
 2022-01-17 11:01


目 录

1.绪论 1

1.1 选题的目的和意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.3 本文的主要研究内容 1

2.基于图流形排序 4

2.1 流形排序 4

2.2 显著性测量 5

3.图形构建 5

4.两阶段显著性检测 7

4.1 背景查询排序 7

4.2 基于前景查询排序的显著性 8

4.3 算法改进 10

4.3.1 BU模型 10

4.3.2 字典构建 10

4.3.3 TD模型 11

4.3.4 加强 12

4.3.5 通过全局和局部提示来得出最终显著图 13

5.实验结果 13

5.1 MSRA-1000 14

5.2 运行 15

6.总结 15

参考文献 16

致谢 19




Abstract:Most of the currently known bottom-up methods measure the foreground significance of a pixel or region based on its local context or contrast within the entire image,There are only a few ways to focus on segmenting the background area and thus highlighting the objects to be displayed.The contrast between salient objects and surrounding regions is not considered in this paper, but the foreground and background clues are considered in different ways.We sort image elements by comparing the similarity between image elements (pixels or regions) and foreground clues or background cues by using the method of graph manifold sorting. The significance of image elements is defined by comparing the correlation between image elements and a given seed or query.At the same time, the image is represented as a closed loop graph with super pixel as the node. In order to sort these nodes, we need to use the correlation matrix and compare the degree to which the nodes are similar to the foreground and background.In order to extract background area and foreground salient object effectively, significance detection is carried out by two-stage scheme.However, the algorithm of this paper also has some shortcomings, we also put forward some improvement measures, that is, using manifold sorting algorithm and dictionary construction method, using the foreground and background information of the image to obtain the final salient map twice before and after.Finally, the experimental results on a large benchmark database show that the proposed method has good performance in accuracy and speed.

Key words:salient object detection;super pixel;graph manifold ranking.







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