
 2022-06-20 11:06


摘 要





With the development and construction of underground space buildings such as subway tunnels and the construction of high and important buildings on waste sites, the construction is culminating. The detection of possible ground-based diseases, such as the construction of surrounding buildings and foundations of the original site, the burial depth and location of the foundation, buried pipelines underneath the building, soil erosion holes, water-rich areas, and contaminated areas, will become increasingly important.

Compared to drilling and exploration methods that can only survey a limited number of points, a non-destructive physical exploration method can detect the entire site or the surrounding area without damaging the building structure. In the physical exploration method, the geological radar method has become a good choice for application because of its advantages of convenience, speed, and accuracy. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the feasibility of the application of the Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) method in this field, the detection principle method, and the advantages and disadvantages.

This study introduces the principles, methods, and advantages of GPR, and introduces the analysis of measured patterns and engineering cases in engineering cases. In addition, forward modeling of GPR detection by GprMax software generates simulation patterns and analyzes underground pipelines. The forward simulations of ground-based patients, such as voids and pollution formed by pile foundations and soil erosion, and then compared with measured patterns, thereby confirming the accuracy of the forward modeling and further demonstrating that the GPR method used to detect existing buildings. The feasibility, accuracy and superiority of the identification of the underlying foundation and foundations.

KEY WORDS: GPR, foundation, base, numerical simulation


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 引言 1

1.1 主题提出背景 1

1.2 研究内容 1

第二章 地质雷达的工作原理 2

2.1 地质雷达概述 2

2.1.1 地质雷达的概念 2

2.1.2 地质雷达的发展历史 2

2.1.3 地质雷达仪器设备 2

2.1.4 地质雷达应用领域 2

2.1.5 地质雷达特点及优势 3

2.1.6 地质雷达现状及发展 3

2.2 地质雷达基本工作原理 3

2.2.1 地质雷达基本组成 3

2.2.2 探测原理 4

2.2.3 天线技术 5

2.2.4 探测的分辨率 6

2.2.5 测量方法 6

第三章 地质雷达探测数据的解释原理 8

3.1 概述 8

3.2 数据处理方法及步骤 8

3.2.1 数字滤波 9

3.2.2 反褶积 10

3.2.3 偏移 11

3.2.4 数值模拟 11

3.2.5 图像增强 12

3.3 地质雷达数据解译 12

3.3.1 引言 12

3.3.2 数据解译步骤 12

3.3.3 数据解译原理 13

第四章 影响探测的设备及介质因素 15

4.1 概述 15

4.2 电导率影响 15

4.3 介电常数影响 16

4.4 含水量的影响 17

4.5 工作频率影响 18

4.6 小结 18

第五章 工程实例分析 19

5.1 概述 19

5.2 典型问题及雷达剖面图示例 19

5.2.1 地基病害问题 19

5.2.2 桩基 20

5.2.3 地下管线 21

5.2.4 污染地下水 22

5.3 苏州市宝应县某商住楼基坑桩基分布探测 23

5.3.1 简述 23

5.3.2 探测成果 24

5.4 南京市某街道拆迁安置房某地块地库底板开裂区域探测 24

5.4.1 简述 24

5.4.2 探测成果 25

5.5 南京市某装饰城改建工程承台及桩基检测 26

5.5.1 简述 27

5.5.2 探测成果 27

5.6 小结 29

第六章 数值模拟 30

6.1 概述 30

6.2 时间域有限差分法(FDTD)及GprMax简介 30

6.3 对于地质及桩基等情况的数值模拟 30

6.3.1 不规则障碍物及富水区模拟 30

6.3.2 桩基 32

6.3.3 地下管线 33

6.3.4 地下污染区 34

6.3.5 地下空洞 35

6.4 小结 37

第七章 结论与展望 38

7.1 结论 38

7.2 展望 39

致谢 40

参考文献 41






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