
 2022-02-25 09:02


摘 要








Real estate Orientation scheming report on

Jiang Ning Gao Xin Yuan Program

Student ID:05212113 Name:Wu Yan Instructor:He Houquan

ABSTRACT: This report on Jiang Ning Gao Xin Yuan Program contains aspects as follows: philosophy of development, management modality, overall ploting, positioning and design of price and micro-environment. Before that,macro-economy status, demand and supply situation, perchasing power of local residences must be analyzed and predicted, which plays the role of aiding and guidelines in market investigation. SWOT analysis will help to define the core values of the project. While positioning in the project, it is main to research how to determine the main target customer groups and product content, and it is an important factor in investment decisions. Project Orientation runs through market research, investment analysis, product planning and management and sales execution. It is the key of future target\product content and quality, and it is an important factor to research the contradiction between supply and demand. Product position is a supply of analysis, customer position is a need of anasis, product position is descided by customer position. Through analysis, I think that the plot of the businesses is both opportunities and challenges, if I want to acquire the success of the project, location design and market research is very important. Therefore, the design of this issue is from a developer's point of view, in the spirit of combining theory and practice of principles, I will propose the proposals and comments about the program. for the project , when the project and product positioning is confirmed, as the results of the transformation, I will give a architectural design of the proposed project.

Keywords: Retirement community;market research;positioning planning

摘要 1

第一部分 5

1毕设工作总体描述 5

1.1课题关键问题难点 5

1.2项目定位的研究内容 5

1.3进度安排 6

1.4个人小结 7

第二部分 8

1.市场环境调研 8

1.1 政策环境 8

1.2人口环境 12

1.3江宁板块: 13

1.4房地产市场分析 14

2消费者调研分析 15

2.1 问卷调查概况 15

2.2调查问卷内容 16

2.3数据统计和分析 19

3.竞争楼盘及养老公寓调研 30

3.1 竞争楼盘分析 30

3.2 养老公寓分析 38

第三部分 45

1.土地概况 45

1.1地理位置 45

1.2交通条件 45

1.3周边配套 45

1.4土地拍卖信息 45

江宁高新园弘景大道以西、格致路以南地块信息表 45

1.5项目红线图 46

2.地块SWOT分析 46

3. 定位依据 48

3.1理论依据 48

3.2 法律法规依据 50

3.3实际市场依据 50

4. 目标市场定位以及目标客户分析 51

4.1出售部分目标市场 52

4.2 租赁部分目标市场 53

5.开发概念和思想 54

5.1项目整体价值概念 54

5.2地段价值概念 54

5.3户型价值概念 54

5.4景观价值概念 55

5.5配套设施价值概念 55

6.楼盘案名和建筑风格 55

6.1楼盘案名内涵 56

6.2建筑风格 56

7技术指标 56

7.1总平面布置技术指标 57

7.2住宅建筑技术指标 57

8项目规划布局 57

8.1项目户型与配套设施 58

8.2 数据统计 61

9产品定价 63

9.1住宅均价 63

9.2车位定价 66

附录 67

论文 76

养老社区设计规划探讨 76

1. 背景 76

2养老模式分析 78

2.1家庭养老模式分析 78

2.2机构养老模式分析 79

2.3社区养老模式分析 79

3养老社区的开发模式 80

3.1.综合型养老社区 80

3.2活力型养老社区 81

3.3度假型养老社区 81

4目前养老社区在规划设计时存在的问题 81

4.1缺乏专门的养老社区规划建设标准 81

4.2 对养老社区规划设计感到无从入手 82

4.3简单照搬国外模式 82

5养老社区规划 82

5.1室内公共活动区域设计——活动中心 82

5.2室外公共活动区域设计 83

6总结 84

参考文献 84




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