
 2023-04-20 01:04


摘 要





Linjiang city positioning design report


Positioning design of real estate is a real estate project planning, design, summarized the process, including market research, project positioning, marketing planning, financial reporting, property management from several aspects. Every aspect is an integral part of the real estate for meals. Among them, the project positioning is the core of the whole project, and it is signality.

Before making a graduation design, it is necessary to first complete market research work. Market research roughly divided into two parts, one part is the consumer research, doing this part of the research, focus on consumers, through a questionnaire survey consumers" age, income, family, etc. The other part is surrounding the research for land, when doing the part of this research, the need for field trips, understand the characteristics of the block, surrounding facilities, the surrounding traffic conditions, competitive real estate, etc. Do research report for after graduation design to lay a good foundation.

Graduation design results including the graduation design process comprehensive description and the orientation of real estate basic theory, river new town project report, small four parts of this paper. The process description roughly describes the division of labor cooperation of the team; Positioning design report covers this graduation design is the most important content, detailed description of the project positioning, price positioning, architecture style of whole positioning and some design ideas. Small paper of the housing market price positioning discussed in detail.

Key words:Linjiang city; Positioning; market; Research report; Design report


摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一部分 全过程工作描述 1

第二部分 临江新城市场定位设计报告 4

第一章 绪论 5

1.1房地产市场定位研究的背景和意义 5

1.1.1研究背景 5

1.1.2研究的意义 5

1.2国内外房地产市场发展现状 5

1.2.1海外市场 5

1.2.2国内市场 6

第二章 房地产市场总述 7

2.1房地产市场的基本理论 7

2.1.1房地产市场的特征 7

2.1.2房地产市场定位的基本理论 8

2.1.3市场定位的重要性 9

2.1.4分析目标地块及其竞争环境 9

2.2房地产项目市场定位的影响因素分析 12

2.2.1影响的基本要素 12

2.2.2住宅市场影响因素     13

第三章 我国宏观经济发展态势 14

3.1国民经济发展情况 15

3.1.1 固定资产投资增长较快 15

3.1.2居民消费价格浮动情况分析 16

3.1.3城乡居民收入稳定增长 17

3.1.4全国房地产投资和销售状况 18

3.1.5 商品住宅市场销售不容乐观 19

3.1.6建筑业处于上升趋势 19

3.2南京市经济发展情况 20

3.2.1 南京经济整体发展情况 20

3.2.2 2014年南京市房地产市场发展情况 21

3.3建邺区经济发展情况 23

3.3.1 2013年建邺区经济发展综述 23

3.3.2 2013年建邺区房地产发展整体情况 23

3.4竞争分析 24

3.4.1海峡城 24

3.4.2升龙天汇 25

3.4.3恒盛金陵湾 26

3.4.4华润悦府 27

第四章 临江新城市场定位报告 28

4.1项目概述 29

4.1.1土地简介 29

4.1.2项目区位 29

4.1.3项目开发单位 29

4.2项目整体定位 29

4.2.1定位依据 29

4.2.2目标客户定位 29

4.2.3项目档次定位 31

4.2.4项目价格定位 31

4.2.5项目案名定位 32

4.2.6项目的开发规模 33

4.2.7项目配套设施 36

4.2.8开发理念 39

4.2.9项目风格定位 39

4.2.10技术体系设计定位 41

4.3项目建设建议 43

4.3.1项目规划建议 43

4.3.2 建筑设计建议 44

4.3.3 小区运作建议 44

第三部分 论住宅市场的价格定位 46

致 谢 50

参考文献 51

附录 52

第一部分 全过程工作描述

第一章 毕业设计过程综合描述







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