
 2023-03-16 09:03


摘 要




Research on Financial Evaluation of Construction Project of Baima No.3 Block in Jiangpu Street, Pukou District, Nanjing

Real estate project financial evaluation is the most important part of the feasibility study of real estate projects, real estate investment decision is based on the financial evaluation of the relevant report launched. Real estate development industry belongs to capital-intensive industries, the amount of funds required is huge, high income, but the risk coefficient is also high, while the national political policy and economic development and other factors affect the real estate development investment projects. With the rapid development of China"s real estate industry in the past ten years, real estate project investment activities have increased year by year, the state introduced the policy, but also makes the real estate market unpredictable. Therefore, real estate investors will conduct a comprehensive financial evaluation of construction projects, so as to avoid blind investment behavior, so that investment is more rational.

This paper mainly combines the case analysis and normative analysis, and combines the theory and practice to analyze the real estate financial evaluation. Based on the data related to the financial evaluation of the real estate project, the actual financial evaluation was carried out on the construction project of the Baima 3 block in Jiangpu Street, Pukou District, Nanjing, and the financial evaluation theory was used to collect the data and combine the various financial evaluation reports.

Key words:real estate; financial analysis, financial evaluation

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一部分 全过程工作描述 1

第二部分 浦口区江浦街道白马3号地块建设项目财务评价研究 4

第一章 绪论 5

1.1 研究背景 5

1.2 研究意义 5

1.3 研究思路 5

1.4研究方法 6

第二章 项目的基本情况与投资销售方案 7

2.1 项目的概述 7

2.1.1规划指标 7

2.1.2周边配套设施 7

2.2 项目的投资方案 9

2.3 项目的销售方案 9

第三章 项目的建设规划和安排 10

3.1项目建设方案 10

3.1.1总体规划及总平面布置 10

3.1.2 规划目标 10

3.2 建设方式及进度安排 10

3.2.1建设工期 10

3.2.2进度计划 10

第四章 项目投资估算及资金筹措计划 12

4.1投资估算相关依据 12

4.2项目投资构成部分 12

4.3资金筹措计划 15

4.3.1借款还本付息计划 15

4.3.2工程建设进度及资金使用计划 15

4.4投资计划与资金筹措 15

4.5项目的成本分析 16

4.6贷款本金的偿还以及利息支付 17

第五章 销售收入测算 18

5.1 项目销售收入测算 18

5.2住宅及车位销售税金及附加估算 18

第六章 项目财务评价 20

6.1税费费率表 20

6.2土地增值税计算 20

6.3损益表 21

6.4资金来源与运用表 22

6.5项目总投资现金流量表 23

6.6项目资本金现金流量表 24

6.7资产负债表 25

第七章 不确定分析 26

7.1盈利能力分析 26

7.2清偿能力分析 26

7.3盈亏平衡分析 27

7.4敏感性分析 27

7.5综合评价 28

7.6评价结论 28

第八章 结论 29

第三部分 小议房地产投资风险规避 30

小议房地产投资风险规避 30

摘 要 30

1.房地产项目投资的固有特点 30

1.1资金需求多 30

1.2投入资金回收周期长 30

1.3流动性差 31

1.4受政策影响较大 31

1.5多种因素影响投资风险 31

1.6需要专业知识和丰富经验 31

2.房地产投资项目主要风险因素 31

2.1整体负债率较高,融资途径单一 31

2.2利率波动对成本及销售影响大 32

2.3生产周期铰长、管理难度大 32

3.房地产投资风险规避 32

致 谢 34

参考文献 35




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