
 2022-07-31 10:07


摘 要









With the development of urban high-rise buildings, subways and major municipal projects, deep foundation pit works more and more. Foundation pit engineering refers to the building infrastructure or other underground construction in the construction of the excavation, precipitation, support and soil reinforcement and other comprehensive projects.

Foundation pit engineering involves geotechnical, structural mechanics, reinforced concrete structure, in situ testing and other multi-disciplinary knowledge, is the development and utilization of underground space in a complex technology, comprehensive and strong geotechnical problems.

There are many types of foundation pit support structure, how to choose the appropriate support structure according to the actual needs and reasonably determine the parameters of the support structure is still a problem. The selection and optimization of the foundation pit support scheme is a work related to structural safety and engineering cost, and it is paid more and more attention by engineering and technical personnel. Through the optimization of the foundation pit support scheme, the optimal design scheme suitable for the project is selected from the many design schemes so that the foundation pit is safe, stable, economical and reasonable. Through the optimization of the program to reduce the cost of foundation pit engineering, both economic and social benefits. Through the optimization of the program, to protect the surrounding environment around the pit, bringing environmental benefits.

In this paper, through the comprehensive analysis of the underground garage project of NO.2016G08 engineering A plots, the concrete process of the design of the foundation pit support is introduced in detail. The main software is to use the computer software, and at the end of the calculation, to ensure the accuracy of the calculation and deepen the understanding of the design of the entire foundation pit.

Key words: foundation pit support;Li Zheng deep foundation pit.

目 录


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 5

1.1引言 5

1.2基坑支护领域发展现状 5

1.3本次毕业设计的主要内容 5

1.4选题缘由 5

第二章 基坑支护设计综合说明 7

2.1工程概况 7

2.1.1基本概况 7

2.1.2结构概况 7

2.1.3周边环境 7

2.2 工程地质、水文地质概况 8

2.2.1 工程地质概况 8

2.2.2 水文地质条件 10

2.3 基坑支护设计土层参数 11

2.4基坑支护结构设计依据 11

2.5基坑支护结构设计 12

2.5.1设计原则 12

2.5.2基坑工程安全等级 12

2.5.3基坑支护结构 13

2.5.4使用年限 13

2.5.5基坑支护结构设计计算 13

2.6设计结论 13

第三章 基坑支护设计计算书 15

3.1 1-1剖面基坑支护结构计算 15

3.2 2-2剖面基坑支护结构计算 31

3.3 3-3剖面基坑支护结构计算 47

第四章 施工规范及要求 65

4.1 建筑材料要求 65

4.1.1水泥材料要求 65

4.1.2砼材料要求 65

4.1.3钢筋及钢材料要求 65

4.1.4其它相关要求 65

4.2 施工要求 65

4.2.1支护结构施工顺序 65

4.2.2旋挖钻孔灌注桩施工要求 66

4.2.3钢筋工程施工要求 66

4.2.4支撑体系施工要求 67

4.2.5高压旋喷桩施工要求 68

4.2.6桩间挂网喷浆施工要求 68

4.2.7放坡施工要求 69

4.2.8降、排水施工要求 69

4.2.9雨季施工要求 70

4.2.10冬季施工要求 70

4.2.11安全防护及其它注意事项 71

4.2.12施工要点 71

4.3土方开挖要求 72

4.4质量检测要求 72

4.5应急措施 73

4.6基坑监测要求 73

4.6.1基坑监测内容 73

4.6.2监测要求 74

4.6.3基坑监测的控制要求 74

4.7其它 74

第五章 施工图概算 76

致谢 77

参考文献 78

附录 80










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