
 2022-07-14 02:07


摘 要






Image semantics is the key content of machine understanding of scene information. It is an important aspect of artificial intelligence. Related research—from focusing on RGB color and texture features to additional depth geometric structure features, from focusing on outdoor scenes to the study of indoor scenes—is continuously developing. In this paper, a semantic segmentation algorithm of indoor scenes based on RGB-D images is proposed. Mainly from the following three steps to carry out the study. The first step is to preprocess the depth image. Analyze the depth information and structure features of the image, and then extract the geometric features. In the second step, the image segmentation is completed. The watershed algorithm is used to segment the image first, and then the training decision tree is used to iteratively merge the over-segmented regions. What’s more, the extracted geometric features are used as additional information to improve the segmentation effect. The third step is to implement semantic annotation. Extract features from the segmentation regions of the image, and then train the neural network to construct a multi-class Softmax regression for feature classification.

At the same time, the key steps of the algorithm are optimized. In image segmentation, a hierarchical segmentation method called segmentation tree is used to improve the efficiency and accuracy of the result. In image semantic annotation, synthesizing both features extracted manually and SIFT feature descriptors extracted automatically by machines, the number and types of features are increased to achieve better labeling. What’s more, the method of dictionary learning is used for the sparse representation of the extracted features. Because of the dimension compression, the time complexity of the algorithm is reduced.

Experiments on the published NYU indoor scenes dataset shows that the algorithm can achieve better segmentation and semantic annotation effects. By comparing the effects of RGB features and depth features on the results, the effectiveness of depth information is proved. It also shows the importance of feature selection.

KEY WORDS: RGB-D image, indoor scene, semantic annotation, classifier training

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 课题研究背景与现实意义 1

1.2 课题国内外研究现状 2

1.3 论文主要内容与结构安排 5

1.3.1 论文主要内容 5

1.3.2 论文结构安排 5

第二章 深度图像处理及特征提取 7

2.1 室内场景图像信息分析 7

2.1.1 室内场景图像的深度信息 7

2.1.2 室内场景的结构特点分析 7

2.1.3 室内场景图像的数据来源 8

2.2 深度图像预处理 8

2.2.1 深度图像空洞修复 8

2.2.2 深度图像导向滤波 10

2.3 校正空间坐标 10

2.3.1 计算室内场景表面法线 11

2.3.2 获得主要正交方向的候选方向 11

2.3.3 提取三个主要正交方向 12

2.3.4 计算坐标变换矩阵 12

2.4 提取和合并平面 12

2.4.1 提取局部平面 12

2.4.2 合并主要平面 13

2.5 实验结果与分析 13

2.6 本章小结 16

第三章 融合深度信息的图像分割 17

3.1 融合深度信息的分水岭算法过分割 18

3.1.1 分水岭算法过分割 18

3.1.2 融合深度信息优化 18

3.2 训练决策树改进过分割 18

3.2.1 特征提取 19

3.2.2 分割树分层分割 19

3.2.3 决策树分类器训练 20

3.2.4 Adaboost算法改进 20

3.3 图像分割结果与评价 21

3.4 本章小结 26

第四章 融合深度信息的图像语义标注 28

4.1 室内场景结构分类 28

4.2 特征提取及优化 28

4.2.1 语义特征提取 29

4.2.2 SIFT特征描述子提取 29

4.2.3 稀疏表示压缩特征 31

4.3 训练多分类逻辑回归器 31

4.3.1 逻辑回归分类器 32

4.3.2 神经网络结构 32

4.3.3 神经网络训练 34

4.3.4 神经网络超参数选择 35

4.4 语义标注结果与评价 35

4.5 本章小结 37

第五章 总结与展望 39

5.1 论文工作总结 39

5.2 论文工作展望 39

致 谢 41

参考文献 42






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