
 2022-09-04 08:09


摘 要



本研究在建构主义方法论框架下,运用了NVivo 10质性分析软件,对微博2012年到2016年五年之间有关孝的事件的进行整理和分析,总结归纳出新媒体对孝文化的呈现机制和特点,同时对热门事件的评论进行内容分析,展示新媒体使用者对事件的不同态度和反应,剖析事件背后所隐藏的观念变迁研究发现。

不孝、不慈事件在新媒体中的曝光率和关注度不断上升,新媒体话语改变了传统社会重孝轻慈的道德伦理规范,显示出个体理性的膨胀和代际互惠逻辑的盛行。与此同时,新媒体加剧了现代社会的话语权的代际失衡,年轻一代成为新价值观的塑造者,老年群体则面临失语困境。尽管孝文化在维护家庭和社会稳定方面仍有意义积极,但其规范性权力逐渐式微。以新媒体为视角,重新审视孝文化在当代的价值及其内在秩序,展望孝文化在现代以及未来的发展途径具有重要的意义 。



Filial piety has been the core ethical concept and important ethical component of the Chinese nation from ancient times to the present. It has a role that can not be neglected in maintaining the intergenerational harmony between family members and the stability of marriage, even the stability of society.

   However, with the deepening of modernization, the emergence of new media brings varying degrees of impact to the traditional culture. The infiltration of information brought by new media has had a more profound impact on the construction of cognition and ideas. Based on the study of the reappearance of filial piety in the context of new media, this paper analyzes the new features of filial piety in the new media, and explores the construction of a new feature and the implied power Relationship, to analyze the evolution of modern family intergenerational trajectory.

  In the framework of constructivist methodology, this paper uses NVivo 10 qualitative analysis software to sort out and analyze the filial piety events between 2012 and 2016, and summarizes the presentation of new media to filial piety Mechanisms and characteristics, while the content of the comments on the hot events analysis, showing the new media users on the different attitude and response to the incident, the hidden behind the event hidden view of the study found.

  The new media discourse has changed the moral and ethical norms of the traditional society, and shows the prevalence of individual rational expansion and intergenerational reciprocity logic. At the same time, the new media exacerbated the contemporary society of the discourse of the intergenerational imbalance, the younger generation to become the new values ​​of the shaping, the elderly group is facing aphasia dilemma. Although filial piety is still active in maintaining family and social stability, its normative power is declining. With the perspective of new media, it is of great significance to revisit the value of filial piety culture in its contemporary and its inner order and to look forward to the development of filial piety in modern times and in the future.

KEY WORDS: media;the right to speak;filial;intergenerational change

目 录

第一章 绪论 1

1.1问题的提出 1

1.2文献综述 1

1.2.1孝观念的变迁与现状 2

1.2.2媒介的现实建构 3

1.2.3新媒体使用的代际差别 4

1.2.4新媒体的话语权现状 5

1.2.5总结 5

1.3研究理论及意义 6

第二章 研究设计 7

2.1研究思路 7

2.2事件报道的分析设计 7

2.3事件评论的分析设计 8

第三章 新媒体中事件的呈现与建构探究 9

3.1新媒体中事件的呈现 9

3.1.1有关孝的事件所占比重较多 9

3.1.2事件报道的数量在不断上升 10

3.1.3负面的事件引发更多讨论 10

3.2新媒体事件呈现的特点和机制 12

3.2.1孝道规制作用的减弱 12

3.2.2新媒体事件的缺位传播 12

3.2.3新媒体事件的错位传播 13

第四章 新媒体事件中评论的呈现 14

4.1负面事件的观念呈现 15

4.2事件评论的内容分析 18

4.2.1重孝轻慈传统的转变 18

4.2.2长辈亲代的失语状态 20

4.2.3代际关系之间的均衡逻辑及其建构机制 22

第五章 结论与讨论 25

5.1结论 25

5.2讨论 26

参考文献 27

致 谢 29


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