
 2022-01-29 07:01


摘 要



关键词:框架结构 结构设计 钢筋混凝土

Frame Structure Design of The Comprehensive office building of Ma`anshan, Anhui Province

Name:Wang Jueqi Student ID:05112212

Supervised by Feng Jian and Chen Yao


The final year project for me is the structure design of The Comprehensive office building of Ma`anshan, Anhui Province.It is mainly used for office and meeting.The design service life is 50 years and the structural safety grade is level two;It uses the reinforced concrete frame structure, the measure of total construction area is 11378m2.The project has seven floors and the height of each floor is 4.2m.

In my design work,first of all, I have carried out the design of the structure layout, select the concrete frame structure as the structure plan, and preliminarily determine the sectional dimension of the frame beam, column and floor and other major structural components through the calculation.Secondly, I calculate the internal force of the frame (mainly calculate the axis ④)under the vertical loads and the wind load, also the seismic force. After computing the internal force under all sorts of loads, I make the combination of internal force by using the Excel software and find one or several sets of the most adverse internal force of members. Then I make out the cross-section design of beams and columns. Slab stairs is used in this structure. The design of the stairs includes calculating the internal force and reinforcing such components as landing slab, step board and landing girder. In the end, pile foundation needs designing, which contains the design of foundation beam, pile and platform on piles. Then, the results is checked by software PKPM, including finding out differences between them and analyzing the reasons.What`s more,software PKPM is used to improve the part ignored in hand computation. Finally,there are 8 construction drawings based on the calculation results in all.

Keywords:structural design frame construction reinforced concrete


第一部分 设计资料 1

1.1工程概况 1

1.1.1工程名称 1

1.1.2建筑概况 1

1.2基本数据 1

1.2.1抗震要求 1

1.2.2气象条件 1

1.2.3岩土工程勘察土层报告 1

第二部分 结构方案的选型与布置 2

2.1结构选型 2

2.2结构布置 2

2.3主要构件截面尺寸估计 2

2.3.1板厚估计 2

2.3.2梁截面尺寸估计 3

2.3.3柱截面尺寸估计 3

第三部分 荷载计算 4

3.1恒载计算 4

3.1.1屋面荷载 4

3.1.2楼面荷载 4

3.1.3墙自重 5

3.1.4梁自重 6

3.1.5柱自重 6

3.2活载计算 7

3.2.1屋面及楼面活荷载标准值 7

3.2.2屋面雪荷载标准值 7

3.2.3风荷载 7

第四部分 楼盖设计 9

4.1楼面设计资料 9

4.2楼面设计 9

4.2.1楼面板计算简图 9

4.2.2弯矩计算 10

4.2.3配筋计算 13

4.3楼面次梁设计 15

4.3.1次梁CL1设计 15

4.3.2次梁CL2设计 17

4.3.3次梁CL3设计 19

4.3.4次梁CL4设计 21

4.3.5次梁CL6设计 22

4.3.6次梁CL8设计 24

第五部分 框架内力计算 26

5.1框架计算简图 26

5.2竖向荷载计算 27

5.2.1恒荷载计算 27

5.2.2楼(屋)面活荷载计算 29

5.3.2重力荷载代表值计算 30

5.3竖向荷载作用下的内力计算 32

5.3.1恒荷载作用下 32

5.3.2活荷载作用下 40

5.3.3重力荷载作用下 59

5.4风荷载作用下的内力计算 66

5.4.1风荷载计算 66

5.4.2柱的修正抗侧刚度 67

5.4.3修正反弯点高度计算 68

5.4.4内力计算 68

5.5地震作用下的内力计算 70

5.5.1重力荷载代表值计算 70

5.5.2横向框架水平地震作用计算 71

5.5.3横向框架水平地震作用下内力计算 74

第六部分 梁、柱内力组合 76

6.1框架梁内力组合 76

6.1.1框架梁内力非抗震组合 77

6.1.2框架梁内力抗震组合 77

6.2框架柱内力组合 77

6.2.1框架柱内力非抗震组合 79

6.2.2框架柱内力抗震组合 79

7.1框架梁截面设计 95

7.1.1设计条件 95

7.1.2构造要求 95

7.1.3正截面受弯承载力计算 98

7.1.4斜截面受剪承载力及剪压比验算 100

7.2框架柱截面设计 105

7.2.1设计条件及轴压比验算 105

7.2.2构造要求 105

7.2.3框架柱非抗震截面设计 105

7.2.4框架柱抗震截面设计 113

7.2.5斜截面受剪承载力计算及剪压比验算 124

7.2.6框架节点抗震设计 126

第八部分 楼梯设计 129

8.1楼梯设计资料 129

8.2梯段板设计 129

8.2.1计算简图的确定 129

8.2.2荷载计算 129

8.2.3内力计算 129

8.2.4截面设计 130

8.3平台板设计 130

8.3.1计算简图的确定 130

8.3.2荷载计算 130

8.3.3内力计算 130

8.3.4截面设计 131

8.4平台梁设计 131

8.4.1计算简图的确定 131

8.4.2荷载计算 131

8.4.3内力计算 132

8.4.4截面设计 132

8.5平台柱设计 132

第九部分 基础设计 133

9.1基础设计资料 133

9.2基础设计 133

9.2.1基础选型 133

9.2.2桩顶作用效应计算 133

9.2.3单桩承载力计算 134

9.2.4桩基础设计 134

9.3基础连梁设计 138

9.3.1连梁尺寸估算 138

9.3.2连梁正截面计算 138

第十部分 手算与PKPM电算比较 140

10.1结构基本周期比较 140

10.2层间位移比较 140

10.3底层柱轴力设计值比较 140

10.4框架梁和底层柱配筋面积 141

致谢 142

参考文献 143

附件 144

第一部分 设计资料

















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