
 2022-02-10 07:02


摘 要

我们的现实生活中采用增强现实(AR)技术地方无所不在,以提高我们的感知并帮助我们看到,听到,感受到我们的环境,给我们新的和丰富的生活方式。 AR会改善我们的各个领域,如教育,维修,设计和侦察。






We are on the verge of ubiquitously adopting Augmented Reality (AR) technologies to enhance our perceptionand help us see, hear, and feel our environments in new andenriched ways. AR will support us in fields such as education, maintenance, design and reconnaissance, to name but a few.

Augemented reality is divided into two sorts: Marker-based Augemented Reality and Marker-less Augemented Reality.This article is concerntrate on natural feature (marker-less) augemented reality’s realize,nor Marker-based augemented reality based on const feature. Marker-less AR is a technique that is based on recognition of objects that exist in the real world. A few examples of a target for marker-less AR are: magazine covers, company logos, toys, and so on. In general, any object that has enough descriptive and discriminative information regarding the rest of the scene can be a target for marker-less AR..

The main research of this article is to markerless augmented reality in opencv achieve, including several major steps: natural image feature extraction and natural features of image matching and rotation attitude calculation and last using opengl rendering texture. Marker-less AR systems can use real images and objects to position the camera in 3D space and present eye-catching effects on top of the real picture. The heart of the marker-less AR are image recognition and object detection algorithms. Unlike markers, whose shape and internal structure is fixed and known, real objects cannot be defined in such a way. Also, objects can have a complex shape and require modified pose estimation algorithms to find their correct 3D transformations.

KEYWORDS: Augmented reality, marker-less augmented reality, opencv, OpenGL, natural features, camera calibration..


摘要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 项目介绍 1

1.1.1 目标 1

1.1.2 研究背景与意义 1

1.2 增强现实技术国内外现状 2

1.2.1 增强现实简介 2

1.2.2 增强现实应用环境 3

1.2.3 国内研究动态 6

1.2.4 国外研究动态 6

1.3 本文研究内容和章节安排 7

第2章 图像特征提取与摄像机标定 9

2.1 特征提取算法 9

2.1.1 SIFT特征提取算法 9

2.1.2 SURF特征提取算法 11

2.1.3 ORB特征提取算法 14

2.2 现实自然特征的匹配 16

2.3 摄像机参数标定 17

2.3.1 坐标系描述 17

2.3.2 坐标变换映射 18

2.3.3 摄像机定标 19

2.4 本章小结 20

第3章 图像姿态变换和三维渲染 21

3.1 基本匹配方法 21

3.1.1 暴力匹配算法 21

3.1.2 KNN匹配算法 21

3.2 匹配点提纯 23

3.2.1 RANSAC提纯算法 23

3.2.2 匹配中异常值移除 23

3.3 图像姿态计算 24

3.3.1 透视变换 24

3.3.2 单应性矩阵 24

3.4 图像渲染 26

3.4.1 OPENGL简介 26

3.4.2 使用方法 26

3.5 本章小结 27

第4章 无标记的增强现实实现 28

4.1 系统环境与开发平台 28

4.2 系统流程与结构 28

4.3 系统展示与分析 30

4.3.1 摄像机标定过程 30

4.3.2 结果展示 31

4.3.3 算法比对 33

4.4 本章小结 33

第5章 总结与展望 34

5.1 全文总结 34

5.2 工作展望 34

参考文献 36

致谢 38







为此,注重虚实融合的(Augmented Reality)增强现实技术则迎着时代的大潮流呼之欲出。与着重于为使用者构造一个完全虚拟空间的虚拟现实技术不同的是,增强现实技术强调将计算机生成的虚拟信息准确地融合到真实的场景中去,由此实现虚拟信息和真实环境的同时展现,进而达成对真实环境的补充和增强[1]。两者间关系如图1-1所示:


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