
 2022-02-07 09:02


摘 要








Study on Property Company Intervention Model in Community Home-based Care Services for Old People


China has entered the aging society since 2000. The aging speed is high, the number of old people in china is big, and most people are still poor now. The “Family Planning” policy has led to a low birth rate and small family. Family can’t take care of the old people by itself anymore and there are not enough institutions for old people either. In this case, China has proposed a new pension service pattern, where Family plays the primary role in the care for elderly, Community makes a supplement and Institutions offers the technology. But in the process of implementation we encountered many problems.

Residential property business has inherent advantages in the offer of care for the elderly, because it is familiar with the residents and close to the old people. Current research about this is still about its Infancy Significance and Feasibility Analysis, very few studies involve the specific intervention model. This article uses methods, such as Literature Analysis, Qualitative Analysis and Comparative Analysis to study the specific mode.

Through the research in the Association of Home Care in Nanjing, Some problems were found, For example, the supply can’t match the demand, the result is not as good as expected, inadequate supervision and other issues.

This paper offers SO, WO, ST and WT strategies for Residential Property Company using the SWOT Analysis method.

This paper makes some comments about the model of Zhuoda, the Great Wall and Greentown about offering service to old people.

This paper points out that the method that French people use to manage the service for old people makes sense to China.

At last, this paper offers some advices for the Property Company about how to offer services to old people who live in their home when getting old, improving the system of Home Care Service for Old People and offering some new idea for the Property Company.

Key words: Property Company; Home care services for old people; Model


摘要 I

Abstract II

目录 III

图目录 VI

表目录 VII

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景与意义 1

1.1.1研究背景 1

1.1.2研究意义 2

1.2国内外研究现状及评述 3

1.2.1国内研究现状 3

1.2.2国外研究现状 5

1.2.3国内外研究现状评述 6

1.3研究内容与方法 7

1.3.1研究目标 7

1.3.2研究思路与方法 7

1.3.3研究内容 8

第二章 相关概念与理论研究 10

2.1概念界定 10

2.1.1物业管理 10

2.2.2社区居家养老服务 11

2.2网络化治理理论 12

2.2.1概念介绍 12

2.2.2关键因素 12

2.3养老服务管理模式 12

2.3.1案例管理模式 12

2.3.2整合管理模式 13

2.3.3顾客导向管理模式 13

2.3.4各类模式比较 13

第三章 我国社区居家养老服务现状——以南京市为例 15

3.1 服务体系 15

3.1.1政府主导 15

3.1.2社会主体 16

3.1.3社区纽带 17

3.2服务内容 17

3.2.1发展方向 17

3.2.2服务现状 18

3.3管理模式 19

3.3.1服务组织管理 19

3.3.2服务对象管理 20

3.3.3服务过程管理 20

3.4现状分析 21

3.4.1服务供需消不匹配 21

3.4.2服务成效一般 22

3.4.3社区内养老资源未充分利用 22

3.4.4监管力度不够 22

第四章 物业介入社区居家养老服务SWOT分析 23

4.1我国物业管理发展现状 23

4.1.1发展迅速但水平参差不齐 23

4.1.2市场化程度低,服务质量一般 23

4.1.3利润率低,专业管理人才缺乏 23

4.2我国物业管理发展趋势 24

4.2.1专业化 24

4.2.2市场化 24

4.2.3智能化 24

4.3物业介入社区居家养老服务SWOT分析 25

4.3.1SWOT分析的概念 25

4.3.2SWOT分析的方法 25

4.3.3具体分析 25

第五章 国内外经验借鉴 27

5.1国内物业介入社区居家养老服务模式借鉴 27

5.1.1卓达模式 27

5.1.2长城模式 28

5.1.3绿城模式 29

5.1.4各模式比较分析 29

5.2法国居家养老服务管理模式借鉴 30

5.2.1模式介绍 31

5.2.2案例研究 32

5.2.3模式分析 32

第六章 模式构建 33

6.1连接老年人与服务提供者 33

6.1.1宣传社区居家养老服务方式 34

6.1.2为老年人提供社区居家养老服务资讯 34

6.1.3对老年人的养老需求进行调研 34

6.2对老年人进行个案管理 34

6.2.1为老年人建立电子档案 34

6.2.2帮助老年人获得所需服务 35

6.2.3对服务质量进行监督 35

6.3整合社区内其他服务资源 35

6.3.1积极推进邻里互助 35

6.3.2组建小区为老服务志愿社团 35

6.3.3举办各类文娱活动 36

第七章 结论与展望 37

7.1研究结论 37

7.2不足与展望 37

致谢 38

参考文献 39


图 1 研究思路 8

图 2 研究内容 9


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