
 2022-12-18 02:12


摘 要


关键词: 主轴轴箱 部件设计 数控铣床 结构设计 主传动


First of all, this paper is designed for CNC milling machine, the specific parts of the spindle box for CNC milling machine. The key to the whole CNC milling machine is the spindle box, and corresponding to the spindle box, the spindle is a key role. And the power of the spindle box is mainly from the motor drive belt movement, which makes the spindle do rotary movement, so the spindle itself has a rotation speed and steering. The performance of CNC milling machine directly depends on the design of the spindle box transmission system and the design structure of the rest of its internal parts, these structures mainly include the spindle box, spindle, bearing, spacer, locking nut, labyrinth flange, pulley, v-belt, pull rod, pressure plate, brake, limit block and other parts. The design, processing and installation of these components will greatly affect the workpiece processing quality, processing efficiency, so our design of the spindle stress and strength calculation, spindle before and after the life of the bearing calculation carried out a more detailed design and research, the purpose is to ensure the integrity of parts processing. At the same time, we also choose the main parts of the material and the cost of materials for the calculation, so that the processing plant on the parts of the processing cost control, so as to achieve both to ensure the quality of parts and can achieve considerable returns. In the end, I summarized the design process which lasted for more than three months and expressed my gratitude to the teacher.

Key words: spindle box component design CNC milling machine structure design main drive


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 引言 2

第二章 主轴箱的结构设计 4

第三章 主轴设计及校核 8

3.1 主轴性能满足要求 8

3.2主轴结构参数确定 8

3.3主轴强度校核 8

第四章 主轴轴承的设计 10

4.1轴承分析与选择 10

4.1.1角接触球轴承分析 10

4.2轴承的润滑及密封方式的确定 11

4.2.1轴承润滑方式的选用 11

4.2.2密封方式的确定 11

第五章 技术经济分析 13

5.1 预算成本分析的意义 13

5.2成本材料分析 13

5.2.1 非标准件的成本材料分析 13

5.2.2 标准件的成本材料分析 14

5.3成本计算依据 14

第六章 结论 16

参考文献 18

致谢 19

第一章 引言


数控铣床主轴箱部件是机床在加工时直接带动刀具作旋转运动.其主要零件包括:主轴箱体,主轴, 轴承,隔套,锁紧螺帽,迷宫法兰,皮带轮,拉杆,压板,刹铁,限位挡块等.该部件的性能直接影响工件的加工质量和切削生产率,是决定机床性能和技术经济指标的重要因素。虽然在数控技术的研究开发以及产业化方面取得了长足的进步,但我们也要清醒地认识到,我国高端数控技术的研究开发,尤其是在产业化方面的技术水平现状与我国的现实需求还有较大的差距。虽然从纵向看我国的发展速度很快,但横向比(与国外对比)不仅技术水平有差距,在某些方面发展速度也有差距,即一些高精尖的数控装备的技术水平差距有扩大趋势。



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