
 2022-08-10 08:08


摘 要



关键词:结构设计 钢筋混凝土 框架结构

Frame Structure Design of the A Building for the

Research and Development Center of Haibin Group

Name: Liu Chenyu Student ID: 05112632

Supervisor: Pro.Wu Jing Qian Dejun


The project of the graduation design for me is the frame structure design of the A building for the research and development center of Haibin Group. The engineering is located in Nanjing. It is a reinforced concrete frame structure and its plane is generally rectangular. The total length and width respectively are 67.2m and 19.8m. Main building has 5 floors, and the stair room in the corner has 6 floors. The storey height of the first floor is 5.1m, besides, other floors’ height is 3.6m.

We conduct the graduation design according to the structure design program and our guide teacher’s schedule. Firstly, according to architectural drawings, the array of the structure should be determined. I preliminarily select the section size of beam, plate and column. Then I carry on the design of floor. It includes the design of plate and secondary beam. The purpose of the design is mainly to do the structure design for the frames of axis 14. During the analysisof the frame, I calculate the internal force under the vertical loads and horizontal loads. The vertical loads include dead load and live load, and the horizontal loads include wind load and seismic force. The reinforcement design is based on the most adverse internal force after fininshing the combination of internal force. After fininshing the design of the selected frame, stairs and foundation are designed. The stairs type that we choose is slab stairs. The stairs design contains the calculations of step board, landing girder and landing slab. The foundation type is pile foundation and its design includes the calculations of pile and platform on piles. When the hand calculation is completed, we use PKPM to build a model. Beyond that, the results of hand computation is compared to that of software PKPM and find out causes of these differences. Finally, according to the software PKPM, 8 production drawings at least are completed. After finishing the basic task,I learn the BIM technology and revit software. Then I build up the reinforcement model of the frames of axis 14.

Keywords:structural design reinforced concrete frame construction


一、设计资料 1

1.1工程概况 1

1.2建筑资料 1

1.3其他设计资料 1

1.3.1岩土工程勘察土层情况 1

1.3.2水文情况 2

1.3.3气象条件 2

1.3.4抗震设防条件 2

1.3.5材料选取 2

二、结构方案设计 3

2.1结构选型 3

2.2结构布置 3

2.3初估截面尺寸 3

2.3.1框架主梁尺寸估算 3

2.3.2次梁尺寸估算 4

2.3.3柱截面尺寸估算 4

2.3.4板厚估算 4

三、楼盖、屋盖设计 5

3.1楼面板设计 5

3.1.1楼面荷载计算 5

3.1.2单向板设计 6

3.1.3双向板设计 8

3.2屋面板设计 21

3.2.1屋面荷载计算 22

3.2.2单向板设计 23

3.2.3双向板设计 25

3.3楼板次梁计算 35

3.3.1荷载标准值计算 36

3.3.2次梁CL-4设计 37

3.3.3次梁CL-5设计 39

3.3.4次梁CL-6设计 43

3.3.5次梁CL-7设计 44

3.3.6次梁CL-11设计 46

3.3.7次梁CL-13设计 48

3.3.8次梁CL-8设计 50

3.3.9次梁CL-9设计 54

3.3.10次梁CL-10设计 58

3.3.11次梁CL-2设计 62

3.3.12次梁CL-1设计 65

四、竖向荷载作用下框架内力计算 68

4.1框架计算简图 68

4.2恒荷载计算 70

4.2.1屋面层恒荷载计算 71

4.2.2(3~5层)楼层恒荷载计算 72

4.2.3(2层)楼层恒荷载计算 73

4.3恒荷载下框架内力计算 75

4.3.1杆件分配系数计算 76

4.3.2固端弯矩的计算 77

4.3.3各层梁弯矩分配与传递 80

4.3.4 各层梁、柱端最终弯矩计算 82

4.3.5各层梁跨中弯矩计算 84

4.3.6各层梁剪力计算 87

4.3.7各层柱子轴力计算 87

4.3.8 恒荷载下框架内力图 88

4.4活荷载计算 91

4.4.1屋面层活荷载计算 91

4.4.2(3~5层)楼层活荷载计算 92

4.4.3(2层)楼层活荷载计算 93

4.5活荷载下框架内力计算 94

4.5.1固端弯矩计算 95

4.5.2弯矩分配与传递 95

4.5.3各层梁、柱端最终弯矩计算 101

4.5.4可变荷载布置方式I内力计算 105

4.5.5可变荷载布置方式I框架内力图 106

4.5.6可变荷载布置方式II内力计算 109

4.5.7可变荷载布置方式II框架内力图 110

五、风荷载作用下框架内力计算 113

5.1柱的修正抗侧刚度计算 113

5.2修正反弯点高度计算 113

5.3风荷载计算 114

5.4框架内力计算 115

5.5 风荷载下框架内力图 116

5.6风荷载作用层间侧移计算 118

六、水平地震作用下框架内力计算 119

6.1重力荷载代表值计算 119

6.2框架柱等效抗侧刚度计算 124

6.3结构自震周期计算 127

6.4 横向水平地震作用计算及层间位移验算 127

6.4.1结构水平地震作用计算及层间位移计算 127

6.4.2 14轴横向框架柱所受水平地震作用 128

6.5横向框架水平地震作用下内力计算 129

6.5.1柱修正反弯点高度 129

6.5.2 14轴横向框架内力计算 130

6.6横向框架水平地震作用下内力图 131

6.7罕遇地震下的变形验算 133

6.7.1罕遇地震作用下楼层弹性地震剪力 133

6.7.2弹塑性层间位移计算 134

七、内力组合 135

7.1框架梁内力组合 135

7.1.1设计内力的修正及梁端弯矩调幅 135

7.1.2荷载效应非抗震组合 137

7.1.3荷载效应抗震组合 139

7.2框架柱内力组合 141

7.2.1框架柱在各种荷载下的内力值 141

7.2.2框架柱内力组合 143

八、框架梁截面设计 148

8.1框架梁正截面受弯设计 148

8.2框架梁斜截面受剪设计 152

8.2.1非抗震设计 152

8.2.2抗震截面设计 154

九、框架柱截面设计 157

9.1框架柱正截面设计 157

9.1.1框架柱非抗震截面设计 157


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