
 2023-04-20 01:04


摘 要






Riverside City project financial evaluation of the program


The rapid development of market economy makes the financial evaluation has become particularly important in organizational development projects. Financial evaluation not only for the project itself has a great role for the business also has a key role. It can evaluate the feasibility of the project, predicted before the project implementation feasibility of the project, for enterprises, financial evaluation can influence the financial decisions.

The financial evaluation of the program wrote a basic overview of major projects and the consequent financial analysis, a total of ten chapters.

The first chapter describes the financial evaluation of the current situation and the degree of attention at home and abroad; the second chapter is about the project"s research, and the findings of the analysis; Chapter III is the choice of project profiles and project investment programs; Chapter construction schedule for the entire project planning; Chapter is to estimate and project financing of investment programs; Chapter VI revenue estimates for the project; Chapter VII for the profitability and solvency analysis of the project; s eight chapters for the uncertainty analysis of the project; Chapter IX for the risk analysis of the project; Chapter is for the entire project financial evaluation program summary.

On the basis of discussions with Riverside Metro objectives project through background checks, market research, financial economic analysis, etc., early in the development of the project be broken down elaborate, provide the basis for development of the project.

Keywords: Riverside Metro; financial analysis; financial evaluation

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一部分 毕业设计过程描述 1

第二部分 毕业设计成果 4

第一章 项目调研设计 4

1.1项目调研设计 4

1.1.1调研目的 4

1.1.2调研内容 5

1.2调研方法 6

1.2.1调研的原则 6

1.2.2调研的方法 7

1.2.3调研时间安排 7

1.3调研结果分析 8

1.3.1调研对象的基本信息分析 8

1.3.2问卷信息 8

第二章 项目概况及投资方案 13

2.1项目的基础信息 13

2.2拟建地产品的组合 14

2.3项目的工期选择 15

2.4项目资金来源 15

第三章 项目的建设规划与进度安排 16

3.1项目建设规划 16

3.1.1项目定位 16

3.1.2规划控制 16

3.1.3配套设施 16

3.2项目进度安排 17

3.2.1WBS图和进度计划表 17

第四章 项目投资估算及资金筹措计划 22

4.1项目的投资估算 22

4.1.1投资估算的相关规定 22

4.1.2项目中相关税费的估算依据 22

4.1.3项目总投资估算 23

4.2项目资金筹措计划 26

4.3项目总资金及资金使用计划 27

第五章 项目销售收入估算 30

5.1项目收入估算 30

5.1.1项目销售收入估算 30

5.1.2 销售收入税金 30

第六章 建设项目的财务评价指标计算 31

6.1财务评价 31

6.2财务评价指标分析 31

6.2.1财务评价盈利指标分析 33

6.2.2财务评价清偿指标分析 34

第七章 建设项目的不确定性 35

7.1项目不确定性分析及评价 35

7.1.1敏感性分析 35

第八章 风险分析 37

8.1项目风险概述 37

8.1.1项目风险的识别 37

8.1.1项目风险的对策 38

第九章 项目财务评价结论 39

第三部分 毕业设计小论文 40

致 谢 44

参考文献 45

附录表1 调查问卷 47

附录表2 财务评价系列报表 49



第一章 绪论


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