
 2023-04-21 08:04


摘 要





Inspection center project bidding document preparation and B enterprise tender offer


Since the beginning of the new century, as the rapid development of China"s economy and the increasing of people"s living standard, the formation of the huge demand of large-scale infrastructure, shops, office buildings, factories, high-rise residential buildings, such as the production life of the building, which greatly stimulated the development of China"s Construction industry, so that China"s construction market of unprecedented prosperity.

In the construction market and bidding system has become the most competitive transactions, tendering and bidding system implementation is market economy in engineering construction project management system of the basic point and the starting point. It not only improves the quality of construction engineering, saving the cost of the project, the construction create market environment for the survival of the fittest, prevent the procurement of all kinds of corruption, improve efficiency in the use of project funds, shorten the construction period, implementation of the investment and financing reform, save foreign exchange has important significance. So the study of bidding, especially bidding skills and strategies, has a very important significance of the impact of the construction units and construction enterprises, which is not only the means to achieve the overall strategic goal, but also the management ability.

This graduation design according to the actual situation of the engineering of Engineering Testing Center, focusing on writing has the tendering of bill of quantities and including bidding, construction organization design bidding, bidding for the tender process and method of in-depth understanding, analysis and learning the quantity under the single mode bidding skills and strategies, to construction units in the tender offer increased the chance of winning, save the engineering cost and improve the competitiveness of enterprises to make some suggestions and opinions.

Keywords:Bidding system; Bidding strategy and skills

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一部分 毕业设计综述 1

第一章 检测中心工程工程概况 1

第二章 检测中心工程毕业设计任务 6

第二部分 检测中心工程招标文件编制 6

第一章 招标公告(未进行资格预审) 8

第二章 投标人须知 10

第三章 评标办法(经评审的最低投标价法) 13

第四章 合同条款及格式 15

第五章 工程量清单 23

第六章 图纸 40

第七章 技术标准和要求 41

第三部分 检测中心工程B企业投标报价 42

第一章 投标函及投标函附录 44

第二章 法定代表人身份证明(略) 45

第三章 授权委托书(略) 45

第四章 联合体协议书(略) 45

第五章 投标保证金 45

第六章 已标价工程量清单 44

第七章 施工组织设计 84

第八章 项目管理机构(略) 102

第九章 资格审查资料(略) 102

第四部分 106

谢 辞 110

参考文献 111



第一章 检测中心工程工程概况

1. 基础结构


2. 主体结构

该工程为新建的钢筋混凝土工业厂房,建筑面积5013.57㎡,地上四层,无地下室,共总高度19.2m,计划整个工期370天。抗震设防烈度为7度,建筑设计图纸规定使用年限为50年,建筑物的耐火等级2级。框架柱、梁均为现浇混凝土柱、梁。楼板是现浇混凝土楼板。基础基础梁的混凝土等级是C30,柱、上部梁、板的混凝土等级为C30,过梁、圈梁、构造柱混凝土的等级是C20。填充内、外墙均为200mm,外墙为蒸压粉煤灰砖及铝合金玻璃幕墙,内墙是由用由MU7.5的蒸压粉煤灰多孔砖和和M5.0混合砂浆组成的填充墙和铝合金玻璃隔断组成。所有墙体均在低于室内地坪标高0.06m处设置20毫米厚度的1:2.5水泥砂浆防潮层。屋面也为混凝土现浇板制成。防火门、普通门、铝合金玻璃隔断、普通外门、普通窗、玻璃幕墙等见门窗表。屋面铺贴SBS(3 3)防水卷材。


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