
 2022-11-27 02:11


摘 要




The Realization Of Energy Consumption Data Collector Based On STM32


With the rapid development of society today, people’s living standards are constantly improving, but with the continuous improvement of living standards, energy consumption is also increasing, so in order to change this status quo, it is necessary to design a device that can detect energy consumption. Only by collecting energy consumption data and analyzing it can we understand the specific energy consumption. A device that collects energy in the core part of the entire device. How to effectively collect and analyze on.site energy consumption data through the device is of great significance to the realization of energy saving and consumption reduction. Therefore, according to the design requirements, combined with the functional realization principle of the energy consumption collector, this paper designs a device for detecting energy consumption.energy consumption monitoring data collector.

First, analyze the data of the energy consumption collectors, and then analyze the parameters of the collectors based on the data of these collectors. Then according to the design requirements, determine the modules required for the design of the energy consumption collector. The modules mainly include a step.down module, a current and voltage acquisition module, and an LCD module. After the module is determined, it is to design the circuit of the energy consumption collector, including the single.chip circuit, the step.down circuit, the voltage and current acquisition circuit, the relay circuit, etc., and the LCD module circuit. Then there is the design of the collector program, that is, the writing of the STM32 single.chip microcomputer program. Now we consider the design of ADC module, delay module, LED module, timer module, LCD module and so on. The purpose of LCD module design is to allow users to read the data of the energy consumption collector. Finally, test the functions of the data collector according to requirements. Finally, analyze whether the energy consumption collector achieves the expected design goal according to the test results.

Key words:STM32F103VET6;LCD module;data collection;Test;operating system.


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 引言 1

1.1研究背景及意义 1

1.2 数据采集器的国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1 国外研究现状 2

1.2.2 国内研究现状 2

1.3 论文的主要结构及安排 3

第二章 能耗数据采集器的总体设计 4

2.1建筑能耗检测系统简介 4

2.2能耗数据采集器的设计需求 4

2.2.1 能耗采集器的功能需求 4

2.2.2 能耗采集器的性能需求 4

2.3 能耗数据采集器的总体设计 5

2.3.1 能耗采集器的电路模块组成 5

2.3.2 嵌入式微处理器的选择 5

2.3.3能耗数据采集器的接口选择 6

2.3.4嵌入式操作系统的选择 6

第三章 能耗数据采集器的硬件设计 7

3.1微控制芯片的选择 7

3.2微控制器外围电路设计 7

3.2.1复位电路及置位开关电路的设计 7

3.2.2 TV、TA.1005.1M交流电压电流互感器模块电路设计 7

3.2.3启动电路的设计 8

3.2.4 LCD1602液晶显示模块电路设计 9

3.3 电源电路设计 10

3.3.1 5V 工作电压电路设计 10

3.3.2 3.3V 工作电压电路设计 11

3.4 硬件的抗干扰设计 11

3.5 本章小结 12

第四章 能耗监测数据采集器的系统软件设计 13

4.1能耗数据采集器的软件环境简介 13

4.1.1 软件的选择 13

4.1.2 编程语言的选择 13

4.1.3 单片机开发环境的选择 13

4.1.4 程序烧录软件的选择 14

4.1.5 CH340串口烧写模块介绍 14

4.1.6 CH340串口烧写模块特点 14

4.1.7 CH340串口烧写引脚说明 15

4.1.8 CH340烧写模块的接线图 15

4.2 能耗数据采集器的系统软件设计 15

4.3 系统软件设计过程 16

4.3.1 LED模块的设计 16

4.3.2 ADC模块设计 17

4.3.3定时器模块的设计 18

4.3.4 LCD模块的设计 19

4.3.5 Main程序设计 20

第五章 DL/T645通信协议分析 22

5.1 与单片机通信的实现方法 22

5.2 DL/T645协议的简介 23

5.3 DL/T645数据格式 23

5.4 DL/T645通信协议的解析 24

第六章 采集仪表数据程序的设计 27

6.1 STM32C8T6串口配置 27

6.2 采集仪表数据的具体程序设计 27

第七章 能耗数据采集器的软硬件测试 30

7.1 数据采集器的硬件测试 30

7.2 数据采集器配置软件的测试 30

7.3 能耗采集器的联调测试 32

致谢 33

参考文献 34

附录一 实物图 35

附录二 硬软件联调成功的效果图 36

附录三 电路图 37


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