
 2022-03-04 08:03


摘 要


高层住宅与下部的整体一层地下车库连成整体。10#楼的楼体主体高度为 99m,其中标准层层高为3.3m, 主体结构采用剪力墙结构;采用桩筏基础;建筑结构安全等级为二级;抗震等级为四级;耐火等级为一级。







The Agile Wuxi Zhongyangfu Project is located in the Binhu distribict, Wuxi, Jiangsu province. The premises are to the south of Guanshan Street ,to the west of Nanhu Street and to the north Hechang Street. The overall construction area is 10000m2.There are 3 high-rise apartment building. The 10 #department is 30 stories tall.

The high-rise apartment andunderground garageare connected into integration. The height of the standard layers is 3.3m while the whole the total height is 99m. The main structure is the shear wall structure with the pile raft foundation. The structural safety grade is two; seismic grade is four and the architectural design of fire resistance grade is the first-class.

The construction organization design is the programmatic document for the construction of Agile Wuxi Zhongyangfu building project. The overall arrangement, construction, construction preparation, main divisions component project construction method, engineering quality assurance measures, safety and civilized construction measures, the construction management measures, and many other factors have been fully concerned. It is an important economic construction technical document which highlights the scientific, applicability and targeted that will ensure the high quality, low cost, safety, civilization in the completion of the building.

The construction organization design mainly includes the following content: engineering construction design, construction layout plan of different period, construction schedule, the standard template layer and the special construction technology program of the outside scaffold. Among them, the outside scaffolding and template project have been conducted for special construction project design.

The project uses the console scaffold for the first 9 floors, which lift height is 1.8m, longitudinal spacing of upright tube is 1.5m, horizontal distance is 1.05m. The steel models use 48×3.0mm. The project 9 floors and above use cantilever scaffold which started from 10, 15,20,25,30, which lift height is 1.8m, longitudinal spacing of upright tube is 1.5m, horizontal distance is 1.05m. The steel models also use 48×3.0mm.

Keywords: Construction design, formwork of the standard template layer, the console scaffold, the cantilever scaffold, the reinforced concrete structure


第 1 章 编制依据···················································1

第 2 章 工程介绍 ··················································3

2.1 相关单位介绍 ···············································3

2.2 工程概况····················································3

2.3 工程目标 ··················································3

第 3 章 施工总体部署 ···············································4

3.1 施工顺序 ··················································4

3.2 施工机械部署················································4

3.3 临时设施布置 ···············································4

3.4 现场道路方案···············································4

3.5 现场临电、临水布置方案·····································5

3.6 施工进度安排················································6

3.7 施工场地平面布置 ···················· ······················6

第 4 章 工程前期准备···············································7

4.1 工程测量···················································7

4.2 高程控制网布设·············································7

4.3土方开挖 ··················································9

第5章 地下室结构施工方案 ·······································11

5.1 地下室钢筋模板施工方案 ···································11

5.2 地下室砼施工 ··············································13

5.3 回填土施工方案 ··········································14

第 6 章 主体结构工程 施工方案······································15

6.1 钢筋工程施工方案···········································15

6.2 混凝土施工方案和技术措施···································17

第 7 章 防水工程施工方案 ··········································20

7.1 地下室外墙板 ··············································20

7.2 屋面防水卷材施工···········································20

7.3 防水涂料施工 ··············································22

第 8 章 装饰安装工程··············································23

8.1 装修施工前提条件 ··········································23

8.2 墙面一般抹灰 ··············································23

8.3 外墙涂料 ·················································23

8.4 内墙涂料 ·················································24

8.5 楼地面施工方案·············································25

8.6 管道工程··················································28

8.7 电气工程 ·················································28

第 9 章 脚手架施工专项方案········································31

9.1 编制依据 ·················································31

9.2 外脚手架方案选择 ··········································31


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