
 2022-01-22 11:01


摘 要



关键词:Android绘图软件、Android Studio、手机。

Graphics Editing Software Development Based On Android System


With the popularity of smart mobile phone, the development of mobile phones are getting into a new field with the advent of Android system. Some of the world famous mobile equipment manufacturers shows more and more enthusiasm for development of Android smartphone. Android operating system as an open source operating system, for its rich hardware selection and development of universal has become the biggest mobile phone operating system.

In this paper, the design task is to develop the graphics editing software development based on android system. There are a lot of graphics editing software on PC platform. This graduation project is a use of the Android platform is similar to the "drawing" image editing software. Firstly, knowing the subject background exactly, we talk about the history of android development and its framework, analyze the characteristics and future trends. Then we introduce the development tools for android and the way establish the developing platform for android. Then the specific software development process which was from demand analysis such as users' requirements, performance requirements to project approachment was expoundsed. On this basis,we get the general design direction and ideas. In the fourth chapter system design we discuss the implementation of those design ideas specifically, achieving the layout of interface, programming the function modules. Finally it's the debugging process of software and the final package signature process. To finish the whole design, the effect of software implementation was also described.

KEYWORDS: Android graphics editing software、Android Studio、Phone.


摘要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 项目背景 1

1.2 课题目标及意义 1

1.3 平台优势 1

1.3.1 移动平台优势 1

1.3.2 Android平台优势 2

1.4 安卓应用程序介绍 2

1.4.1 Android组件 2

1.4.2 Android程序的配置文件 3

第2章 需求分析 5

2.1 用户需求 5

2.2 设计功能 5

2.3 功能需求 5

2.4 性能需求 6

第3章 安卓开发平台的创建 7

3.1 搭建开发平台 7

3.1.1 安装JDK 7

3.1.2 安装Android Studio 9

3.2 Android工程的创建 10

第4章 系统设计与实现 14

4.1 界面布局 14

4.1.1 布局形式介绍 14

4.1.2 界面设计 14

4.1.3 其他注意事项 16

4.2 框架设计 16

4.2.1 SurfaceView类开发框架 16

4.2.2 多线程图形绘制模块 17

4.3 模块化设计 20

4.3.1 图形模块 20

4.3.2 工具模块 22

4.3.3 工具池模块 27

4.4 基本操作流程 28

4.5 图形组合功能 29

4.5.2 开始组合 30

4.5.3 组合后移动实现 30

4.6 基于KeyValue的内存优化 30

4.6.1 内存溢出的问题 30

4.6.2 Android内存处理机制 31

4.6.3 内存优化 31

4.7 复制与粘贴图形 32

4.7.1 深复制与浅复制区别 32

4.7.2 深复制实现方法 32

第5章 软件测试 34

5.1 模拟器测试 34

5.2 真机测试 37

5.2.1 运行环境 37

5.2.2 开始测试 37

5.3 本章小结 41

第6章 总结与展望 42

6.1 完成工作 42

6.2 不足之处 42

6.3 心得体会 43

参考文献 44

致谢 46



2007年11月5日,Google公司宣布了基于Linux平台的开源操作系统Android,其主要用于移动设备。推出至今以来,Android系统因其免费、开源等的优势逐渐占领市场份额。市场分析机构Strategy Analytics公布了2014年第二季度智能手机操作系统全球分布情况。报告显示,目前Android操作系统的全球市场份额已达84.6%(有史以来最高比重),而iOS、WP等系统占比均有所下滑[1]





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