
 2022-03-18 08:03


摘 要




Engineering rock mass classification is to assign corresponding numerical values to rock and rock mass structure by certain evaluation methods, and to establish an evaluation index of quality characteristics of certain rock mass by mathematical methods. According to these indexes, rock mass is classified, reflecting the strength of engineering rock mass, predicting possible rock mass mechanics problems, and so on. The selection of engineering design and construction methods provides parameters and basis. Most of the existing engineering rock mass classification methods are qualitative or semi-quantitative analysis of rock. These methods will be subjectively affected in the actual operation process and lead to inaccurate classification results. In recent years, the development of digital image technology has provided another path for rock quality analysis. In many cases, rock cracks and joints have an important impact on its physical and mechanical properties, and even play a decisive role. Therefore, this paper attempts to combine digital image technology with graph theory to analyze rock surface cracks, in order to obtain an objective and efficient rock quality rating method. The specific methods are: (1) using MATLAB and PCAS to analyze and generate two-dimensional fracture network (DFN) of rock image; (2) obtaining DF. After N, this paper will use the graph theory to analyze the rock bridge on the premise of only considering the geometric conditions, and find out the most likely cracking path of rock under stress; (3) Establish a new classification method for evaluating rock surface joints; and compare the results obtained with those obtained by the mainstream rock classification method to test the results. Rationality and accuracy.

Key words: Engineering rock mass classification; Graph Theory; Rock joint; Digital image technology; Rock bridge


摘要 Ⅰ

Abstract Ⅱ

第一章 绪论 1

1.1引言 1

1.2主流岩石分级方法 2

1.2.1 隧道岩石质量指标,Q 2

1.2.2 岩石地质力学分类(RMR分类) 3

1.2.3 岩体基本质量指标BQ 4

1.2.4 地质强度指标(GSI) 4

1.3数字图像处理技术 7

1.4 图论 7

第二章 岩体图像的获取及处理 9

2.1地点选取 9

2.2 图像采集及处理 10

2.3 二维DFN的生成 19

2.4岩桥的确定分析 21

2.5 岩体质量评级 22

2.5.1 现有评级方法的结果 23

2.5.2 新的评级方法 25

结论 28

参考文献 29

致 谢 31

第一章 绪论


工程岩体分级(engineering rock mass classification)是在工程地质分组的基础之上,一方面通过岩体的一些较为简单和容易实地测量的指标,将工程地质条件与岩体参数相互联系起来,另一方面通过借鉴现有工程设计、施工和处理等方面成功与失败的经验教训,对岩体进行归类的一种方法。影响工程岩体性质的主要因素可以概括为以下几个方面:①岩石强度;②岩体结构及完整性;③地下水;④其他因素。

目前,国内外对工程岩体提出了多种分类方法,每种方法均从不同的角度对岩体进行分类。从20世纪70年代开始至今,工程岩体分类成为国内外岩石力学工作者与工程地质工作者研究的热点课题。最早的分级标准是俄国学者普洛托吉雅诺夫1909年提出的普氏分级,该分级按照普氏系数将岩石分为十级,该分级方法简单方便,因此普氏系数在我国现行设计手册、工程定额、概预算中仍然沿用。早期的岩体分级多为关于岩石的分类或者反应岩体某一特性的单一指标分级,例如M.萨瓦连斯基(1937)、太沙基(1946)、波波夫(1948)、劳费尔(1958)与迪尔(1964)等学者与科研机构根据单一因素对岩块(体)进行分类[1]。在实际环境下有很多影响工程岩体强度等级的因素,因此在实际工程中,仅评价单一的参数来确定岩石质量等级难以满足实际工程需要,同时自从建立岩体及岩体结构的概念以来,各国的学者们也逐渐发现对岩体的单一特性进行评价是远远不足以全面地反映工程岩体的性质的。在这种情况下,原先的单因素的岩体分级逐渐发展为多因素的分级方法。比尼卫斯基(Bienawaski)于1973年提出岩体质量等级(rock mass rating),即岩体地质力学分类或称RMR分类,1989年又对该分类进行了修正。巴顿(Barton)于1974年提出隧道岩石质量指标(tunneling quality index),即巴顿岩体质量分类或Q分类,这两种分类方法对以后工程岩体分类、工程设计与施工具有举足轻重的作用[2],已经成为当今主流的分级方法。


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