
 2022-01-21 10:01


摘 要







Affordable housing is the government to pay for the housing difficulties of low-income families in the city of limited standards, limit price or rent housing, specifically for low rent housing, affordable housing and rental housing policy. Under the current economic situation in our country, affordable housing is a convenient to construct the policy project, used to solve urban housing difficulties families or just graduated is unable to pay the high prices of the college students' difficult issues of housing, but also conducive to promote the process of urbanization in China.

Nanjing Dingjiazhuang affordable housing is a government affordable housing project. This paper of Nanjing DingJiaZhuang affordable housing project A9 plots 8# building for the preparation of construction organization design, the main contents include engineering survey, the construction deployment, construction preparation, construction site layout, construction schedule, subject construction plan, special construction scheme, seasonal construction and trade measures, safety and civilized construction.

Construction site layout is divided into the basement construction and on the construction of the main structure of the two stage layout, including temporary buildings, temporary roads, temporary water and electricity facilities layout; construction schedule by using the principle of flow construction organization construction, construction period were divided into multiple construction; the concrete construction plan focuses on the construction of the main structure of the ground, and the template works, scaffold engineering calculation and detailed design, including the wood plywood formwork, formwork supporting frame of fastener type steel pipe scaffold; standard layer uses three layer below the floor scaffold, three layer above the steel cantilever scaffold; seasonal construction including winter construction, construction of the rainy season, high temperature environment construction safety, civilization, environmental protection; construction measures including safe and civilized construction.

Key word:construction organization design;affordable housing;construction progress plan;total layout;safety civilization construction


编制说明 1

一、编制原则 1

二、编制依据 1

三、设计依据 1

第一章 工程概况 3

1.1 建筑概况 3

1.2结构概况 3

1.2.1基本情况 3

1.2.2建筑设计概况 3

1.2.3结构设计概况 4

1.3 工程特点 4

1.4 设备安装工程概况 5

1.4.1给排水工程概况 5

1.4.2建筑电气工程概况 6

1.4.3通风与空调工程概况 6

1.5场地概况 7

1.5.1 地形地貌 7

1.5.2 岩土层结构分布特征 7

1.5.3地下水埋藏条件 8

1.5.4土质工程地质评价 9

第二章 施工部署 10

2.1施工准备 10

2.1.1机械 10

2.1.2施工材料投入计划 13

2.1.3劳动力投入计划 14

2.2施工现场平面布置和临时设施布置 16

2.2.1工程现场情况 16

2.2.2 平面布置原则 16

2.2.3总体设想 17

2.2.4具体布置 17

2.2.5临时设施搭设要求 23

2.2.6工地临时设施投入计划 23

2.3 施工进度计划 24

2.3.1编制原则 24

2.3.2编制流程及控制 24

2.3.3施工总进度计划 24

2.3.4工期保障措施 24

第三章 主要施工方案 26

3.1基坑支护及土方开挖 26

3.1.1土方开挖及边坡监测 26

3.1.2降水与基坑排水 27

3.2 施工测量放线 27

3.2.1测量仪器的选用 27

3.2.2测量放线 27

3.2.3现场施测 28

3.3 钢筋工程 32

3.3.1钢材与特种作业要求 32

3.3.2 钢筋连接选用 32

3.3.3 钢筋下料加工 33

3.3.4 钢筋绑扎顺序 33

3.3.5钢筋的几种接头施工方法 33

3.3.6 操作要点及注意事项 37

3.3.7 质量检验 39

3.3.8保证钢筋施工质量措施 39

3.3.9 预埋、预留措施 40

3.3.10钢筋工程的技术交底 41

3.3.11 钢筋工程检查与验收 41

3.3.12钢筋质量防治 42

3.4混凝土工程 43

3.4.1 混凝土场内运输方式 43

3.4.2 混凝土浇筑应具备的条件 43

3.4.3 高层混凝土泵送技术 43

3.4.4 墙、梁、柱、平台混凝土浇筑 45

3.4.5 平台施工缝留置与处理 46

3.5 屋面工程及防水工程 46

3.5.1材料准备 46

3.5.2技术准备 47

3.5.3机具准备 47

3.5.4防水基层及作业条件 47

3.5.5卫生间防水施工 48

3.5.6 外墙防水 49

3.5.7屋面防水施工 49

第四章 专项施工方案 52

4.1 模板工程 52

4.1.1清水混凝土模板企业标准 52

4.1.2模板体系配备 53

4.1.3方案选型 53

4.1.4尺寸设计 53

4.1.5标准层模板计算书 55

4.1.6柱模板施工 75

4.1.7墙模板施工 75

4.1.8梁、平台板模板施工 76

4.1.9 快拆模体系构造 76

4.1.10模板质量标准及施工质量保证措施 77

4.1.11 超大断面梁支撑体系 79

4.1.12 拆模 80

4.2脚手架工程 80

4.2.1工程概述 80

4.2.2 脚手架方案 80

4.2.3 双排钢管外脚手架 80

4.2.4型钢外挑双排钢管脚手架设计 83

4.2.5外脚手架计算书 84

第五章 季节性施工 95

5.1 概况 95

5.2 夏季(高温)施工 95

5.2.1 作息时间调整与物资保证 95

5.2.2 高温期间的混凝土配合比调整 95

5.2.3 混凝土夏季养护 95

5.2.4 高温期间墙体砌筑 95

5.2.5 高温期间墙体粉刷 95

5.3 雨季措施 96

5.4 冬季施工措施 97

5.4.1 技术、材料应对措施 97

5.4.2 临设措施 97

5.4.3 冬季砌筑 97

5.4.4冬季施工其它措施 97

第六章 安全文明施工 98


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