155

第十一章 桩基础设计 157

12.1概述 157

12.2荷载效应计算 157

12.3单桩承载力特征值 158

12.4桩基础设计 159

12.4.1初选桩的根数和承台尺寸 159

12.4.2单桩承载力验算 160

12.4.3承台受弯承载力验算 161

12.4.4承台受剪计算 162

12.4.5桩身强度验算 162

12.5基础连梁设计 163

12.5.1梁高的估算 163

12.5.2正截面计算 163

第十二章 温度应力计算 164

12.1工况说明 164

12.2温度应力计算结果 164

12.3温度应力结果分析 167

12.4温度后浇带设置 167

第十三章 电算对比 168

14.1结构自震周期对比 168

14.2位移比较 168

14.3配筋面积比较 168

14.3.1次梁配筋比较 168

14.3.2主梁配筋比较 169

14.3.3柱配筋比较 169

参考文献 170

致 谢 171

附录 172


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