
 2023-04-20 01:04


摘 要







Project name for ABC villa - G, H, construction site is located in Nanjing , the construction unit is ABC real estate company in Nanjing, the tendering units for DEF construction company.

Project quality control aims to achieve the overall goal of ABC villa construction projects, in order to ensure the quality of project master conducted a series of related aspects of supervision and management activities.

Business documents is bidding units in order to show their overall strength, to improve its competitive advantage also covers the content such as part of the technology and offer a comprehensive data file.

Construction organization design as an important part of the tender documents, the rationality of the design manual as well as the construction plan of the feasible degree will have a significant impact of the bidding work. In writing in the process of the construction organization design, must be based on the results of field investigation and reference to the content of the bidding documents preparation work, construction organization design content including about the arrangement of the overall progress of the construction of process, construction method and scheme and the construction of each type of work plan and arrangement of the construction of the base condition, etc. Also made clear that engineering contracting, in construction technology, quality, time limit, safety, capital and organization goals. Also include the corresponding input content and measures. The content does not need and match them with the tender documents one by one.

Keywords:Engineering quality control, business scale, the construction organization design

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一部分 毕业设计综述

第一章 工程概况 1

1.1工程概况 1

1.2主要装饰概况 1

1.3设计概况 1

第二章 毕业设计任务 2

2.1 小组任务 2

2.2 个人任务 2

2.3工作进程 2

第二部分 投标文件

第一章 投标函及投标函附录 6

1.1投标函 6

1.2投标函附录 7

第二章 法定代表人身份证明 8

第三章 授权委托书 9

第四章 投标保证金 10

第五章 已标价工程量清单 11

5.1投标总价封面 11

5.2工程计价总说明 12

5.3建设项目投标报价汇总表 12

5.4 单项工程投标报价汇总表 13

5.5单位工程投标报价汇总表 13

5.6 分部分项工程和单价措施项目清单与计价表 13

5.7总价措施项目清单与计价表 18

5.8其他项目清单与计价汇总表 19

5.9暂列金额明细表 19

5.10专业工程暂估价及结算价表 19

5.11计日工表 20

5.12总承包服务费计价表 20

5.13规费、税金项目计价表 20

5.14发包人提供主要材料和工程设备一览表 21

5.15承包人提供主要材料和工程设备一览表 21

5.16分部分项工程量清单综合单价分析表 24

第六章 施工组织设计 30

6.1 工程概况 30

6.2 工程施工特点与条件 32

6.3组织管理 32

6.4 施工方案 40

6.5验收工作 48

第三部分 科技小论文

工程量清单对投标工作的重要性 51

致 谢 54

参考文献 55

附 录 56

附表一:拟投入本标段的主要施工设备表 56

附表二:拟配备本标段的试验和检测仪器设备表 57


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