
 2022-08-18 08:08


摘 要




关键词:结构设计 钢筋混凝土 框架结构


The graduation project is a design named Relay Factory in Haicang Industrial Religion. The project is located in the south of the First Farm of Haicang District in Xiamen and it’s mainly used as a relay factory. The project was rectangular, the building has a local bulge. The total construction area is about 1500m2, above the ground it has three to five floors. The total height of the plant is 21.6m, the first layer to the fourth layer is 4.5m ,and the fifth floor is 3.6m.The difference of height between indoor and outdoor is 0.30m.

The reinforced concrete frame structure is selected as the structure type. Followed by a specific analysis and calculation. It mainly includes: plane layout, loading calculation, roof designing and reinforcement, analysis of frame stress, stair designing, foundation design. The calculation of the frame is carried out in detail. The calculation includes the following: calculating the internal force of the frame under the vertical load and the wind load and the seismic load and after determining the internal force generated by the frame under various loads. Then the most unfavorable load combination is selected for the frame beam, the normal section of the frame column bent and the oblique section sheared, and the reasonable reinforcement and crack width are checked. The double-run staircase is selected as the stair, and ladder plate, ladder beam, platform beam would be considered in designing.

An independent foundation would be selected, and its designing includes calculations of initial size and foundation depth. After the work, the PKPM software is used to model the whole building and carry out the calculation. A comparison of the results of the calculation and the operator would be used to correct and modify the calculation. Based on the operator ,the errors of calculation will be found and reason would be analyzed. Finally, the construction drawings of the structure would be drawn according on the calculation and the operator.

KEY WORDS : structural design  frame construction reinforced concret

目 录

一、 设计资料

1.1 工程概况 1

1.1.1 工程名称 1

1.1.2 工程地点 1

1.1.3 建设单位 1

1.2 建筑资料 1

1.3 其他设计资料 1

1.3.1 岩土工程勘察土层报告 1

1.3.2 水文地质条件 1

1.3.3气象条件 1

1.3.4抗震设防要求 1

1.3.5材料选用 1


2.1结构选型 2

2.2结构布置 2

2.3 初估截面尺寸 2

2.3.1 主梁尺寸估算 2

2.3.2 次梁尺寸估算 2

2.3.3柱截面尺寸估算 2

2.3.4 板厚估算 3


3.1恒荷载计算 5

3.1.1屋面恒荷载 5

3.1.2楼面恒载 5

3.1.3墙自重 6

3.1.4梁自重 8

3.1.5 柱自重 9

3.2活荷载计算 9

3.2.1 屋面及楼面活荷载 9

3.2.2屋面雪荷载 9

3.2.3 风荷载 10

四、 屋盖、楼盖设计

4.1.楼面板设计 11

4.1.1单向板设计 11

4.1.2 双向板设计 17

4.2.屋面板设计 23

4.2.1单向板设计 25

4.2.2 双向板设计 28

4.3楼板次梁设计 30

4.3.1 CL-1设计计算 31

4.3.2 CL-2设计计算 34

4.3.3 CL-3设计计算 35

4.3.4 CL-4设计计算 37

4.3.5 CL-5设计计算 41

4.3.6 CL-6设计计算 45

4.3.7 CL-7设计计算 47

4.3.8 CL-8设计计算 50

4.3.9 CL-9设计计算 52

4.3.10 CL-10设计计算 55

4.3.11 CL-11设计计算 58

4.3.12 CL-12设计计算 60

4.3.13 CL-13设计计算 63

4.3.14 CL-14设计计算 66

4.4 屋盖次梁设计 68

4.4.15 CL-15设计计算 68

4.4.16 CL-16设计计算 71

4.4.17 CL-17设计计算 73

4.4.18 CL-18设计计算 76

4.4.19 CL-19设计计算 78

4.4.20 CL-20设计计算 80

4.4.21 CL-21设计计算 81


5.1 框架计算简图 87

5.2 恒荷载计算 89

5.2.1 屋面层恒荷载计算 89

5.2.2 标准层楼面恒荷载计算 90

5.3 恒荷载下框架内力计算 91

5.3.1 杆件分配系数计算 91

5.3.2 固端弯矩计算 93

5.3.3各层梁的弯矩分配与传递 94

5.3.4各层梁、柱的终弯矩计算 94

5.3.5 各层梁跨中弯矩计算 99

5.3.6 各层梁端剪力计算 99

5.3.7 各层柱轴力计算 100

5.4 活荷载计算 100

5.4.1屋面活荷载计算 101

5.4.2 标准层楼面恒活荷载计算 101

5.5 活荷载下框架内力计算 102

5.5.1 固端弯矩计算 102

5.5.2 弯矩分配与传递 103

5.5.3 各层梁跨中弯矩计算 113

5.5.4 各层柱轴力计算 115


6.1 重力荷载代表值计算 116

6.1.1 五层重力荷载代表值计算 117

6.1.2 四层重力荷载代表值计算 117

6.1.3 二、三层重力荷载代表值计算 116

6.1.4 一层重力荷载代表值计算 117

6.2 框架柱等效线刚度计算 117

6.3 结构自振周期计算 125

6.4 横向水平地震作用计算 125

6.4.1 地震影响系数 125

6.4.2 各层水平地震作用标准值、楼层地震剪力及楼层层间位移计算 125

6.4.3 5轴纵向框架水平地震作用 126

6.5横向框架水平地震作用下内力计算 126

6.5.1 柱修正反弯点高度 126

6.5.2 5轴纵向框架内力计算 127


7.1 框架梁内力组合 129

7.1.1 内力换算和梁端负弯矩调幅 129

7.1.2 荷载效应抗震组合 134

7.2 框架柱内力组合 139

7.2.1 框架柱在各种荷载下的内力值 139

7.2.2 框架柱内力组合 146


8.1框架梁构造要求 153

8.2 框架梁正截面受弯设计 153

8.3 框架梁裂缝宽度验算 157

8.4 框架梁斜截面受剪设计 161

8.4.1 非抗震设计 161

8.4.2 抗震截面设计 164


9.1 框架柱正截面设计 170

9.1.1框架柱非抗震截面设计 170

9.1.2 框架柱抗震截面设计 171


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