
 2022-06-07 09:06


摘 要









This project for graduation design is the 18th floor of Wanjin North Park, Zhonghai, Yandu District, Yancheng,18 floors above ground and 2 floors underground. The main functions of the underground are parking garages, equipment rooms, and residences, on the ground is the building for commercial and community. The plane is basically rectangular with a length of 50.7m, a width of 15.1m, and a floor height of 2.900m. The top elevation of the main part of the structure is 52.2m, and the elevation difference between the indoor and outdoor roofs is 0.300m.

The main contents of the calculation book include: engineering overview, structural design, calculation of (load) effect, design of floor (roof) system, calculation of equivalent bending rigidity of shear wall, analysis of single-shear wall structure under vertical load, analysis of single-shear shear wall structure under the level effect, internal force combination of shear wall, components design of shear wall, stair design, foundation design, construction drawing , etc. altogether twelve major chapters.

Which is worth mentioning is that the calculation book in addition to the main contents of the 12 chapters and the appendix of the computerized results summary, the design is also accompanied by two small topics. “Special Topic 1” discussed in detail the method principles and design process of the shear wall structural arrangement, which recorded strictly and in detail how to think, what is the basis, and how to optimize the structure of the shear wall structure from the architectural drawing of the architect’s hands. The process makes the entire design process general, representative and popular.

"Special Topic 2" records the detailed process of computerized layout. The information is clear, comprehensive, and reproducible, which make the whole computer layout process more rigorous. In addition, this time the design of hand calculations and computer computing are "go hand in hand", in the list of several check of hand-calculated and computer-computing items, they are verified by each other, in the error analysis can we deepen the understanding of knowledge and get experience.

KEY WORDS: shear wall、pile foundation、structural design


摘要 Ⅰ

Abstract Ⅱ

第一章 工程概况 1

1.1工程概述 1

1.2水文地质条件 1

1.3自然气象条件 2

1.4结构设计标准 2

1.5建筑做法 3

第二章 结构方案设计 4

2.1结构选型 4

2.2建筑设计校核 4

2.3上部结构布置 4

2.3.1结构初步布置 4

2.3.2结构电算布置 5

2.3.3结构布置校核 6

2.4截面尺寸估算 6

2.5材料选取 6

2.6变形缝布置 6

2.7相关设计依据 6

第三章 作用计算 8

3.1竖向荷载计算 8

3.1.1永久荷载 8

3.1.2楼屋面可变荷载 11

3.2水平风荷载计算 11

3.2.1风荷载标准值 11

3.2.2楼层处集中风荷载 13

3.3水平地震作用计算 15

3.3.1重力荷载代表值 15

3.3.2地震振型反应谱分解 19

3.3.3楼层处集中地震力 23

第四章 楼、屋盖设计 27

4.1标准层楼面板设计 27

4.1.1楼面板分类 27

4.1.2单向板及挑板内力 28

4.1.3矩形双向板内力 29

4.1.4异形板内力 39

4.1.5楼面板截面配筋 40

4.1.6楼面板变形验算 45

4.2标准层梁设计 47

4.2.1楼面梁分类 47

4.2.2次梁计算模型 47

4.2.3次梁荷载设计值 49

4.2.4次梁截面弯矩 52

4.2.5次梁截面配筋 61

4.2.6次梁变形验算 67

4.3顶层屋面板设计 70

4.3.1屋面板分类 70

4.3.2单向板及挑板内力 72

4.3.3矩形双向板内力 73

4.3.4异形板内力 80

4.3.5屋面板截面配筋 81

4.3.6屋面板变形验算 87

第五章 剪力墙等效抗弯刚度计算 89

5.1剪力墙的类型判别 89

5.1.1纵横剪力墙编号 89

5.1.2剪力墙有效翼缘宽度计算 90

5.1.3剪力墙截面几何参数 91

5.1.4横向剪力墙类别 97

5.2无洞口剪力墙的等效抗弯刚度 101

5.3联肢(双肢)剪力墙的等效抗弯刚度 101

5.4整体小开口剪力墙的等效抗弯刚度 103

第六章 竖向荷载下单榀剪力墙结构分析 104

6.1分析思路 104

6.2剪力墙YSW3墙肢轴力 104

6.2.1墙肢自重 104

6.2.2楼板传来荷载 104

6.2.3梁上传来荷载 107

6.3剪力墙连梁YL2内力 119

6.3.1屋面层连梁线性内力 119

6.3.2楼面层连梁线性内力 120

6.3.3连梁内力汇总 121

第七章 水平作用下单榀剪力墙结构分析 123

7.1风荷载下的内力与变形计算 123

7.1.1剪力墙YSW3的等效风荷载 123

7.1.2剪力墙YSW3的内力分析 123

7.1.3剪力墙结构变形验算 127

7.2地震作用下的内力与变形计算 128

7.2.1剪力墙YSW3的等效地震作用 128

7.2.2剪力墙YSW3的内力分析 128

7.2.3剪力墙结构变形验算 131

第八章 剪力墙内力组合 133

8.1非抗震情况下 133

8.1.1剪力墙YSW3的墙肢内力组合 133

8.1.2剪力墙YSW3的连梁内力组合 142

8.2抗震情况下 147

8.2.1剪力墙YSW3的墙肢内力组合 147

8.2.2剪力墙YSW3的连梁内力组合 153

第九章 剪力墙构件设计 158

9.1剪力墙YSW3 L形墙肢设计 158

9.1.1内力选取 158

9.1.2截面尺寸验算 160

9.1.3轴压比验算 161

9.1.4构造配筋 162

9.1.5正截面承载力 163

9.1.6斜截面承载力 173

9.2剪力墙YSW3T形墙肢设计 177

9.2.1内力选取 177


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