
 2022-04-24 11:04


摘 要




Since the two-child policy was fully implemented, a lot of families with one child are faced with the choice of having another child. From the proposal of fertility intention to the implementation of two-child fertility behavior, there is a series of consultation process between family members. Based on the interview data of a total of 11 families and 29 interviewees in Nanjing and Anshan, this paper describes the specific process of contemporary urban families when they make the decision of having a second child, and discusses the influence of social policies, nuclear family and intergenerational support on the willingness and behavior of having a second child. It is found that resources flow from top to bottom within the family, while the negotiation process between generations is from bottom to top. Chinese traditional family concept has been changing along with time change, couples of childbearing age, especially women of child-bearing age in family decision making power in rising, on the one hand, due to the rise of modern women's social and family, on the other hand, reflects the female employment security and social services such as children's nursery business development lags behind, the mother as the main carrier of birth two children with "victims", the major risks to bear the child, therefore, for reproductive decision-making more cautious. The second child will have an impact on the original family structure and member relationship. The pressure of urban families to raise two children further strengthens the Chinese tradition of intergenerational care. The new nuclear families show their long-term dependence on grandparents and limited independence.

KEY WORDS: Two-Child Policy, Family Fertility Decision, Fertility Intention, Female of Child-Bearing Age, Intergenerational Support

目 录

第一章 研究背景及意义 1

第二章 文献回顾 2

一、从生育意愿到生育行为 2

(一)生育意愿 2

(二)生育决策 3

二、育龄女性与就业影响 4

三、代际关系 5

四、当前研究不足 5

第三章 研究设计 7

一、研究方法及过程 7

二、受访者概况 7

三、研究局限 9

第四章 生育二孩的原因:时代变迁与生育观念转变 10

一、二孩生育的影响因素 10

(一)社会因素 10

(二)核心家庭因素 11

(三)代际因素 12

二、二孩生育的出发点 14

三、计划之外的二孩生育行为 16

第五章 二孩生育决策的协商过程:生育顾虑与解决方法 19

一、家庭A:育龄母亲话语权的扩大 19

二、家庭J:自下而上的协商过程 22

三、二孩生育对家庭内部的影响 25

第六章 结论与讨论 27

一、研究结论 27

二、政策建议 28

参考文献 31

致 谢 35

第一章 研究背景及意义

2013年至2015年,中国先后开始实行“单独二孩”与“全面二孩”生育政策。二孩政策的逐步放开能够起到改善中国人口的年龄结构、减缓老龄化进程、增加未来劳动力的作用。这种宏观政策的实现依赖于每一个家庭的具体生育行为。而近年的调查数据显示,中国家庭二孩的实际生育率远远低于官方预计数值。社会调查中人们的生育意愿与人们实际生育情况之间存在着较大差距,是因为生育过程要经过“生育意愿—生育抉择—生育计划—生育行为”这四个环节(Miller and Pasta,1995),其中,“生育抉择”是影响是否生育的关键环节。



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