
 2022-08-03 10:08


摘 要

本次毕业设计的任务是完成位于苏州相城区的苏州相城实验小学食堂的结构设计,总共地上五层,房屋高度为4.200×5=21.000m。室内外高差为0.450m。占地面积约816m2,建筑面积约2875m2,建筑高度≤40m。结构初步方案定为框架结构, 设计使用年限为50年;结构安全等级为二级;建筑抗震设防类别为乙类;框架抗震等级为二级;地基基础设计等级为丙级;建筑物耐火等级为二级, 基本风压:(50年一遇);.




关键词:结构设计 内力计算 框架结构


The Graduation Project Topic isSuzhou Xiangcheng Experimental Primary School Canteen Structural Design.The Selection of structural is reinforced concrete frame structure. There are a total of five layers, the first layer is 4.2meters, two to five floors are 4.2m,the height of roof is 0.45meters, the total height of building is 21meters. The total construction area of the building is 2875.5 square meters. Structural safety level of the building is rating 2, the proposed construction site fortification intensity is 7 degrees. The basic design earthquake acceleration of the building is 0.1g, seismic design group is the first group; site-category is II and design characteristic period value takes 0.45s. Construction seismic category of the engineering is Class B; seismic of the frame is rating of 2. Foundation design of the building is class B, the basis form is the pile foundation;

This design is mainly on the Suzhou Xiangcheng Experimental Primary School Canteen Structural Design.The purpose of the design is mainly to do the structure design for the frames of axis 6. When the array of the structure is determined, firstly do the roof design. Secondly, I calculate the internal force of the frame under the vertical loads (dead load and live load) and the wind load, also the seismic force. After computing the internal force under all sorts of loads, the combination of internal force can be made by using the Excel software, whose purpose is to find one or several sets of the most adverse internal force of members. Then I make out the cross-section design of beams and columns. Slab stairs is used in this structure. The design of the stairs includes calculating the internal force and reinforcing such components as landing slab, step board and landing girder. In the end, Prestressed concrete pile foundation needs designin。

Then, the results is checked by software PKPM, including finding out differences between them and analyzing the reasons.What’s more,software PKPM is used to improve the part ignored in hand computation. Finally, i drawed part construction drawings with the help of the result of hand count computing.

Keywords:structural design;reinforced-concrete structure;framework

目 录

第一章 基本设计条件 1

1.1工程名称 1

1.2设计资料 1

第二章 方案选择及结构布置 2

2.1确定结构体系 2

2.2板、梁、柱截面尺寸估算 4

2.2.1 板截面尺寸估算 4

2.2.2梁截面尺寸估算 4

2.2.3 柱截面尺寸估算 4

第三章 荷载计 6

3.1恒荷载计算 6

3.1.3墙自重 7

3.1.4梁自重 7

3.1.5柱自重 8

3.2活荷载计算 8

3.2.1屋面及楼面活荷载标准值 8

3.2.2屋面雪荷载标准值 8

3.2.3风荷载 8

第四章 屋盖及楼盖设计 10

4.1屋盖设计 10

4.1.1单向板设计 10

4.1.2双向板设计 12

4.2标准层楼板设计 15

4.2.1单向板设计 15

4.2.2双向板设计 18

4.3 屋盖次梁设计 24

4.4 标准层2次梁设计 30

第五章 竖向荷载下框架内力计算 39

5.1恒载作用 39

5.1.1屋面恒荷载计算 41

5.1.2楼面恒荷载计算 44

5.1.3恒载下框架内力计算 49

5.2活载作用 58

5.2.1屋面活荷载计算 60

5.2.2楼面恒荷载计算 61

5.2.3活荷载下框架内力计算 63

第六章 风荷载作用下框架内力计算 80

6.1风荷载作用下的内力计算 80

6.2风荷载作用下结构的侧移计算 85

第七章 水平地震作用下框架内力计算 86

7.1重力荷载代表值计算 86

7.1.1屋顶层重力荷载代表值计算 86

7.1.2三、四层重力荷载代表值计算 86

7.1.3二层重力荷载代表值计算 87

7.1.4一层重力荷载代表值计算 88

7.2框架梁柱线刚度计算 88

7.3结构基本自振周期计算 92

7.4横向水平地震作用下内力计算 93

7.4.1框架梁柱内力计算 94

第八章 内力组合 97

8.1框架梁内力组合 97

8.1.1非地震作用组合 97

8.1.2地震作用组合 101

8.2框架柱内力组合 104

8.2.1非地震作用组合 105

8.2.2地震作用组合 108

第九章 梁、柱截面设计 113

9.1框架梁正截面设计 113

9.1.1设计条件 113

9.1.2构造要求 113

9.1.3正截面受弯承载力计算 113

9.2框架梁斜截面设计 117

9.3框架柱正截面设计 119

9.3.1设计条件 119

9.3.2构造要求 120

9.3.3正截面承载力计算 120

9.4框架柱斜截面设计 125

第十章 楼梯设计 127

10.1楼梯简介 127

10.2梯段板设计 127

10.2.1梯段板设计 127

10.2.2荷载效应组合 128

10.2.3 配筋计算 128

10.3平台板1设计 128

10.3.1荷载计算 129

10.3.2荷载效应组合 129

10.4平台板2设计 130

10.4.1荷载计算 130

10.4.2荷载效应组合 130

10.4.3内力计算 130

10.5平台梁设计 131

10.5.1荷载计算 131

10.5.2内力计算 131

第十一章 基础设计 133

11.1 作用于基础顶面上的荷载计算 133

11.2独立基础的计算 133

11.2.1 初步确定基础尺寸 134

11.2.2基础高度确定(防止冲剪破坏) 135

第十二章 手算电算结果分析 137

12.1 结构基本周期比较 137

12.2 层间位移比较 137

12.3 底层柱轴力设计值比较 137

参考文献 139

致 谢 140

附录 141

第一章 基本设计条件






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