
 2022-10-08 10:10


摘 要




Lidar Navigation Mobile Robot Based on ROS


Continuously improving technology has brought convenience in various aspects to our lives, and robots are one of them. So far, more and more industries have gradually applied robots to the industry, and robots have gradually entered people's lives. Among them, real-time positioning and navigation are more and more popular research directions in the topic of robots. The popularization of robots and the improvement of various debugging platforms have also opened up a stage for independent research for contemporary college students.This project mainly studies the real-time positioning of robots and the navigation function of the figure, uses the Raspberry Pi equipped with Ubuntu system as the core board, collects environmental data through lidar, and then uses the codes and tools in the ROS meta operating system to realize the main control of the underlying chassis The STM32F405 is controlled by the board to realize the movement and obstacle avoidance of the robot. At the same time, the Gmapping and Amcl algorithms are used for real-time positioning and mapping, so as to realize the positioning, navigation and mapping functions of the mobile robot.

Keywords: Robot;Ubuntu; Lidar;ROS;Navigation;Building Map

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 引 言 1

1.1选题背景和意义 1

1.2主要设计任务和功能 1

1.2.1主要任务 1

1.2.2机器人功能 2

第二章 系统设计 3

2.1整体框架设计 3

2.1.1设计思路 3

2.1.2工作流程 4

2.2机器人选型 5

2.2.1 ROS机器人主控板 5

2.2.2底层控制板 6

2.2.3底盘控制器 6

2.2.4 IMU姿态传感器 7

2.2.5 LG激光雷达 8

2.2.6直流电机和编码器 8

2.3机器人的软件环境 9

2.3.1 Keil 9

2.3.2 Ubuntu Mate 10

2.3.3 ROS Kinect 10

2.3.4 RVIZ三维可视化工具 10

第三章 系统环境搭建与通信机制 11

3.1下位机设计 11

3.1.1机器人运动模型的选取 11

3.1.2机器人运动学正解 11

3.1.3底盘控制器 12

3.1.4电机控制和PID参数整定 12

3.2上位机设计 13

3.2.1树莓派上安装Ubuntu Mate 13

3.2.2树莓派上搭载ROS 13

3.2.3树莓派和Ubuntu主机的连接 14

3.3下位机与上位机之间的通信 14

3.3.1通信内容和原理 14

3.3.2 STM32的串口通信 15

3.3.3 ROS串口通信 16

第四章 导航算法的设计与实现 17

4.1 ROS的通信机制 17

4.2机器人TF转换和TF树 17

4.3激光雷达节点 19

4.4机器人导航框架 20

第五章 调试与结果 21

5.1 Gmapping定位算法 21

5.2 Amcl定位算法 22

5.3遇到的问题和解决方案 24

5.3.1 Windows电脑安装双系统之后无法进入Windows 24

5.3.2激光雷达包问题 24

5.3.3激光雷达自视问题 25

第六章 结束语 26

致 谢 27

参考文献(References) 28

第一章 引 言




ROS(Robot Operating System),机器人操作系统,实际上是一个专门针对机器人软件开发而设计的通信框架,目前已经有10年的历史。现在的ROS发展十分迅速,也有很多商用机器人也开始基于ROS来进行开发。


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