
 2022-05-04 08:05


摘 要





Since the beginning of the 21st century, with the development of the third industrial revolution, industrial production has brought about tremendous changes. In particular, the development of intelligent robots has greatly promoted the tremendous changes in industry. As smart robots get closer to life, various service robots are born. The sweeping robot began to enter the home, instead of doing manual cleaning of the home. From the advent of the first sweeping robot to the present, the related technology of sweeping robots has been relatively mature. There are a variety of sweeping robots on the market. However, the controller interface of the sweeping robot is generally not open to the user, and cannot be satisfied by the needs of users with special requirements. This paper designs a smart sweeping robot controller with a user interface to complete the basic functions of the sweeping robot controller. The main work of this is:

Design a hardware controller for the sweeping robot and make it into a PCB board. The STM32F103RCT6 is selected as the MCU of the system. The IR2104S chip and the N-MOS tube are used to drive the motor with the H-bridge, and the STM32 timer output PWM is used to control the motor rotation speed and direction. The JQ8400-FL ultrasonic ranging is used, and the STM32 timer jump capture is used to read the ranging result. Use the serial port to control the voice broadcast module and broadcast the system information. Finally, the STM32IO port is taken out and the user interface is left to facilitate secondary development.

KEY WORDS: Sweeping robot, STM32, motor drive, ultrasonic sensing

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.2 国内外发展现状 1

1.3 本文内容及章节安排 3

第二章 扫地机器人硬件电路的设计与实现 4

2.1 扫地机器人控制器的需求分析 4

2.2 系统硬件方案 5

2.2.1 处理器的选型 5

2.2.2 测距模块的选型 7

2.2.3 语音播报模块的选型 7

2.3 系统软件方案 7

第三章 扫地机器人硬件电路设计 8

3.1 处理器的周围电路设计 8

3.2 运动控制电路设计 11

3.2.1 直流电机驱动原理 11

3.2.2 直流电动机的驱动电路设计 12

3.2.3 扫地机器人的运动控制 14

3.3 电源模块电路 14

3.4 传感模块 14

3.4.1 超声波测距传感器的基本信息 14

3.4.2 超声波测距模块的工作原理 15

3.5 语音播报模块 16

3.6 SD卡储存模块 17

3.7 PCB板的设计 19

3.7.1 原理图设计 19

3.7.2 防干扰去噪设计 20

3.7.3 PCB板的设计 22

第四章 扫地机器人硬件驱动及测试软件 24

4.1 MDK5简介 24

4.2 STM32固件库 24

4.3 STM32系统架构 25

4.4 STM32时钟系统 26

4.4.1 STM32时钟 26

4.4.2 系统时钟的选择和转换 27

4.5 运动控制软件设计 27

4.6 传感系统软件设计 28

4.7 语音播报模块软件设计 30

第五章 扫地机器人硬件功能测试 32

5.1 概述 32

5.2 运动控制测试 34

5.3 测距模块测试 34

5.4 语音播报模块测试 35

第六章 总结和展望 36

6.1 工作总结 36

6.2 未来展望 36

参考文献 37

致 谢 39






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