
 2023-02-23 09:02


摘 要





Since the new century, the construction industry market competition is more and more fierce, the construction organization design in construction and the project accounting settlement status enhances unceasingly. Construction organization design is one of the important documents, guide the construction of the project is the construction unit with high efficiency and high quality and low cost and low consumption to complete the construction of powerful guarantee, is also a important means to improve management, improve economic efficiency, at the same time, correctly handle the construction of personnel, material, machine, method, environment and process, consumption and supply all kinds of contradictions, such as scientific and orderly organization plays an important role in promoting the project construction production.

The construction organization design according to the relevant requirements of the construction unit is put forward, based on the principle of economy and high quality, is for bid 73046 plots four period of suzhou industrial park area programmatic document of project design. Mainly includes the following content: the project general situation, construction deployment, the main construction scheme, construction management, technical measures, the difficult and the measures and references.

Keywords: engineering general situation; Construction deployment; The construction plan; Technical measures; The difficult engineering


摘要 I

Abstract II

目录 III

第一章 工程概况 1

1.1工程基本情况和各参建方基本情况 1

1.2各专业设计简介 2

第二章 施工部署 5

2.1施工部署原则 5

2.2组织机构 5

2.2.1组织机构图 5

2.2.2施工区域划分 5

2.3主要实物工程量 6

2.4大型机械设备选择 7

2.5施工进度计划 8

2.6临时用水用电计算 8

2.6.1临时用水计算 8

2.6.2施工用电计算 10

2.7施工总平面图布置 11

2.8劳动力计划 11

第三章 主要施工方案 12

3.1测量工程 12

3.1.1定位测量 12

3.1.2测量方法 12

3.1.3施工测量各项技术指标 12

3.1.4工程施工测量准备 13

3.1.5控制点的布置及施测 13

3.2基坑降水及支护工程 13

3.2.1基坑降水 13

3.2.2 基坑支护 14

3.3土方工程 15

3.3.1工程概况 15

3.3.2土方开挖特点和难点 15

3.3.3工程划分 15

3.4钢筋工程 16

3.4.1工程概况 16

3.4.2 材料准备 17

3.4.3 机具准备 17

3.4.4施工准备 17

3.4.5加工要点 17

3.4.6成品保护 17

3.4.7安全措施 17

3.5模板工程 18

3.5.1模板安装 18

3.5.2模板拆除所需强度 21

3.6混凝土工程 21

3.6.1混凝土的供应 21

3.6.2混凝土的浇筑 21

3.6.3混凝土的养护 22

3.7砌筑工程 22

3.7.1砌块的材料准备 22

3.7.2砌块的施工 22

3.7.3注意事项 22

3.8防水工程 23

3.8.1地下室防水 23

3.8.2屋面防水工程 23

3.9装饰装修工程 24

3.9.1抹灰工程 24

3.9.2楼面工程 24

3.9.3地面工程 24

3.9.4外墙涂料 24

3.10脚手架工程 25

3.10.1落地式脚手架 25

3.10.2悬挑脚手架 25

3.11屋面工程 26

3.11.1找坡层施工 26

3.11.2找平层施工 26

3.12机电安装工程 27

3.12.1给排水工程 27

3.12.2 电气工程 28


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