
 2022-07-29 09:07


摘 要





关键词:结构设计 钢筋混凝土结构 框架剪力墙结构

Structure Design of Zhengxinhe Building B in Jiangning District of NanJing

Name: Liu Jiaqi Number: 05113307

Supervisor: Sun Zeyang

The project for the graduation is the structure design of Zhengxinhe Building B in Jiangning District of Nanjing. Its main founction includes: The first floor is designed for markets and the floor from 2 to 11 are designed for laboratory. The total covered area is 9131 m2. The total height of this building is 65.60m ,which is measured from outdoor ground to the roof.

The main purpose of the project is to do the structure design of the concrete frame and shear wall of Zhengxinhe Building B in Jiangning District of Nanjing. Computations include: layout of the structure, calculation of the load, designing and reinforcing of the floors and roof, the analysis of stress, the combination of internal forces of the frame, stairs design and foundation design.

A reasonable structure layout will be designed according to the architectural drawing. Based on that, the floor, roof and the secondary beam will be designed. The work after that is the design of one representative frame. During the design of this structure, it is necessary to analyse the internal force of framework, and then calculate the combination of internal force. Among various kinds of combination, the most adverse one will be chosen as the design value of the internal force. Based on this, the sections of the structure members can be designed. In addition, the project includesthe slabs of stairs and the pile founction.

After the computation by hand in the structure design, PKPM, which is a software mainly for structure,will be used to conduct the analysis of the frame again, and check out if the analysis by hand has any errors. Finally, the productions drawingswill be completed based on the calculation results.

Keywords: Structure design Frame-shear wall structure Reinforced concrete


第一章 工程设计基本资料 1

1.1 工程概况 1

1.2 工程自然条件 1

1.3 工程材料使用以及做法概况 1

第二章 结构方案的选型与布置 2

2.1构件截面尺寸估算 2

2.1.1柱截面尺寸估算 2

2.1.2梁尺寸估算 3

2.1.3板厚估算 4

2.2平面结构布置图 4

第三章 计算简图与刚度参数 7

3.1计算简图 7

3.2刚度参数 8

3.2.1综合剪力墙的等效抗弯刚度 8

3.2.2普通框架的抗侧刚度 17

3.2.3总连梁的约束刚度Cb 27

3.3主体结构的刚度特征值 29

第四章 荷载计算 30

4.1恒荷载计算 30

4.1.1屋面荷载(上人屋面) 30

4.1.2楼面荷载 30

4.1.3填充墙荷载标准值 31

4.2活荷载计算 33

4.2.1楼、屋面活载 33

4.2.2雪荷载 33

4.3横向风荷载计算 33

4.3.1风荷载相关参数的确定 33

4.3.2楼层处集中风荷载计算 35

第五章 楼盖设计 37

5.1楼盖设计 37

5.1.1楼盖板设计 37

5.1.2楼面板设计 38

5.1.3板内弯矩计算 39

5.2次梁设计 47

5.2.1次梁荷载计算值 48

5.2.2次梁计算简图 51

5.2.3次梁内力计算 52

5.2.4正截面受弯承载力验算 53

第六章 竖向荷载作用效应分析 59

6.1框架计算简图 59

6.2竖向荷载计算 62

6.2.1永久荷载计算 62

6.2.2屋(楼)面活荷载计算 71

6.3竖向荷载作用下的内力计算 79

6.3.1计算理论 79

6.3.2恒荷载作用下 79

6.4活荷载作用下框架内力计算 99

6.4.1可变荷载布置方式Ⅰ 99

6.4.2可变荷载布置方式2 125

6.4.3可变荷载布置方式1 2 150

第七章 水平地震作用下框架内力计算 159

7.1重力荷载代表值 159

7.1.1小塔楼重力荷载代表值计算 160

7.1.2顶层屋面重力荷载代表值计算: 160

7.1.3 13层楼面重力荷载代表值计算 161

7.1.4 3-12层楼面重力荷载代表值计算 162

7.1.5 2层楼面重力荷载代表值计算 163

7.2横向水平地震作用计算 165

7.2.1结构总水平地震作用(底部剪力标准值) 165

7.2.2各层水平地震作用 166

7.3水平地震作用折算及水平位移验算 168

7.3.1水平地震作用折算 168

7.3.2水平位移验算 169

7.4水平地震作用下的内力计算 170

7.4.1总剪力墙、总框架的内力 170

7.4.2 B轴线一榀框架柱子剪力计算 170

7.4.3 B轴线的一榀框架柱子反弯点高度比计算 172

7.4.4 B轴线的一榀框架梁柱端弯矩计算 173

7.4.5 B轴线一榀框架梁的剪力与柱的轴力计算 175

第八章 横向风荷载作用下的内力计算 177

8.1风荷载的折算 177

8.2风荷载作用下的内力计算 177

8.2.1风荷载作用下总剪力墙的弯矩 177

8.2.2.风荷载作用下总剪力墙的剪力 179

8.2.3 B轴线的一榀框架柱子反弯点高度比计算 181

8.2.4 B轴线的一榀框架梁柱端弯矩计算 182

第九章 荷载效应组合 187

9.1框架梁内力组合 187

9.1.1梁弯矩塑性调幅 187

9.1.2梁端柱边弯矩和剪力修正 194

9.1.3内力组合计算 201

9.2框架柱内力组合 217

9.2.1柱端弯矩调整与剪力计算 217

9.2.2内力组合 221

第十章 梁柱截面设计 239

10.1框架梁截面设计 239

10.1.1设计条件 239

10.1.2构造要求 239

10.1.3正截面受弯承载力计算 240

10.1.4斜截面受剪承载力计算 241

10.2框架柱截面设计 242

10.2.1设计条件 242

10.2.2正截面承载力计算: 243

10.2.3斜截面承载力的计算 244

第十一章 楼梯设计 246

11.1梯段板设计 246

11.2平台板设计 248

11.3平台梁设计 251

第十二章 桩基础设计 254

12.1设计条件 254

12.2基础设计 255

12.2.1基础选型 255

12.2.2底端柱荷载组合 256

12.2.3单桩竖向承载力特征值估算 257

12.2.4桩基础设计 257

12.2.5承台受冲切承载力计算 259

12.2.6承台受剪切承载力计算 260

12.2.7承台受弯承载力计算 261

12.2.8 桩身强度验算 261

12.3基础连梁设计 262

12.3.1梁高的估算: 262

11.3.2正截面承载力计算 262

第十三章 手算与PKPM电算比较 263

13.1结构周期的比较 263

13.2 X方向地震作用下产生的剪力 263

13.3 风荷载作用比较 264

13.4 水平作用下手算电算层间位移比较 264

致谢 266


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